Sales force changes

….what’s cute?

stating that there’s actual leadership. That’s what.

How can we all expect them to be “transparent” when if there are going to be layoffs they certainly wouldn’t tell anyone? That would be business lost, no one working, sales dropping, etc. There will be no announcement until the actual day of layoffs.

Who cares. Do your job or leave

It’s not that easy. Many people want to stay with the company and have a lot of family plans they’re trying to make and financial commitments on the books. The back and forth and wondering about their immediate futures have a big impact on morale and decisions in general.

It’s not that easy. Many people want to stay with the company and have a lot of family plans they’re trying to make and financial commitments on the books. The back and forth and wondering about their immediate futures have a big impact on morale and decisions in general.
Well then you can work. Wait. Or interview elsewhere.stay on you toes and have a plan. That’s all you can do my little pretty.