Sales force changes

So many reps have quit across every territory, there's a good chance that the only layoffs that happen are the green team. Which was never a was so confusing when they were hired in the first place (no offense to them).

So many reps have quit across every territory, there's a good chance that the only layoffs that happen are the green team. Which was never a was so confusing when they were hired in the first place (no offense to them).
Good point.Any idea how many vacant territories there are excluding green?

Seems as though someone in leadership let the cat out of the bag and blew up the plans for layoffs this week. now they act as though it was just they are gonna wait and catch everyone off guard.don’t worry they are looking at everyone’s calls now to make sure each rep is working.that means you green beans

Seems as though someone in leadership let the cat out of the bag and blew up the plans for layoffs this week. now they act as though it was just they are gonna wait and catch everyone off guard.don’t worry they are looking at everyone’s calls now to make sure each rep is working.that means you green beans

Ha, someone leaking info isn't going to stop them from canning people. Why would it?

Seems as though someone in leadership let the cat out of the bag and blew up the plans for layoffs this week. now they act as though it was just they are gonna wait and catch everyone off guard.don’t worry they are looking at everyone’s calls now to make sure each rep is working.that means you green beans

it’s still happening just delayed. No manager meeting and no meeting in September, delayed. Advice is still get your resumes ready.

Told you that it was gonna be today. For some weird reason they decided to all of a sudden cancel the managers meeting and delay layoffs. So again it was suppose to happen today but now they are gonna string us all along a little longer. For what?
Who knows!! It’s cruel though. Go work your territory like nothings wrong, is the direction that’s been given.

Maybe the cancelled meetings havent changed the timeline...if they're actually doing layoffs (which I'd assume include some DMs), it'd make sense that they wouldnt lay off the managers WHILE theyre away at their meeting...but who the eff knows with this company

Once again, the total lack of transparency and direction was how Allergan leadership got itself into this mess in the first place

Maybe the cancelled meetings havent changed the timeline...if they're actually doing layoffs (which I'd assume include some DMs), it'd make sense that they wouldnt lay off the managers WHILE theyre away at their meeting...but who the eff knows with this company

Once again, the total lack of transparency and direction was how Allergan leadership got itself into this mess in the first place

that’s cute ;)
But ‘what’ leadership is the question!