I could not help but look. I am ashamed that curiosity got the better of me.
I could not help but look. I am ashamed that curiosity got the better of me.
I really hope upper management takes some of these threads to heart. For a ten year startup I guess that is a pipe dream. If I was one of the venture capital firms dumping money in I would investigate before giving another penny.
This type of contribution is not helpful
You are confusing threads with posts
Try to help the RBD's as much as possible by being accurate
So, with the NSM looming.........
Shall we have some fun and place some bets? We already have the "that's a great question" counter going.
How about most ridiculous question and from who. Okay, top 3.
Most ridiculous answers.
Worst bathing suit look. Why did they have to remind people in the email? You just know......
Too hungover to make am meeting.
Most blatant sucking up to Joe and John.
Any other ideas?
Just so as we can guage that its not just a few pissed guys...
I'd like to know how many individual Salient employees are contributing to this thread.
Please don't bullshit.
You can do this by giving yourself a unique ID number.
So as to avoid possible repetition please give yourself a number from 1-999 and an M or F prefix to denote gender
I'll start with
I know that this is about a scientific as one of Salients papers but if we are honest we might see just how many people are now fucked off
Did a quick count an came up with 72, not including associates.
You spelt gauge wrong dude
Did a quick count an came up with 72, not including associates.