Salient Surgical Technologies

Just be careful what questions you ask.

A number people can attest to the impact on your Salient career of asking the wrong question.

Don't question strategy
Don't ask about competition
Don't mention the lack of new products
Don't ask about the lack of success of major contracts
DO NOT ask how many comp plans there will be this year (okay, that was just for fun)
Do not ask about studies or the lack there of
etc, etc, etc.

Pass the pitcher, please!

First, before you say anything about the timestamp I am posting this while eating lunch......

To the previous poster, I did not know they were hiring anyone back. They seem to keep firing everyone. The only one I know who got hired back is that boot licking RBD in the Midwest/Northeast and why they brought him back is beyond me. He must have something on someone and they already know his love of writing letters to the board.....Of course, his is male and Army does love the Old Boy's Club! Not one Woman RBD or AVP, interesting.

As for the products, you are dead on! Nothing new despite the claims to the contrary. Someone else posted their refusal to see the competitive landscape, how true. I don't know what the future holds for them but, I don't think it looks good. The only thing that has kept a good deal of people here is the economy. Certainly not the pay, culture or future.....

Old Boys Club?

Jill D seems to have done OK

Old Boys Club?

Jill D seems to have done OK

One out of how many? Do the math. Sadly, she's the only one with any real business acumen, strong management experience and a clue about how large hospital systems work.

Let's not forget, Joe DID NOT hire her and even he wouldn't dare fire her, though I'm sure it just kills him that she is a woman.

One out of how many? Do the math. Sadly, she's the only one with any real business acumen, strong management experience and a clue about how large hospital systems work.

Let's not forget, Joe DID NOT hire her and even he wouldn't dare fire her, though I'm sure it just kills him that she is a woman.

I did do the math. The poster said 'not one'. I found one.

You do the math douchebag

I did do the math. The poster said 'not one'. I found one.

You do the math douchebag

Before you resort to name calling and display such a solid and professional representation of the company, read the post accurately. "not one RBD or AVP" She is neither. There is not one female RBD or AVP now is there? The poster was correct and your failure to pay attention to detail is most likely reflected in your job performance.

Ah yes, a stellar answer from the peanut gallery. I mean, The Old Boy's Club. Cant' get the facts straight and resort to name calling. How proud they must all be.

I suggest the name caller go back to his beer and fumbling about with his crackberry.

Just reviewed the JBJS article from Dec 2009. The issue that jumps out to me the most is while it looks like the 2 groups tested have similiar characteristics there is no discussion on surgical time. If the two groups had surgical times that were similiar that may help to validate, but without knowing how long cases took than are you really comparing apples to apples.? Blood loss is very dependent on the lenght of the surgery. It will be interesting to see in future issues what the comments of other surgeons are, and what is the response of the authors. If I was going to show that to a surgeon I would just lead with the abstract, because any good surgeon would see the faults in the study

Before you resort to name calling and display such a solid and professional representation of the company, read the post accurately. "not one RBD or AVP" She is neither. There is not one female RBD or AVP now is there? The poster was correct and your failure to pay attention to detail is most likely reflected in your job performance.

Semantics monkey.

By definition the poster was implying that there are no females at status RBD or above, when patently there is.

Sadly, for you it most certainly is reflected by my status, which I am willing to wager is greater than yours.

Just reviewed the JBJS article from Dec 2009. The issue that jumps out to me the most is while it looks like the 2 groups tested have similiar characteristics there is no discussion on surgical time. If the two groups had surgical times that were similiar that may help to validate, but without knowing how long cases took than are you really comparing apples to apples.? Blood loss is very dependent on the lenght of the surgery. It will be interesting to see in future issues what the comments of other surgeons are, and what is the response of the authors. If I was going to show that to a surgeon I would just lead with the abstract, because any good surgeon would see the faults in the study

Exactly, and note all the NS (not significant) excepting the pre-donated group. My guess is the transfusion triggers are more relaxed in this group as they already have the patients blood, but they were mindful of the patients in this group that had been treated with the AQM.

Keep in mind, you can't really blind this type of study. You know who was treated and often blood is given intra-op. Transfusion is controllable and therefore not a great measurement especially given that every surgeon has his own criteria for when to transfuse.

Also, read the author's disclosure. My doc's LOVE that sort of thing!

In addition, I could not find it actually in JBJS. Was it actually published or just submitted?

Semantics monkey.

By definition the poster was implying that there are no females at status RBD or above, when patently there is.

Sadly, for you it most certainly is reflected by my status, which I am willing to wager is greater than yours.

Implied? There is no implication. Perhaps, you inferred. Do you understand the distinction? Given your self proclaimed elevated status, I would venture to say no.

The poster implied nothing but, clearly stated "no female RBD's or AVP's". Nothing left for interpretation there. And no, there are none.

Do you also believe that clinical results are "implied"? Is that what you tell your doc's?

As to your elevated status. If in fact, that is true, you are a shining example of Salient management and what is wrong with Salient's management. Name calling, inferring what you wish to bolster your flawed argument and basic lack of professionalism.

Shine on, shine on.

Semantics monkey.

By definition the poster was implying that there are no females at status RBD or above, when patently there is.

Sadly, for you it most certainly is reflected by my status, which I am willing to wager is greater than yours.

One other inaccuracy of note. You state "Sadly, for you it most certainly is reflected by my status". Status was not mentioned, was it? The statement was "reflected in your performance". Did you feel the need to interject status do to some insecurity? And if your status is so great, perhaps you would like to identify yourself so we all will know who the genius of such elevated status is? I thought not.

Again, details, details. Do you read and disseminate technical information this well?

I'm a bit confused as well........

I know that the training department was practically non-existent prior to Dave Brown.

It improved somewhat while he was there but, nowhere near where it needs to be. Then that director was fired shortly after he was. Yes, we all know why. Old news. Now run by the former admin who actually is improving it but, still not what it needs to be. Training is a specialty, adult learning a very specific sub-specialty. That is why larger, SUCCESSFUL companies hire people with training backgrounds and education as well as field experience.

Everyone can say what they want about the old US Surgical. Yes, the culture was something else (Salient is close there) but, the training program was always known for being the best in the industry. Salient actually had the guy who ran Surgical's training for years and let him go instead of availing themselves of his talent.

They will continue to flounder with ill equipped reps and it will become even more apparent as the competition closes in.

The training department is not run by an admin and never has been. It's improved enormously since the departure of VF and includes many experienced, successful people from the field.

The training department is not run by an admin and never has been. It's improved enormously since the departure of VF and includes many experienced, successful people from the field.

Now that's funny! Not that it hasn't improved, it has. Hard not to, it was deplorable. But, the new leader, who although a hard worker is NOT from the field. She was VF's assistant and an Admin. As to all the MANY experienced people, just how big do you think the training department is? Really? TW and AM. I do believe that pretty much comprises the "department". Unless the definition of the word "many has changed recently, I don't think two equals many.

Now that's funny! Not that it hasn't improved, it has. Hard not to, it was deplorable. But, the new leader, who although a hard worker is NOT from the field. She was VF's assistant and an Admin. As to all the MANY experienced people, just how big do you think the training department is? Really? TW and AM. I do believe that pretty much comprises the "department". Unless the definition of the word "many has changed recently, I don't think two equals many.
Technically, Jill D overseas the training now so it is a big department of three.

As to the experience level of the other two, while both are lovely, neither has worked in the field. Perhaps the other poster was referring to bringing in AM's and RBD's to help out. Very few, if any have any training background.

It is, much like our clinical data, sorely lacking.

Implied? There is no implication. Perhaps, you inferred. Do you understand the distinction? Given your self proclaimed elevated status, I would venture to say no.

The poster implied nothing but, clearly stated "no female RBD's or AVP's". Nothing left for interpretation there. And no, there are none.

Do you also believe that clinical results are "implied"? Is that what you tell your doc's?

As to your elevated status. If in fact, that is true, you are a shining example of Salient management and what is wrong with Salient's management. Name calling, inferring what you wish to bolster your flawed argument and basic lack of professionalism.

Shine on, shine on.

Well done!

Sadly, I think I may work for that fool you responded to. No attention to detail, immature at best, appalling work ethic and since I am inferring from his posts he dislikes Jill, consistent with his truly sexist behavior.

Skip the Kool-Aid, just pass the margarita!!!!!

I apologize. the recent December article was not in the JBJS but in the December issue of the American Journal of Orthopaedics. You can access it through Salients website under press.

Well done!

Sadly, I think I may work for that fool you responded to. No attention to detail, immature at best, appalling work ethic and since I am inferring from his posts he dislikes Jill, consistent with his truly sexist behavior.

Skip the Kool-Aid, just pass the margarita!!!!!

I fear I know him as well. Same guy that gets a few drinks in him and brags about his letter writing (see earlier post), how he got to fire "that US Surgical bitch" without reason and is already complaining about his new AVP. Of course, he will gladly tell you how legendary he was as a rep! Ah, the leadership.

I'll take one of those margaritas as well!

I used to wonder if there were a load of ex employees spouting garbage as some sort of revenge for having been treated badly but I can actually see that many of you know too much to be anything other than disgruntled present employees.

Pity the fool who dont get to read how poor this Company is prior to accepting a role