Sotyktu floundering

But the problem with just removing Andy is you now have all his bitter members of the galderma Novartis crowd talking smack about steven Jackson and Carlos

they are lying about why Andy was let go and talking a whole lot about about Steven Jackson

I guess the best we can hope for now at bms is for Andy to pull the wool over the eyes of yet another company, slide right over there to wreak havoc over the poor unsuspecting souls, as he brings a lot of his likewise incompetent bad attitude minions with him over there

yup that’s the best case scenario that another company is foolish enough to hire Andy despite him being fired, and he brings a lot of the poison minions he spread here over to that company. He can start with the managers voted the worst by other managers.

should I feel guilty for wishing some other company is incompetent enough to hire him? LFG!!!!

yup that’s the best case scenario that another company is foolish enough to hire Andy despite him being fired, and he brings a lot of the poison minions he spread here over to that company. He can start with the managers voted the worst by other managers.

should I feel guilty for wishing some other company is incompetent enough to hire him? LFG!!!!

I don’t know what’s funnier:
1. Co-workers telling me that they don’t think Andy was fired only based on performance, because he won presidents club - when he won that because it was a contest of just two people! (It’s a joke to give out such an award and spend all that money on such a contest that Andy won by his numbers randomly by luck being better than Pete’s.)


2. People posting here that Andy will get hired by another company after he got fired here for lack of professional integrity on top of his mistakes in doing the Launch of this drug. Would leadership at another company really be that stupid and hire a guy with red flags galore ? Now that would would be super funny if they hire him!

In my humble opinion, it's time to make more cuts. I truly believe that getting rid of the nonsense like AI, overlays, APPs and some of the worthless MSLs is the way to start. Implementing ye olde 80/20 rule and stop wasting time on no sees. Focus on the ones that find value in the drug and grow from there. Derms are the most fickle bunch there is and they love watching us scramble to try and win their 1 or 2 scripts. Most could care less about PASI scores or that their patients have to take 2 pills vs 1 or that they spend most of the day in the bathroom from APR. They just want to get back to watching Tik Tok or shopping for Maseratis and complaining that Medicare has cut their reimbursements. They went in to dermatology because it's easy, they don't want to do labs or take calls.

It is time.

well that’s all depends on why Andy was fired. If Andy was fired for corruption, then Pete doesn’t get fired. If Andy got fired as part of a restructure to try to save the drug, removing leadership and managers who oversaw the launch and failed us, then yes, Pete goes soon, as does a lot of those managers they hired from Novartis and helped tank the launch, and you remove layers of fat not helping sell the drug, like the dals.

So the next month will be interesting. Let’s see if they are serious about a restructure and the likes of Pete and Cory and Ammon and Erin and Jennifer are shown the door,

if it’s just Andy who goes then leadership deserves praise for showing integrity and removing corrupt poison. But it will unfortunately tell us we are beyond repair and leadership knows we cannot save this drug.

im hearing from a lot co workers shocked over Andy’s removal. But he should have been removed long ago

I heard two of Andy’s minion managers here saying Andy got fired cause Steven Jackson and Carlos just didn’t like him personally !!

give me a break, they wouldn’t fire just because they don’t like you.

They fired Andy because he got caught

But interesting to hear the lies they tell

It is time.

Break out the cleaver!
Cut RMK’s
Cut TAS overlays,
Cut DAL’s,
Cut half the MSL’s,
Cut half of the iARM’s.
Cut back on speaker programming budget

Then put a cap on the monthly lunch and learn budget.

Lastly, and most importantly, come to grips and accept this is a niche drug with a specific patient type and own it. There you will find success.

Dirk Diggler

Break out the cleaver!
Cut RMK’s
Cut TAS overlays,
Cut DAL’s,
Cut half the MSL’s,
Cut half of the iARM’s.
Cut back on speaker programming budget

Then put a cap on the monthly lunch and learn budget.

Lastly, and most importantly, come to grips and accept this is a niche drug with a specific patient type and own it. There you will find success.

Dirk Diggler

This would actually work. Also cut middle management. Go back to the year we launched and look at coaching reports. If there were less than 3 per rep in a year… fire them. They weren’t working.

This would actually work. Also cut middle management. Go back to the year we launched and look at coaching reports. If there were less than 3 per rep in a year… fire them. They weren’t working.

He stayed for 30 years annoying his coworkers and regularly underperforming. Never had the guts to actually address the so-called issues while employed.

Break out the cleaver!
Cut RMK’s
Cut TAS overlays,
Cut DAL’s,
Cut half the MSL’s,
Cut half of the iARM’s.
Cut back on speaker programming budget

Then put a cap on the monthly lunch and learn budget.

Lastly, and most importantly, come to grips and accept this is a niche drug with a specific patient type and own it. There you will find success.

Dirk Diggler


Man…I remember hearing that phrase “pipeline in a pill” quite a bit during my interviews with my hiring manager, and then again in Boca Raton during the launch meeting.

Pipeline sure has dried up since then, eh! They’ve shut down research in more indications than they’ve kept alive! Two years later I guess the proper phase is “pipe dream in a pill” HA!

how high were our higher ups when they set goals that ridicoulosly high?? No way on God's good green earth anyone, yes anyone and everyone will reach these expecations for the rest of the year..who signs off on this BS??

Man…I remember hearing that phrase “pipeline in a pill” quite a bit during my interviews with my hiring manager, and then again in Boca Raton during the launch meeting.

Pipeline sure has dried up since then, eh! They’ve shut down research in more indications than they’ve kept alive! Two years later I guess the proper phase is “pipe dream in a pill” HA!

“Pipe dream in a pill”!!!

Get ready for Summer Slash 2024. Where people lose their shit, their minds, and their jobs. If you are not looking you are not smart.

Exactly. The smart reps will leave asap. The fools will stay and brag about their one good quarter not realizing it is about the entire half of the year. I almost feel sorry for the reps that keep saying that they are investing in this product. We are Zeposia 2.0. Steven Jackson seems to have potential to help but honestly the derms have spoken. Unless we demand usage through formulary we are dead meat.

how high were our higher ups when they set goals that ridicoulosly high?? No way on God's good green earth anyone, yes anyone and everyone will reach these expecations for the rest of the year..who signs off on this BS??

Those that forecasted did not know the market, study the market, nor do their due diligence. They failed us, our division, and BMS worldwide.