Lynch? Lynch what?
I know you aren't referring to the sweatshirt on day 1. That was SD....LOL.
I know you aren't referring to the sweatshirt on day 1. That was SD....LOL.
Yes, I did not see a M125 before the wrap up.
Thats because he is ahead of us
Look at post #274
He seems to have actually logged in with that as his username.
Theres initiative for you
Yes, Lynch we know, you and Hills ARE the best!AZ territory must be very lucrative with added bonus of being far from corporate office. Vegas too?
I would like to know how that jackass, JD keeps his job? And why does he think people thinking he's so much older than he is, is so amusing? Does he not realize that's an insult? I wonder if he's aware of what else they say about him behind his back? Especially, his own people! And why did Salient hire him back? Makes you wonder........
I would like to know how that jackass, JD keeps his job? And why does he think people thinking he's so much older than he is, is so amusing? Does he not realize that's an insult? I wonder if he's aware of what else they say about him behind his back? Especially, his own people! And why did Salient hire him back? Makes you wonder........
Is it true, that you all were warned to stay off this board at the NSM?
244, do you know if this is true?
Companies do not read this shit. I would be suprised if they even knew what this board is and if they did do you think they would care? Not likely.