Am not actually - just a rep trying to understand what I don’t seem to see. I’ve not met anyone as mad as you, literally ever in my time here and I’m trying to get it. Just because someone comes on here asking questions respectfully doesn’t mean I’m trying to spy. Don’t you think the people who are actually monitoring this - have the incentive to not say anything and simply let the conversion continue?

If you aren’t going to answer the question, at least say you won’t and stop wasting my time. You are just dropping anti corporate comments and it’s actually irritating me that you only comment the same thing over and over and seemingly with no reasoning other than it appears you don’t like corporate.

So you are just a rep huh? Ridiculous. Most reps are leaving because it’s a sinking ship. Treace made promises of income to good reps from large ortho cos to get them to come over. It was a lie,

Can you explain why you feel like the sales force is getting F’d? Simply having the salary get cut isn’t what you mean right?. The salary *can* be generous, so if you say you could never make up the differences, is that because you cannot or because you won’t?

Secondly, unless you were like the 10th employee - the territory splits have occured for a long time, and they are pretty upfront with how and why they do this. It’s not like you didn’t know that could happen.

That salary cutting happens in most med device unless you are a specialist position of sorts or have a capital/robotics position.
Not one person has mentioned anything about salary cuts! Get a clue!

Am not actually - just a rep trying to understand what I don’t seem to see. I’ve not met anyone as mad as you, literally ever in my time here and I’m trying to get it. Just because someone comes on here asking questions respectfully doesn’t mean I’m trying to spy. Don’t you think the people who are actually monitoring this - have the incentive to not say anything and simply let the conversion continue?

If you aren’t going to answer the question, at least say you won’t and stop wasting my time. You are just dropping anti corporate comments and it’s actually irritating me that you only comment the same thing over and over and seemingly with no reasoning other than it appears you don’t like corporate.
If this isn’t corp it’s DK, he just loves corporate to the core. This company brought in more than 100 reps under the promise of a smaller bag but larger earnings, the only promise kept was the small bag. Biggest mistake of my career! Territories being split is one thing, under normal intelligent business decisions when a territory grows too big you split it, however Treace split cities and regardless of past performance, there are countless markets that weren’t performing well enough to support one rep, yet the Treace split it anyway and added 2,3,4 reps. Then let’s discuss corporates decision to go into MIS, what a bumble, now they half hearted enter the MTP market, Treace it wasn’t a lack of a plate that was the issue for MTP, it’s the lack of a system. Thats why Laiplasty and Adductoplasty are so successful, because of a guided system.

So yeah I believe we reps have a lot of damn good reasons to be upset with Corp and not one of them has to do with Salary, it’s about the lack of opportunity!

Still not him, as I am still the complete opposite gender, but thank you for finally answering the questions. I can completely understand that. I feel that same way sometimes, and sometimes I don’t. It’s hard to know what’s the right move sometimes. I’m not sure it’s better anywhere else.

This company has fucked over more reps than you can count. If you doubt, poll the masses. Meaning the masses that have left

More false promises than I’ve ever seen. AB is a complete idiot driving things into the ground.

What company loses 61% of their market value? This is unprecedented in this industry. Oh yeah and let’s sue Stryker to save face in front of investors. Please.

The absolute worst mistake I made in my ortho career. It’s disgusting.
Is for me as well, I went from a thriving high earning territory, to trying to figure out who to see that day, since my territory was reduced to 45 docs, and really only 25 are surgical, how many different ways can I get the non users to tell me to F off. So demotivated it’s disgusting! I use to have a strong relationship with all my residency programs and now since I’m not working with docs involved with them the programs no longer know me. My strength and stature in the territory has been crippled!

This is a very extreme board. Half saying awful. Half saying they will make it work. I guess we shall see how it changes over the next year or two. However - they have been some dramatic improvement the last few weeks…

This is a very extreme board. Half saying awful. Half saying they will make it work. I guess we shall see how it changes over the next year or two. However - they have been some dramatic improvement the last few weeks…
Next year or so?? How new are you to Treace and/or medical device sales?! I love your optimistic pure soul LMFAO!

I love the idea of just seeing how things will go when your income depends on it. Oh and when the shit hits the fan you and everyone else will be looking for a job at the same time. That’ll help your chances. Idiot

I love the idea of just seeing how things will go when your income depends on it. Oh and when the shit hits the fan you and everyone else will be looking for a job at the same time. That’ll help your chances. Idiot

Just leave, that way you and your horrible attitude can get at the front of the job line.

Life is too short to be so angry all the time - make a change, do something.

Why would I share that with you - you are literally the enemy - whomever has my back above I appreciate you. And agree - the fact you come to complain about a company that sounds like they laid you off or fired you for carrying two lines when you could be out there actually making money is actually sad. And what’s even more sad is the worst insult you can come up with is STFU or something like that. Actually offend me if you want to change my mind. You sound like all those people who make political posts after the election and then think it’ll change anyone’s mind by adding it to a relatively unused form of social media. Treace literally watches this form - I’m confident of that. And I’m confident in them - no need to listen to your crap.