Sotyktu floundering

Whoever is posting that it’s all Amgen’s fault, that they are so mean, etc., is an idiot

82 pages in this thread and there has not been a single post blaming Amgen

so, your sarcasm and mockery springs from your idiocy, you are mocking a non existent post

nice try, though

bitch moans on every board....GFY Amgen Troll

40% still just around corner....LFG!!!!!

We fail not because of Amgen, we have failed because of poor leadership across the dermatology higher ups. Oh wait they are all from Novartis. Shocker! Mark my words people are about to start giving notice and the shit show of BMS immunology will go down as one of biggest flops in Pharma history.

I am preparing a diss track for my manager and RBD. Just wait.

Karen, for the love of Christ, we are on page 82 of this thread, can you please specify why leadership from Novartis is too blame and not the drug itself...i repeat we are on page 82 and still no details.. just more blanket Karen statements...

We fail not because of Amgen, we have failed because of poor leadership across the dermatology higher ups. Oh wait they are all from Novartis. Shocker! Mark my words people are about to start giving notice and the shit show of BMS immunology will go down as one of biggest flops in Pharma history.

Which territories have had a TAS leave recently? I’ve heard whispers people have left, but haven’t tracked down which territories. Perhaps the rankings in Javelin will be updated with “vacant” next to a few…

Karen, for the love of Christ, we are on page 82 of this thread, can you please specify why leadership from Novartis is too blame and not the drug itself...i repeat we are on page 82 and still no details.. just more blanket Karen statements...

failed Novartis manager, you have posted this about 20 times and about 20 times people posted specifics as to why managers and leadership from Novartis failed us

For the 1000x time, our strategy was bad. That's on leadership.

Our strategy was to bad mouth Otezla. Docs love Otezla. They know what it is. They don't care that it doesn't work that well. They love the safety and wedge between topicals and needles. Yet we bad mouthed it pre launch and continue today.

I just had a speaker program last week. The speaker did her job, but I took a tally count and she said Otezla more times than she did Sotyktu.

We fouled this up.

Now we can blame the market, Covid, mean Amgen, Skyrizi, PBMs, Specialty Pharmacies - anyone we want to deflect blame, but when we lay our heads down at night, deep down, we know we screwed the pooch with this one.

Too bad. It's over now. We lost 24 month. By the time we get rolling, there will be more significant orals around that Otezla.

BTW, those guys are miserable as well. I talk to them regularly and evidently they have some micro managing she devil in charge who doesn't care about anything except faking all the measurement and she is beating the shit out of them. Telling them they don't know how to do anything right and only she can save them.

The least of our worries are those arrogant bastards. Our issues are 90% internal and 10% the market, or at least what's coming.

Why do companies insist on evening having district managers anymore? They don’t sell. Most have never been professionally trained to teach selling skills and tactics. They’re a drain on the budget with salary, benefits, bonus, travel expenses etc.

Karen, for the love of Christ, we are on page 82 of this thread, can you please specify why leadership from Novartis is too blame and not the drug itself...i repeat we are on page 82 and still no details.. just more blanket Karen statements...

A strong manager would figure out a work around and coach his or her people. My former manager would create spread sheets showing providers that may have hidden potential. It was helpful. We don’t have that here.

If leadership doesn’t matter then why are they here?

For the 1000x time, our strategy was bad. That's on leadership.

Our strategy was to bad mouth Otezla. Docs love Otezla. They know what it is. They don't care that it doesn't work that well. They love the safety and wedge between topicals and needles. Yet we bad mouthed it pre launch and continue today.

I just had a speaker program last week. The speaker did her job, but I took a tally count and she said Otezla more times than she did Sotyktu.

We fouled this up.

Now we can blame the market, Covid, mean Amgen, Skyrizi, PBMs, Specialty Pharmacies - anyone we want to deflect blame, but when we lay our heads down at night, deep down, we know we screwed the pooch with this one.

Too bad. It's over now. We lost 24 month. By the time we get rolling, there will be more significant orals around that Otezla.

BTW, those guys are miserable as well. I talk to them regularly and evidently they have some micro managing she devil in charge who doesn't care about anything except faking all the measurement and she is beating the shit out of them. Telling them they don't know how to do anything right and only she can save them.

The least of our worries are those arrogant bastards. Our issues are 90% internal and 10% the market, or at least what's coming.

What is her name? Because I might know who you are talking about? If it’s who I think it is… good luck. She is a hellish nightmare.

A strong manager would figure out a work around and coach his or her people. My former manager would create spread sheets showing providers that may have hidden potential. It was helpful. We don’t have that here.

If leadership doesn’t matter then why are they here?
Your former manager or all of the managers? Most field managers have limited data extrapolation skills. That’s why we have analytics teams. Why can’t you do the spreadsheet for your territory or help your colleagues with theirs’? Territory analysis is also your responsibility, not just your manager’s.

If sales reps can’t manage their territories and sell, then why are they here?