Am not actually - just a rep trying to understand what I don’t seem to see. I’ve not met anyone as mad as you, literally ever in my time here and I’m trying to get it. Just because someone comes on here asking questions respectfully doesn’t mean I’m trying to spy. Don’t you think the people who are actually monitoring this - have the incentive to not say anything and simply let the conversion continue?
If you aren’t going to answer the question, at least say you won’t and stop wasting my time. You are just dropping anti corporate comments and it’s actually irritating me that you only comment the same thing over and over and seemingly with no reasoning other than it appears you don’t like corporate.
If you aren’t going to answer the question, at least say you won’t and stop wasting my time. You are just dropping anti corporate comments and it’s actually irritating me that you only comment the same thing over and over and seemingly with no reasoning other than it appears you don’t like corporate.