State of Mid-Atlantic Labs

All labs are just borrowing Quest and LabCorp client list. If these two labs wanted to put everyone else out of business they could. Not in their best interest to do this though. Anti-trust would come into play. In two years there will be regional labs only with the big 2 as national labs. Maybe 3-4 regional labs to compete with big 2. Everyone else will be out of business!

What’s more anti-trust than LC & Q buying everyone for the last decade? It’s ridiculous. The FTC put a halt to LC buying BIO their NY/NJ business due to anti-trust. How many more smaller labs have to go under before the FTC realizes this is a straight case of anti-trust? What’s laughable is the state of insurance companies. They give their policy-holders “out of network benefits” but as soon as the practitioner uses a lab they’re comfortable with, they threaten to boot them from the network for sending patients to Out of network labs! How is that not illegal? That’s exactly how United, BC/BS, Aetna, Cigna operate. It’s totally illegal. Or at least it should be. It makes it impossible for smaller labs to exist and no one says a thing.
So labs should just close? Labs are fighting to stay alive. It is not about just the owners but the people they employ. Some lab owners actually care about their employees (some not so much). Those labs are fighting for survival and will only give up when the lights are turned off for non-payment of electric bill. Yes it is bad, but saying there is denial is just not true. Every lab knows business is way down, but they are fighting. Saying they should just close is why you are not an owner and just a loser rep!

In the NY/NJ market, one of the problems in lab, and pharma btw, is death of the sole practitioner. They’re all joining groups or hospital groups. There are simply fewer offices to call on. Thanks to diminishing reimbursements, rising costs, more and more practitioners are deciding to work for hospitals or join other practitioners. This turns 4 accounts into 1. Or in the case of a practitioner who moves into a hospital group, he’s lost to the private lab completely. And this is a trend that will not stop. Q and LC are also struggling. It’s an industry wide issue especially for sales rep in this field. Pharma and Lab reps are not earning what they earned a decade ago and things aren’t going to change. Tenured Q and LC reps are lying if they claim to earn more than their contemporaries since 2014.

Something to keep in mind if you’re a rep in either field. If you’re looking to earn more, it’s not going to happen. Check for compensation plans at both these companies over the last 10 years. Or any lab/phamra in the last 10 years.
If you’re selling in a large city like NYC, you will find out Q/LC are universally despised. Smaller labs can exist there without an issue. But the days of raking in the dough are gone. They’re going to have to exist on volume. Huge challenge up ahead.

Enzo and Lenco have sold. It’s harder and harder for the labs to profit the way they did a decade ago. NYS is especially tough to exist in due to compliance. Greed is a powerful thing and unfortunately leads to ruin.
Interesting, that goes back to the point about who works for these labs. Shocking? No. Disappointing? To an extent.

This practice only exists thanks to illegal agreements insurance companies have with laboratories which obligate practitioners to send only to their labs. Insurance companies threaten practitioners by forcing them not to send to out of network labs, despite giving patients out of network benefits, or risk being kicked out of the plan. All to placate BC/BS, Aetna, United, Cigna, etc.

How isn’t this criminal?
This practice only exists thanks to illegal agreements insurance companies have with laboratories which obligate practitioners to send only to their labs. Insurance companies threaten practitioners by forcing them not to send to out of network labs, despite giving patients out of network benefits, or risk being kicked out of the plan. All to placate BC/BS, Aetna, United, Cigna, etc.

How isn’t this criminal?
You’d be shocked to know how people around this forum don’t see this as criminal, they think it’s all going to be fine in the end.
You’d be shocked to know how people around this forum don’t see this as criminal, they think it’s all going to be fine in the end.
The criminals are going to deny it, and as are the ones getting a little “salary”. Everyone knows what is. Labs haven’t recovered.

Think of some forums as a comical film.