Sotyktu floundering

It’s very simple all of our leaders started in topical dermatology, which is driven by relationships and taking Dr out to dinner. Then they moved to Novartis Which was a little bit more clinical, But the relationships were still important since there were 27 other pso drugs.
now you bring in a real drug, albeit it with safety challenges, And you can’t figure out why it’s not doing well. Well, let’s see it’s not a me too acne product And you can’t take Dr out to dinner anymore. That’s it end of story end the post. Just move onto something else. This product is a joke, and this whole thread is a joke.

It’s very simple all of our leaders started in topical dermatology, which is driven by relationships and taking Dr out to dinner. Then they moved to Novartis Which was a little bit more clinical, But the relationships were still important since there were 27 other pso drugs.
now you bring in a real drug, albeit it with safety challenges, And you can’t figure out why it’s not doing well. Well, let’s see it’s not a me too acne product And you can’t take Dr out to dinner anymore. That’s it end of story end the post. Just move onto something else. This product is a joke, and this whole thread is a joke.

Allow people to vent. That is the entire problem here. We aren't allowed to speak up. We have been told by our esteemed managers to "just keep your head down." That isn't going to help anything and some of us are speaking up because we actually want to work here and would like to see the product do well.

Allow people to vent. That is the entire problem here. We aren't allowed to speak up. We have been told by our esteemed managers to "just keep your head down." That isn't going to help anything and some of us are speaking up because we actually want to work here and would like to see the product do well.


keep speaking up everybody !

you’re anonymously commenting on a message board

nothing will change

good luck !

true but leadership is reading this thread
Carlos said he was
And bad leaders/managers have been posting in response to being called out with the truth

You’re right things won’t change cause corruption and incompetence run deep

Doesn’t mean you should just shut up like they want you to do

true but leadership is reading this thread
Carlos said he was
And bad leaders/managers have been posting in response to being called out with the truth

You’re right things won’t change cause corruption and incompetence run deep

Doesn’t mean you should just shut up like they want you to do
this site has been around for over 20 years, and the reps are still complaining about the same things, but yes, don’t change what has always been done to get different results

this site has been around for over 20 years, and the reps are still complaining about the same things, but yes, don’t change what has always been done to get different results

Valid but at the same time, the unusual transparency and truth telling on this pharma board is well-timed given the lack of transparency and lack of ethics at this company

I for one am appreciating that. Like many employees i usually look at these postings once a month or even once a year. But this thread has struck a chord. I’m often hearing from others, “omg did you read cafe pharma?

I’ve also never seen managers posting so often, I think it’s usually mostly reps?

this one is different

Valid but at the same time, the unusual transparency and truth telling on this pharma board is well-timed given the lack of transparency and lack of ethics at this company

I for one am appreciating that. Like many employees i usually look at these postings once a month or even once a year. But this thread has struck a chord. I’m often hearing from others, “omg did you read cafe pharma?

I’ve also never seen managers posting so often, I think it’s usually mostly reps?

this one is different

I can get behind that

I have been suspecting that one of the bad managers who was called out is the one who keeps posting about impregnating someone in the Walmart parking lot, to try to distract people from the substance being posted here.

That's fine. But I'd put Ammon higher, I've known him since his Novartis days, all I'd ever see him focus on was hitting on females at conferences, does no actual work, a real douche bag, not bright at all.

Erin is a real piece of work, how in the world does anyone think she's qualified to be a manager?

andy has zero personality, zero charisma, and he's as lazy as the rest of them.

Jen another awful person. She's not dumb, just a bad person. Pete is just there, doesn't do anything to contribute to the company.

I don't know how any of these managers got hired as managers in the first place.

Is it one of these bad actors ? Or someone who hasn’t been called out yet ?