Playing Devils advocate here, as I have no love for Bio. I personally think they are a morally bankrupt company with everything to lose should they continue their current course. The manipulative hiring of DT by Ramon, and the shenanigans that have happened since bringing this clown on board speak to the corruption that is rampant within this nefarious company. That being said, if they wish to hold on to the minimal market share they now have, there has to be some serious "house cleaning". This needs to start in the training and education department. DT needs to go, and go quickly. He is a manipulator and conniver, and he is giving this disease of filth to his trainees who have to stumble though his antagonistic program. Biotronik may yet be saved, but personally, I relish their downfall. Yes I used to work for them, but I am so glad I made the choice to move to a better and more professionally ran company. I made the choice. I am glad I did. I cannot wait to say "Bye bye Bio"!