Sales force changes

yes maybe or not so silly one
Always a dumb comment from the peanut gallery.
Dude Your life must be extremely BORING to always comment on this site. As a matter of fact, you must not have a life at all. You are Probably some idiot manager still trying to hold on to your job. Good luck you’re gonna need it.
Anywho yes we will know this Friday or next Friday regarding layoffs. And don’t worry It’s normal that We haven’t heard anything from leadership.

Always a dumb comment from the peanut gallery.
Dude Your life must be extremely BORING to always comment on this site. As a matter of fact, you must not have a life at all. You are Probably some idiot manager still trying to hold on to your job. Good luck you’re gonna need it.
Anywho yes we will know this Friday or next Friday regarding layoffs. And don’t worry It’s normal that We haven’t heard anything from leadership.
ok soon i think, love peanut brittle

Does anyone know the exact severance for a rep who has been employed for 3 years? Will unused vacation also be paid out? Q3 bonus? Sorry I have kids and I’m a single parent. Just trying to sort this out. My manager has not told me anything. So Sadly I have come to this thread for hopefully some honest feedback.please keep your silly comments to yourself. Thanks to anyone who wants to respond with intelligent answers.

Does anyone know the exact severance for a rep who has been employed for 3 years? Will unused vacation also be paid out? Q3 bonus? Sorry I have kids and I’m a single parent. Just trying to sort this out. My manager has not told me anything. So Sadly I have come to this thread for hopefully some honest feedback.please keep your silly comments to yourself. Thanks to anyone who wants to respond with intelligent answers.
You will be told what YOU need to know WHEN YOU need to know it!!!

You will be told what YOU need to know WHEN YOU need to know it!!!
Dude shut up!! Your comments are wasting everyone’s time. Go terrorize another board.
I think this individual is asking if anyone has the info from Abbvie regarding severance. This should have been stated in the info you received when hired in. Does anyone know? Also HR should be able to email this info to you

Dude shut up!! Your comments are wasting everyone’s time. Go terrorize another board.
I think this individual is asking if anyone has the info from Abbvie regarding severance. This should have been stated in the info you received when hired in. Does anyone know? Also HR should be able to email this info to you

Not all of us hires on directly w Abbvie (old AGN). Don’t know how that changes anything. Unfortunately CP is going to give you posters like the one above. Might have best luck searching the internal HR sites for relevant info. Is there anyone else that thinks there’s a chance nothing is going to change in the next month?

Dude shut up!! Your comments are wasting everyone’s time. Go terrorize another board.
I think this individual is asking if anyone has the info from Abbvie regarding severance. This should have been stated in the info you received when hired in. Does anyone know? Also HR should be able to email this info to you
You are an evil seed!

Not all of us hires on directly w Abbvie (old AGN). Don’t know how that changes anything. Unfortunately CP is going to give you posters like the one above. Might have best luck searching the internal HR sites for relevant info. Is there anyone else that thinks there’s a chance nothing is going to change in the next month?
soon the moon will enter a new phase

Not all of us hires on directly w Abbvie (old AGN). Don’t know how that changes anything. Unfortunately CP is going to give you posters like the one above. Might have best luck searching the internal HR sites for relevant info. Is there anyone else that thinks there’s a chance nothing is going to change in the next month?
I feel your pain baby girl