State of Mid-Atlantic Labs

It is all useless. NJ Comptroller, DOJ, IRS and others have all taken their shots at NJ labs like Ammon, MedScreen, SDX, etc. They fine them and get millions back, but the labs are still around. All these labs do illegal things like: reflex every drug screen to 2 confirms a month regardless of +/-, kickback money to clients, give FT collectors in office for 10 tests a day and have that collector perform work for client, bill Medicare for Methadone patients even though it is no allowed, and the worst one is getting clients to order 8-10 drug screens a month regardless of medical necessity and then paying off client to do it. It is all hopeless. The Comptroller is useless in finding the real crimes. They audited TT, but never connected TT violated AKS by paying for client's staff to go to CEU courses in Las Vegas. That is a blatant kickback and criminal. Every sample from that client now becomes fraudulent. They should have reported this to the DOJ and filed criminal charges against all owners like they did with EL and RDX. Nothing will ever change until the auditors figure out little billing issues are nothing, but kickback crimes are huge. These labs are like cockroaches- very difficult to kill!
It is all useless. NJ Comptroller, DOJ, IRS and others have all taken their shots at NJ labs like Ammon, MedScreen, SDX, etc. They fine them and get millions back, but the labs are still around. All these labs do illegal things like: reflex every drug screen to 2 confirms a month regardless of +/-, kickback money to clients, give FT collectors in office for 10 tests a day and have that collector perform work for client, bill Medicare for Methadone patients even though it is no allowed, and the worst one is getting clients to order 8-10 drug screens a month regardless of medical necessity and then paying off client to do it. It is all hopeless. The Comptroller is useless in finding the real crimes. They audited TT, but never connected TT violated AKS by paying for client's staff to go to CEU courses in Las Vegas. That is a blatant kickback and criminal. Every sample from that client now becomes fraudulent. They should have reported this to the DOJ and filed criminal charges against all owners like they did with EL and RDX. Nothing will ever change until the auditors figure out little billing issues are nothing, but kickback crimes are huge. These labs are like cockroaches- very difficult to kill!
They’re still around, but at what cost?
Rumors circulating: multiple NJ labs are for sale or merging with other labs. SDX already sold to Mako so they are out. Any other potential news on the horizon? Something has to drop soon. All these labs are in serious financial trouble and with maybe 12 months before they are out of business!
Rumors circulating: multiple NJ labs are for sale or merging with other labs. SDX already sold to Mako so they are out. Any other potential news on the horizon? Something has to drop soon. All these labs are in serious financial trouble and with maybe 12 months before they are out of business!

Forget labs selling. Rumors flying a new round of audits are coming for all the labs not currently under audit. This will be the final nail in the coffin for all these tox labs!
Forget labs selling. Rumors flying a new round of audits are coming for all the labs not currently under audit. This will be the final nail in the coffin for all these tox labs!
We’ve all been on the topic of them all being finally nailed, but is this really going to be just that? It seems like these labs have survived somehow, even though we all know they should’ve been closed.
Any news of the labs as the year closes in?
Clarity, Ammon, Atlantic and MedScreen all hanging in. SDX owned by Mako is doing great. Xeron supposedly in trouble. Centers going down. Acculab thriving in LTC market. Lincoln for sale. Accu-Reference ok- spread out in 20+ States. 2025 will be a difficult year for all small labs. LCA & Q forcing insurers to narrow lab networks to get lower pricing. LCA doing hospital deals all over NJ will force Hospital owned BH/SUD to use LCA. More BH/SUD will sell to Hospitals because they are struggling too, so this will be a double whammy to small labs. NJ BH/SUD being pushed to Medicaid MCO's will hurt once they bundle the labs. Time is ticking. More cuts will coming in NJ (see below link). I suspect more audits from Comptroller to claw back money. It is going to be tough for any lab to survive past mid-year 2026, if they can even get there. Multiple labs are expanding to other States, but those States will be cutting back as well. Colorado and other Mid-West States are paying well now, but once all these labs start abusing the system cuts will come. Heard Maryland is thinking of putting BH/SUD into managed care as well. UTI, GI, Nail & Wound PCR testing was good in 2024, but more insurers no longer paying and others want pre-authorization. Recession will hit in 2025 no matter what Trump does. Biden and Dem run States left huge deficits, higher costs and lower reimbursements. Get out while you can!

Facing budget gap, Gov. Murphy seeks reduced spending and a limit on new hiring • New Jersey Monitor
What is going on with Ammon Labs? Their CLIA and CAP certification no longer shows up in searches. I heard they may be transitioning to another company but DBA as Ammon. Also a rumor they are merging with another lab. Any news is helpful as I was applying for a job but need more information.
What is going on with Ammon Labs? Their CLIA and CAP certification no longer shows up in searches. I heard they may be transitioning to another company but DBA as Ammon. Also a rumor they are merging with another lab. Any news is helpful as I was applying for a job but need more information.
Ammon CLIA back now. Why did Ammon's CLIA Certificate effective month change from August to December? CLIA never changes months of certificate unless you lose you CLIA. Just another mystery in the ongoing saga of "What did Ammon do now?"
What is going on with Ammon Labs? Their CLIA and CAP certification no longer shows up in searches. I heard they may be transitioning to another company but DBA as Ammon. Also a rumor they are merging with another lab. Any news is helpful as I was applying for a job but need more information.
The question is what are they not doing? If you’re seeking a serious job, look elsewhere, Ammon might not be your best choice.
The question is what are they not doing? If you’re seeking a serious job, look elsewhere, Ammon might not be your best choice.
If it is true the CLIA has a different date, they must have had an issue that is now solved. My question is if they did lose their CLIA and it was not made retroactive, then any billings to Medicare or Medicaid over this time period are fraudulent. NJ Medicaid never checks updated CLIA's but providers should. Ammon could have some serious compliance issues if their CLIA was suspended.
If it is true the CLIA has a different date, they must have had an issue that is now solved. My question is if they did lose their CLIA and it was not made retroactive, then any billings to Medicare or Medicaid over this time period are fraudulent. NJ Medicaid never checks updated CLIA's but providers should. Ammon could have some serious compliance issues if their CLIA was suspended.
Is this not going to be a major issue again for them? They’ve been in constant issues in the past few years.
How are any of these establishments functioning? Ammon has forever tried to state they’re as great as they once were. Other lab forums don’t have nearly as much “hope”.

What is the next step, acceptance or falsehood?
About to get very noisy! Read Ammon thread on main page. New Ammon reps from TT are causing a stir at NJ Comptroller office. Remember the 2 reps Ammon hired still have issues from TT audit. That has not been settled even though TT sold. NJ Comptroller has personal liens against the 2 reps. Additionally news will be coming in a few months from DOJ/HRSA, Medicare and Medicaid on multiple labs. What labs? Not sure. But rumors are circulating on labs in Warren, NJ; Clarity, Lyndhurst, NJ and Clifton, NJ. The sh*t is about to hit the fan!
Those two are known frauds, Ammon’s intelligent CEO and employees believe they’ll do wonders for business. Ignorance is a disease.
How are any of these establishments functioning? Ammon has forever tried to state they’re as great as they once were. Other lab forums don’t have nearly as much “hope”.

What is the next step, acceptance or falsehood?
Other employees at other labs are aware of the messy industry or left in the dark.

Ammon employees and the overlords there are aware of the circumstances and have vehemently deny any wrong doings, they choose to ignore it for clear reasons. Everyone knows what is, it is simple.
What is going on with Ammon Labs? Their CLIA and CAP certification no longer shows up in searches. I heard they may be transitioning to another company but DBA as Ammon. Also a rumor they are merging with another lab. Any news is helpful as I was applying for a job but need more information.
Why consider applying for Ammon? Have you taken a look at the site’s various crap show postings from their diligent employees.

You will be left with little to nothing, consider another place if you’re serious about developing your career and making solid money.
Ammon is crushing it! Expansion into multiple states- GA, IL, CO, to name a few. Heard they are purchasing multiple labs, Possible new proprietary testing on the horizon. New insurance contracts. Bankruptcy did Ammon good! They reduced debt, still own building and now are the fastest growing small lab in NJ! EH & SH are geniuses!