Sotyktu floundering

funny but that might be an exaggeration !

But if Andy was fired for incompetence and he won pinnacle that doesn’t look good for others especially Pete who finished last, 2nd to Andy

I bet Andy fired him over Novartis managers failing us in the launch and Carlos wasn’t looking at the sales numbers of the reps under Andy

It cannot be about performance. This has to be about covering up misbehavior of reps and DMs. Andy is not the nice guy that everyone thinks he is. He has been two faced to many reps and leadership. He has failed to address numerous issues in the West and look out for his cronies. It came to bite him. I hate to see anyone lose their job but you cannot align yourself with liars and cheats and not expect it to catch up with you. I don’t think the clean up is finished in the West.

It cannot be about performance. This has to be about covering up misbehavior of reps and DMs. Andy is not the nice guy that everyone thinks he is. He has been two faced to many reps and leadership. He has failed to address numerous issues in the West and look out for his cronies. It came to bite him. I hate to see anyone lose their job but you cannot align yourself with liars and cheats and not expect it to catch up with you. I don’t think the clean up is finished in the West.

Andy looked out for his people. We all do. That isn’t a big deal. His performance was fine. He was winning. But firing a guy before he goes to Paris after all of his hard work is insane.

Andy looked out for his people. We all do. That isn’t a big deal. His performance was fine. He was winning. But firing a guy before he goes to Paris after all of his hard work is insane.
We fired Conner with Zeposia and he finished #1. We paid him out for Paris instead. He would not adhere to the cult mentality. We need people who prioritize activity, not performance.

Andy looked out for his people. We all do. That isn’t a big deal. His performance was fine. He was winning. But firing a guy before he goes to Paris after all of his hard work is insane.

okay failing novartis manager, you’re too funny! His performance was fine?!! So the launch was a big success huh? And thanks to winning Andy?

what hard work? He’s winning cause he won Paris by his numbers making him first of two guys ? Winning cause his numbers were better than the other lazy narcissist from Novartis, Pete ?

what’s insane is in the first place spending all this money to send this guy to Paris when the drug is struggling. Andy should have been fired a year ago and never should have been awarded pinnacle.

As managers and leaders, Andy and Pete’s performance must be measured by How well the drug is performing overall. They must be held accountable for where we are and for hiring all these other failing Novartis managers.

You say looking out for lazy failing managers is okay? Okay Looking out for managers and reps Andy hired not based on skill? For people who did zero to little work for a year before Carlos got here and then said let’s now pretend to work hard so Carlos doesn’t hold us accountable?

it’s okay for Andy to be corrupt and lazy and to cover up for others being corrupt and lazy ?

Sorry, but I respectfully disagree

It’s only a matter of time before Peter gets shown the door now. How can Jackson cut Andy but not Pete???

well that’s all depends on why Andy was fired. If Andy was fired for corruption, then Pete doesn’t get fired. If Andy got fired as part of a restructure to try to save the drug, removing leadership and managers who oversaw the launch and failed us, then yes, Pete goes soon, as does a lot of those managers they hired from Novartis and helped tank the launch, and you remove layers of fat not helping sell the drug, like the dals.

So the next month will be interesting. Let’s see if they are serious about a restructure and the likes of Pete and Cory and Ammon and Erin and Jennifer are shown the door,

if it’s just Andy who goes then leadership deserves praise for showing integrity and removing corrupt poison. But it will unfortunately tell us we are beyond repair and leadership knows we cannot save this drug.

im hearing from a lot co workers shocked over Andy’s removal. But he should have been removed long ago

well that’s all depends on why Andy was fired. If Andy was fired for corruption, then Pete doesn’t get fired. If Andy got fired as part of a restructure to try to save the drug, removing leadership and managers who oversaw the launch and failed us, then yes, Pete goes soon, as does a lot of those managers they hired from Novartis and helped tank the launch, and you remove layers of fat not helping sell the drug, like the dals.

So the next month will be interesting. Let’s see if they are serious about a restructure and the likes of Pete and Cory and Ammon and Erin and Jennifer are shown the door,

if it’s just Andy who goes then leadership deserves praise for showing integrity and removing corrupt poison. But it will unfortunately tell us we are beyond repair and leadership knows we cannot save this drug.

im hearing from a lot co workers shocked over Andy’s removal. But he should have been removed long ago

that all makes sense, but remember some managers debated whether the other managers were accurate in determining that Jennifer belonged on that list of bad managers with Andy and the others. I for one suspect some of the other managers just don’t like her because she’s an aggressive female.

well that’s all depends on why Andy was fired. If Andy was fired for corruption, then Pete doesn’t get fired. If Andy got fired as part of a restructure to try to save the drug, removing leadership and managers who oversaw the launch and failed us, then yes, Pete goes soon, as does a lot of those managers they hired from Novartis and helped tank the launch, and you remove layers of fat not helping sell the drug, like the dals.

So the next month will be interesting. Let’s see if they are serious about a restructure and the likes of Pete and Cory and Ammon and Erin and Jennifer are shown the door,

if it’s just Andy who goes then leadership deserves praise for showing integrity and removing corrupt poison. But it will unfortunately tell us we are beyond repair and leadership knows we cannot save this drug.

im hearing from a lot co workers shocked over Andy’s removal. But he should have been removed long ago

Don’t forget the overlays, what a waste of money that is, just bad all around as it encourages lack of accountability, you can’t determine who is doing what in a territory when you have overlays

Andy looked out for his people. We all do. That isn’t a big deal. His performance was fine. He was winning. But firing a guy before he goes to Paris after all of his hard work is insane.

Don’t cry for Andy not getting a free trip to Paris, with bms spending a ton of money on partying, while the drug continues to struggle so badly

rest assured for anyone of you who feels bad for this incompetent, lazy, narcissist failing Novartis manager, he will soon land on his feet, getting hired at another pharma company

it’s like when school principals and priests do bad and they just get moved to another location. This industry is corrupt and ripe with narcissists who rarely get held accountable for their actions

Andy will pop up soon at another pharma company who will hire him based on his on paper stellar resume

and the status quo remains

Don’t cry for Andy not getting a free trip to Paris, with bms spending a ton of money on partying, while the drug continues to struggle so badly

rest assured for anyone of you who feels bad for this incompetent, lazy, narcissist failing Novartis manager, he will soon land on his feet, getting hired at another pharma company

it’s like when school principals and priests do bad and they just get moved to another location. This industry is corrupt and ripe with narcissists who rarely get held accountable for their actions

Andy will pop up soon at another pharma company who will hire him based on his on paper stellar resume

and the status quo remains

He was interviewed today and said that mean old bully Carlos wanted him gone. Yeah buddy. Sure.

In my humble opinion, it's time to make more cuts. I truly believe that getting rid of the nonsense like AI, overlays, APPs and some of the worthless MSLs is the way to start. Implementing ye olde 80/20 rule and stop wasting time on no sees. Focus on the ones that find value in the drug and grow from there. Derms are the most fickle bunch there is and they love watching us scramble to try and win their 1 or 2 scripts. Most could care less about PASI scores or that their patients have to take 2 pills vs 1 or that they spend most of the day in the bathroom from APR. They just want to get back to watching Tik Tok or shopping for Maseratis and complaining that Medicare has cut their reimbursements. They went in to dermatology because it's easy, they don't want to do labs or take calls.

Why did Andy get fired ? Anyone know what seen down ?

is this a one off or will we soon hear more ?

Bad performance as evidenced by the unsuccessful launch made andy vulnerable, but it was not sufficient by itself as leadership is not ready to do the whole restructure that is necessary for long term survival of the drug

thus Pete and the other failing Novartis managers are still imbedded here for now

what put it over the top and got Andy booted was the lack of professional integrity combined with the bad attitude

Bad performance as evidenced by the unsuccessful launch made andy vulnerable, but it was not sufficient by itself as leadership is not ready to do the whole restructure that is necessary for long term survival of the drug

thus Pete and the other failing Novartis managers are still imbedded here for now

what put it over the top and got Andy booted was the lack of professional integrity combined with the bad attitude

But the problem with just removing Andy is you now have all his bitter members of the galderma Novartis crowd talking smack about steven Jackson and Carlos

they are lying about why Andy was let go and talking a whole lot about about Steven Jackson

I guess the best we can hope for now at bms is for Andy to pull the wool over the eyes of yet another company, slide right over there to wreak havoc over the poor unsuspecting souls, as he brings a lot of his likewise incompetent bad attitude minions with him over there