Sales training

Listen...if they suck so much and are such bottom feeders, why are you paying so much attention? And corrupt? Careful big three with your government payments for FCA claims or those neat little rebate programs for the capital equipment you gave free of charge...eerrrr I mean with those generous rebate programs. All those millions paid to the government weren't to fix potholes. Trolls.

AB staying... With damaged credibility and loss of trust from his new team. Typical. Raymond and PW can claim a victory by retaining a dude who wanted to go.nice culture!

I don't know much about the training in that I've been on board for 8 years. I do know that my new clinical is excellent. She's been on board with me a little over a year and my customers love her technical skills and disposition.

As for sales, I will be brutally should already know how to sell before you get to this level. This isn't pharma. For all the idiots on this boards proclaiming that other CRM have better sales training.......they are full of shit. FOS. I worked for another CRM company and the sales training was what I brought to the table from prior sales jobs and learning via observation and conversation with reps currently in the field. It's not rocket science.

If you are considering Bio, then make sure that you have excellent relationships from your V.I. days. Also, be sure that you are not to be selling in a territory where contractually you may be blocked out of your main accounts.

If you go big 3, then realize that right now.....ST Jude is struggling because of them being acquired and them not keeping up with current standard of excellent as far a quality of their products.

Medtronic will promise you the world but deliver a long work day, less money than the other 3, and no real progression plan for promotion because their reps are mature (long tenure), have long relationships in their territory, and aren't going anywhere because they make a solid living.

BSX/Guidant may be the only other CRM to really consider because they still pay better than StJ or MDT. Its just hard to get territories for new people nowadays. They may allow you to split an area or be a hybrid rep. But, you won't make the money you may feel is required for the work you will put in.

The golden goose days are gone in this industry. The incumbent reps are young, good, making good to great money and don't want to be promoted to management because they make more as reps without the headache of managing.


not what this thread is about mr expert in CRM man...( or woman) it's about the double standard shown AB at bio. Why did AB leave Guidant again? Oh yeah, everyone knows but he's protected by two people. If Marlou knew, different story.

not what this thread is about mr expert in CRM man...( or woman) it's about the double standard shown AB at bio. Why did AB leave Guidant again? Oh yeah, everyone knows but he's protected by two people. If Marlou knew, different story.

AB's drama is not what this thread is about either jackass..... Stop being such a dick.