Well now lookie here - now who wants info now. Well I’m pulling an uno reverse on you. Not telling - guess you’ll have to find out in the OR some day.

And whomever has my back above - thank you. And agree if your this mad at Treace, please leave, we are better off without that.

Why would I share that with you - you are literally the enemy - whomever has my back above I appreciate you. And agree - the fact you come to complain about a company that sounds like they laid you off or fired you for carrying two lines when you could be out there actually making money is actually sad. And what’s even more sad is the worst insult you can come up with is STFU or something like that. Actually offend me if you want to change my mind. You sound like all those people who make political posts after the election and then think it’ll change anyone’s mind by adding it to a relatively unused form of social media. Treace literally watches this form - I’m confident of that. And I’m confident in them - no need to listen to your crap.
But you’re on here everyday looking for reassurance….who are you trying to convince, us or yourself?!?! Clown!

Damn right it doesn’t exist. All these new products are “Me Too” products that have been out for almost 10yrs already and surgeons already have the relationships with companies that have been doing MIS, hammertoe, MTPs….there’s nothing new!

Well now lookie here - now who wants info now. Well I’m pulling an uno reverse on you. Not telling - guess you’ll have to find out in the OR some day.

And whomever has my back above - thank you. And agree if your this mad at Treace, please leave, we are better off without that.
You’re a fucking idiot. Wake up. No one has your back fool. Especially Treace. Ypu
Make me sick. Have more koolaide and wait for the implosion

Treace is making bad hires, EG - zero execution, GG - talks well, zero impact in the space. Treace is hiring in the wrong people in the wrong verticals in the business, continuing to leave the business exposed. Culture is broken all the way around and he is blind to what needs to be fixed.