Salient Surgical Technologies

An earlier poster mentioned the plasmablade. I have not seen it yet in my area. Peak Surgical has a distribution agreement with Medtronic for their ENT application. If that happens with the Spine business you are in trouble. You will have dramatically more bodies on the street with far better relationships not only with surgeons but also with hospitals. I do not work for Salient.It seems that those of us that do not, have a better understanding of what is going on in the marketplace than some, and i say some, of Salients' salesforce does.

Woo Hoo! Trauma Rollout! How many days? Hours? This should be great. Does it come with beepers? lol

And when they are handing out those BIG checks, will it have a credit memo attached to adjust for the commission overpayment? That would be priceless.

Just a word of advice to all my peers going to the NSM. We don't want a Tog Gun replay or other meetings so.........keep you head down, mouth shut and whatever you do, DO NOT disagree with any proposed plan or anything else management says. Even if you and everyone else knows you are probably correct. The only thing you need to say is "that's brilliant".

Can't wait!

It's interesting to note the decline of this company after Jackie Eastwood new products (except AM), good marketing plans gone bad with the intro of David Brown on the scene, Joe's growing ego, and as one poster said, heads in the sand to all the mine fields already in the market. I want to know what Joe has hanging over the board in order for them to keep funnelling money into a losing proposition. Maybe they don't notice the half empty building Joe built for himself. At least at the NSM we won't be in military tactics form again; it used to be fun when we actually learned something. And to one poster's comment, we used to have animal labs that worked great until DB decided his cadaver idea was better; what a loser....This meeting should be fun; watch the suckups at work.

It appears there is a great deal of the people with something to hang over other's heads. I'm still trying to understand the re-hire of an RBD fired for misconduct? I mean, I understand that he wrote a letter to the board regarding the DB/VF issue but that just made Joe look foolish so why re-hire him? What else does he have? Certainly not skill, business acumen or even work ethic.

As for Joe and the board. My guess is he negotiated a pretty strong contract. Probably VERY expensive to get rid of him. Perhaps the investors just need a tax write off so he is in fact, performing......

Like you, can't wait to sit back and watch the inevitable sucking up and back slapping that will go on in AZ! Nothing productive but, great entertainment!

I sincerely wonder if Joe even cares about what goes on. Good people being fired, mediocre, at best, people still wandering about. Perhaps, he's just riding it out until the board offers him a shiny golden parachute.

Sorry, lost my head for a minute. Joe, you are fantastic! As is your entire management team. One question though, what will you do when the anonymous letter to the board is written about you? Will you care then about how people are treated?

This company is on a downhill slide for the last 18 months. They fired almost everyone who knew how to run the company after they hired David Brown, who was fired 11 months after he was hired to run sales and marketing. They have no training department since he fired the director and associate; its now run by an admin. The senior management staff has seen complete turnover with the most recent departure of the head of HR which is now being run by a lawyer who knows nothing about the department. The CEO is arrogant and runs the company for his ego gratification thinking they are the next US Surgical...right..... They haven't made money in 10 years and will probably not since a new competitor has come out with the same product at half the price. Go to a more stable company.

You state 'They have no training department since he fired the director and associate'

Sorry, who fired who?

I'm a bit confused as well........

I know that the training department was practically non-existent prior to Dave Brown.

It improved somewhat while he was there but, nowhere near where it needs to be. Then that director was fired shortly after he was. Yes, we all know why. Old news. Now run by the former admin who actually is improving it but, still not what it needs to be. Training is a specialty, adult learning a very specific sub-specialty. That is why larger, SUCCESSFUL companies hire people with training backgrounds and education as well as field experience.

Everyone can say what they want about the old US Surgical. Yes, the culture was something else (Salient is close there) but, the training program was always known for being the best in the industry. Salient actually had the guy who ran Surgical's training for years and let him go instead of availing themselves of his talent.

They will continue to flounder with ill equipped reps and it will become even more apparent as the competition closes in.

There is no competition because that would imply that their product is a solution.

Which would imply that there is a problem that requires a solution.

So all these orthopods who have performed these procedures with minimal blood loss suddenly need to preserve a few mil? And with reimbursements being cut? I dont see this do you?

I disagree with the main points made for the OP.

If you are a rookie to surgical then this position is for you.

The reason is you will just accept what you are told and you can be manipulated.

Tenured and experienced reps will say "WTF?" and question bad decisions but as a rookie you will not know any better.

just like the orthopat. it works but can they continue to do surgery without it? we are trying to create a need and its not working. 1 out of 100 surgeons are seeking us out, thats a problem.

just like the orthopat. it works but can they continue to do surgery without it? we are trying to create a need and its not working. 1 out of 100 surgeons are seeking us out, thats a problem.

Exactly my friend.

Salient are creating a condition that does not exist.

Its like auto insurance - 95 percent of people never use it, as there should not be a need but you scare folk up enough and you buy it just in case.

But most doctors say, "Fuck that, I'll use a drain at 8 bucks"

I cannot believe that even 1 in 100 seek us out. I have NEVER had a surgeon call me that I had not contacted. I'd take 1.

I also just love the study we finally get published filled with.......NS (not significant). That's just great. This NSM should be great fun. Can't wait to see what's in the Kool-Aid this year.

Drink up!

I cannot believe that even 1 in 100 seek us out. I have NEVER had a surgeon call me that I had not contacted. I'd take 1.

I also just love the study we finally get published filled with.......NS (not significant). That's just great. This NSM should be great fun. Can't wait to see what's in the Kool-Aid this year.

Drink up!

I am going to start a wager on how often the speakers say

"You know what, thats a great question"

I'll give 100:1 that the phrase is used 50 times in the first day alone, 35 times by JH alone