Salient Surgical Technologies

Is it realy that bad there? I was contacted by a recruiter about a position in the northeast. Is it worth looking into? The posts here are making me second guess moving forward. Please advise...

The only thing open in the NE is an Associates position, I believe. Even at that level, it really is that bad. While you may be tempted, the AM is great, the company, the training, the management, the culture and everything else is just abysmal. Do yourself a favor and look elsewhere.

Business model failures? I don't think so. If ignorance is bliss - then you are 100% bliss. Complete success, produced the best salespeople and created a training model that almost every medical device company now uses, most of these other med device companies are led by USS personnel. Continued growth ina competitive space over 40 years, recognized leader in innovation.... thats just crazy talk (failure) USS developed stapling when it did not exist and then developed MIS surgery when it did not exist... created totally new markets...

Both Harvard and Colombia use USS as case studies in how to lose your dominant position in the market. Did not their founder even face criminal charges? The KITA approach used by USS managers gets very short term results. Arrogance and incompetence breed poor one can read in the turn over of their management....and this forum.

Man this place sucks dick. This attitude of what are you doing for me tomorrow is total bullshit. My manager couldn't manage his way out of a paper bag yet he thinks that he knows everything. Worthless ass bandit! Fuck I hate this place!!

Man this place sucks dick. This attitude of what are you doing for me tomorrow is total bullshit. My manager couldn't manage his way out of a paper bag yet he thinks that he knows everything. Worthless ass bandit! Fuck I hate this place!!

Now that should be "A Day in the Life" at training... Then we could at least claim full disclosure... I hear Ethicon may be hiring. Baxter is also looking for reps in a few areas after the recent buy out. Local rep says they are not much better to work for. I am ready to become a democrat and go into government. At least then I will have a job where I get rewarded for losing money and being inefficient. Wait... I can just go into management here and accomplish the same thing!!!

Man this place sucks dick. This attitude of what are you doing for me tomorrow is total bullshit. My manager couldn't manage his way out of a paper bag yet he thinks that he knows everything. Worthless ass bandit! Fuck I hate this place!!

How long did it take for you to finally see the sad state of affairs? Just curious. We all have had different breaking points.....

Who in their right mind would hold up the USS training as the model 'everyone uses now'? That model died years ago when people could still be intimidated by idiots like DB and his little band follower. If anything, companies avoid training like this, universally held up to be like USS - "a failure to communicate." To whoever is looking, don't stop at this station unless you really hate yourself. We can't do anything right but the pink smoke is still blowing.

I swear every 2 months they advertise a job in Oregon on medreps. Either they can't find anyone to take the job, the person they hired bolted, or they are firing the newbies.

I swear every 2 months they advertise a job in Oregon on medreps. Either they can't find anyone to take the job, the person they hired bolted, or they are firing the newbies.

Hard to keep people in this environment... I would do better going back to pharma, at least there is some stability and accountability!

Hard to keep people in this environment... I would do better going back to pharma, at least there is some stability and accountability!

That IS a sad state of affairs now isn't it? It is true though. There is truly no accountability within management and it just gets worse the higher up you go. Stability? not a concept Salient is familiar with. Very sad and very frustrating.

OMG!!! Heard there were some openings and came here for info. Don't think I need to ask. Has it always been that bad? I spoke to a guy who worked there a couple of years ago and he loved the people and the product. Was he full of crap or have things changed that much?

Several years ago it was really good - people, great VP of Sales and pre JA. Since he took over it's been all downhill with scare tactics, good people getting fired, and replacing them with ineffective and incapable management. Surprised if it will be around in a year.

Several years ago it was really good - people, great VP of Sales and pre JA. Since he took over it's been all downhill with scare tactics, good people getting fired, and replacing them with ineffective and incapable management. Surprised if it will be around in a year.

well it sucks now and I will be shocked if this company will be here in five years. with or managers looking to cut costs a $500.00 disposable that is not re-imbursable will be one of the first to go. blood management is good, however, this fixes a problem that really does not exist.