Sanofi Contract?

Has anyone heard any updates regarding the, now, Q3 car distribution?
Last communication we heard was cars in q3.. Wondering what the rest of you have heard?

Haven't heard anything. My thoughts are they are going to wait and see if Toujeo (U300) gains FDA approval before anything with the fleet is decided. If it's not approved, there may obviously be layoffs or contract may be terminated. I hope I'm wrong and they give us what we were promised in Q1 in Q3, however don't get your hopes up.

I was told it's a 4 year contract that just started...interviews starting but the start date may be December. What have you heard?

the contract is for lantus. It is a year old already so it is only a 3 year contract now. They are vague on vacation, salary and cars. If you do not have to, I would not take this position. I have been on since the start of the contract and there still are no company cars. They are vague on our bonus' and when they will arrive. We do not get the same vacation as Sanofi but have to take those days off from our own vacation days.
again, if you do not need to take the position. . . DON'T

Agree with above posters. No one is happy. Everything is vague. Vacation is pathetic, must take 1 of our weeks during sanofi time off between Xmas and new year. No cars.

Agree with above posters. No one is happy. Everything is vague. Vacation is pathetic, must take 1 of our weeks during sanofi time off between Xmas and new year. No cars.

Zip-o on good pay is BIG, zero on car is BIG, poof on bonus expectations is BIG, work till you drop vacation policy is BIG!

These jobs go to the reps who are newbies, we known them as the without much on the resume crowd!

Mediocre contract and now, no car yet? That's a major drawback on taking any rep job. That $650 is meager. Other companies have better car polices if no car is given. Rep takes in over 1000 a month back on the costs.

4year contract.Car in early 2014.Car allowance 650.00.Salary based on exp.

650 is low in the industry. They are not looking at wear of the car. Had a contract where the monthly car check was over 1K. Hope they also don't expect you to have a gas card pay back on the 650. This is a another blow if it is. Cheap company if they do not give you a car. How bad are the benefits?

I believe this is the MANKIND contract. Mankind just had it inhalent diabetes drug approved last month, and has just announced today that they will be partnering with Sanofi to market Affrezza. Stay tuned for further info - announcement just came today - no specifics on contract out yet.

I am on this contract and it sucks! Promised cars-changed mind
Vacation sucks-2 weeks or 6 days 4 taken at Xmas
They screw you whenever they can with bonus
"No bonus cause we changed the policy, no bonus
Cause you weren't here for baseline, no bonus cause
You didn't make your goals."
Even company people are not happy.
Stay away you will be miserable !
Other contract people on this contract got
Cars and more vacation time. What's up with that?

Heard rolling reps into Sanofi but nobody wants too! That is sad.

Really? I heard the contract was structured for reps to not be rolled in? Where did you get the info from? This is my first pharma position. It has been good for experience, but I've been looking hard for another position. The whole turbo charge deal has a lot of reps burned out, and I'm there.

Hope we do get rolled in though, good pipeline.