The ivory tower graced us with a 30 minute conference call today.

  1. Have the CEO read a letter from a patient, so people can see he still works here and that he can pretend to care about patients as long as that patients prior-auth was approved.
  2. Don’t discuss retroactive change to the rebate card.
  3. Don’t discuss turnover amongst the sales force.
  4. Don’t discuss firing a sales director AFTER recruiting their replacement.
  5. Don’t discuss SFM being despised by the sales force.
  6. Don’t discuss the salesforce being checked out.
  7. Don’t give any updates on roadblocks we have yet to address, i.e. DCR process, speaker program registration, lack of any substantive marketing materials, incompetent market access team, etc.
  8. Have AM shout out top performers even though his hiring of SFM is responsible for why they’ve already left or are getting ready to leave
  9. Recognize those that sold their soul for stock with a reading of their name, beverage & chocolates.
  10. Have a Q&A, but be assured not a single question will be asked because the entire company is checked out and no longer cares.

It's deeply concerning that executive management is prioritizing identifying the authors of these posts over addressing the serious issues raised. Instead of acknowledging the feedback or seeking improvements, they're choosing to silence employees. This narcissistic behavior demonstrates a complete disregard for employee concerns.

SFM's recent actions are another glaring example of this toxic culture. How can she justify her treatment of MP after positioning herself as a champion of coaching and development? It's clear she's more focused on building her own team than supporting existing talent. It's likely we won't hear from SFM in regard to MP, mirroring the company's pattern of avoiding transparency. Given the company's history of delayed communication, I wouldn't be surprised if I discovered I was fired retroactively.
I concur. In our organization, only a few people truly cared for us, the company, the product, and the patients, and MP was among them.

The ivory tower graced us with a 30 minute conference call today.

  1. Have the CEO read a letter from a patient, so people can see he still works here and that he can pretend to care about patients as long as that patients prior-auth was approved.
  2. Don’t discuss retroactive change to the rebate card.
  3. Don’t discuss turnover amongst the sales force.
  4. Don’t discuss firing a sales director AFTER recruiting their replacement.
  5. Don’t discuss SFM being despised by the sales force.
  6. Don’t discuss the salesforce being checked out.
  7. Don’t give any updates on roadblocks we have yet to address, i.e. DCR process, speaker program registration, lack of any substantive marketing materials, incompetent market access team, etc.
  8. Have AM shout out top performers even though his hiring of SFM is responsible for why they’ve already left or are getting ready to leave
  9. Recognize those that sold their soul for stock with a reading of their name, beverage & chocolates.
  10. Have a Q&A, but be assured not a single question will be asked because the entire company is checked out and no longer cares.
I wish Brady would never hold another teams call!

SFM has a personality trait characterized by excessive self-love, self-importance, and a lack of empathy for others. She has an inflated sense of her own abilities and achievements, and she obviously craves admiration and attention. However, the bigger evil is AM proving like attracts like. They will leave Axsome unrecognizable to those that helped get this company off the ground. The firing of MP has served its intended purpose, letting directors as well as managers know that SFM & AM will not tolerate anything but unquestionable loyality. Get on board with metrics, get on board with profitability at any cost or get out. Everyone is in their eyes easily replaceable!

SFM has a personality trait characterized by excessive self-love, self-importance, and a lack of empathy for others. She has an inflated sense of her own abilities and achievements, and she obviously craves admiration and attention. However, the bigger evil is AM proving like attracts like. They will leave Axsome unrecognizable to those that helped get this company off the ground. The firing of MP has served its intended purpose, letting directors as well as managers know that SFM & AM will not tolerate anything but unquestionable loyality. Get on board with metrics, get on board with profitability at any cost or get out. Everyone is in their eyes easily replaceable!
Jesus, is this your first day working in pharma?

Give it a rest buddy. How do you think each wave of people having been laid off from this douchebag corp have felt? Pick yourself up and move on. Yes, she sucks. But dude. Get ahold of yourself.

I, for one, could care less about how mean and evil upper management has been. If you’ve been let go, and you’re in the “know,” let’s hear more about these whistleblowers. We all know something has always been off since we were onboarded here, and corporate is obviously up to no good, but ffs someone stand up and give us the details please. What’s going on behind closed doors?

I, for one, could care less about how mean and evil upper management has been. If you’ve been let go, and you’re in the “know,” let’s hear more about these whistleblowers. We all know something has always been off since we were onboarded here, and corporate is obviously up to no good, but ffs someone stand up and give us the details please. What’s going on behind closed doors?
Said trolling day trader

Said trolling day trader
Wrong. Said former employee who asked too many questions and got let go. Apparently I was sniffing up the right tree. Things are bs at Axsome, and enough people keep alluding to it in this thread. I was on to something. Somebody who’s still there knows what’s really going on. So spill the beans

Every pharma company is ultimately a joke. This one is just so transparently so, with its combining of cheap generics they try to sell for thousands, combined with the dirty tricks at the specialty pharma level. Not necessarily new to the industry, just bold. You know what you are doing getting into pharma, but this company even gives me the ick.

Good question. Although, a better question may be “how many reps have been fired who had a specialty pharmacy in their geography?” My money is on zero. PhilRx came into fruition because the specialty pharmacy scheme being exposed.
That’s where the class action law suit should come in.

I am anxiously awaiting info. on a class action lawsuit because I think its Coming.

To clarify, Axsome has a history of legal issues, with SG successfully suing the company for wrongful termination. This precedent should serve as a clear warning for MG and HM about the potential legal risks they're creating. MP also has grounds for a lawsuit given the circumstances of his departure.

The recruitment of JV during MP's tenure was highly unethical. When JV was moved to the federal side at Abbvie it was celebrated by his TN team, highlighting a toxic work environment he created. His management style, characterized by a forced turnover quota under the direction of SFM, is well-documented. Employees in the Northeast should reach out to JV's former TN reps for firsthand accounts of his behavior. HM should conduct a thorough background check on JV before officially bringing him on board to avoid further legal complications.
Please do tell which law firm SG is using to sue the company for wrongful termination. We need to find an Erin Brockovitch to get the ball rolling.

I, for one, could care less about how mean and evil upper management has been. If you’ve been let go, and you’re in the “know,” let’s hear more about these whistleblowers. We all know something has always been off since we were onboarded here, and corporate is obviously up to no good, but ffs someone stand up and give us the details please. What’s going on behind closed doors?