Safe vs. Doomed Divisions?

I think everyone realizes this. But for those that do stick around....the new model won't be fun. Pfizer thinks they can change the way we do our shit every day and that providers/customers will fall in line and say "sure just call me up on a virtual call whenever". Not going to happen. At least not out here in the western part of the USA. I don't know what other markets are like...but that shit not gonna fly out here.

It will fly. Almost everyone, as a result of the pandemic, has learned not to rely too much on the hands-on approach. Yes, there are plenty of old timers hanging on but in 2-5 years, they will be outnumbered by a younger, more tech agile group of doctors. Plus, there will be a doctor shortage requiring enablement of technology to reach more patients.

The model has changed forever.

It will fly. Almost everyone, as a result of the pandemic, has learned not to rely too much on the hands-on approach. Yes, there are plenty of old timers hanging on but in 2-5 years, they will be outnumbered by a younger, more tech agile group of doctors. Plus, there will be a doctor shortage requiring enablement of technology to reach more patients.

The model has changed forever.

Your are an absolute fool.

We r living in a vacuum. We may be doing this to ourselves, the the rest of the industry is not. At least not in the foreseeable future. I’ve had the opportunity to interview and see what out there. Not one company is doing this and when I tell them why I’m wanting a change, they say it would never work in day to day works of our business.

It will fly. Almost everyone, as a result of the pandemic, has learned not to rely too much on the hands-on approach. Yes, there are plenty of old timers hanging on but in 2-5 years, they will be outnumbered by a younger, more tech agile group of doctors. Plus, there will be a doctor shortage requiring enablement of technology to reach more patients.

The model has changed forever.

Keep telling yourself that.

We r living in a vacuum. We may be doing this to ourselves, the the rest of the industry is not. At least not in the foreseeable future. I’ve had the opportunity to interview and see what out there. Not one company is doing this and when I tell them why I’m wanting a change, they say it would never work in day to day works of our business.

this is 100% accurate!

It WILL fail. This new virtual/ Amazon doctor on demand shit will fail in every business unit all across the U.S. When it does, Pfizer will have poorly and wrongly chosen the model with no one to answer to but the shareholders.
Normally one with zero insights would think, but Pfizer has been piloting this model in 12 locations in the US since 2014! 6yrs!
The last 18 months was a company wide test pilot to monitor impact w sales which actually INCREASED in most BUs.
While unorthodox & not conventional it is the new norm & future of not just Pharma but all sales industries .
Get use to it or get the hell out not letting the door hit you on the @$$

You left out 1 thing with Xeljanz--- the leadership is aweful! Worse Pres VP RDs and half DMs are worse of any division in Pfizer. Not US but Global Pfizer..... just bad hires last few years since doubled for GI expansion.
That alone should be 80% with mgt level.
Agree, regardless of how many Xeljanz reps are severved, the !(#*# for brians Pres/VP/RD idiots need to be cut without severance as they dont deserve severance w all the lies, manipuluation & flat out inept judgement & decision making

Normally one with zero insights would think, but Pfizer has been piloting this model in 12 locations in the US since 2014! 6yrs!
The last 18 months was a company wide test pilot to monitor impact w sales which actually INCREASED in most BUs.
While unorthodox & not conventional it is the new norm & future of not just Pharma but all sales industries .
Get use to it or get the hell out not letting the door hit you on the @$$

I don’t need to get use to shit but you do if you are retained. The door can slam me in the ass while I get my fat severance check and move on to other opportunities. Fortunately for me, I have degrees and experience that allow me choices and flexibility.

It WILL be a failure! This virtual hybrid Amazon shit will fail with every business unit all over the country, so if they blame the reps then they universally hired the wrong talent.

of course it will fail! Amazon is successful because people WANT what they have. We try to convince our doctors that they and the patients NEED us and WANT what we have. We need to play in their sandbox, they don’t want ours. How many times does corporate tell us what our doctors want. When you engage in this fashion they tell you to get lost.

I don’t need to get use to shit but you do if you are retained. The door can slam me in the ass while I get my fat severance check and move on to other opportunities. Fortunately for me, I have degrees and experience that allow me choices and flexibility.

sounds good but not realistic… unless you are not a white, middle aged male. You will get passed up by younger inexperienced people of color. I have made it to the final interview and when I get the rejection letter, I’m not surprised anymore. When I ask my doctors who gave me a reference, who the new rep is?.. the answer is always the same. And the doctors ask me how I was beaten out by this person. I laugh now, even though it’s sad. Talent doesn’t matter, race and gender, or transgender do.

sounds good but not realistic… unless you are not a white, middle aged male. You will get passed up by younger inexperienced people of color. I have made it to the final interview and when I get the rejection letter, I’m not surprised anymore. When I ask my doctors who gave me a reference, who the new rep is?.. the answer is always the same. And the doctors ask me how I was beaten out by this person. I laugh now, even though it’s sad. Talent doesn’t matter, race and gender, or transgender do.

There is a reason you are not getting the jobs and it’s not your race.

sounds good but not realistic… unless you are not a white, middle aged male. You will get passed up by younger inexperienced people of color. I have made it to the final interview and when I get the rejection letter, I’m not surprised anymore. When I ask my doctors who gave me a reference, who the new rep is?.. the answer is always the same. And the doctors ask me how I was beaten out by this person. I laugh now, even though it’s sad. Talent doesn’t matter, race and gender, or transgender do.

This has been true in my opinion for awhile and has only become worse. Everyone knows it.

sounds good but not realistic… unless you are not a white, middle aged male. You will get passed up by younger inexperienced people of color. I have made it to the final interview and when I get the rejection letter, I’m not surprised anymore. When I ask my doctors who gave me a reference, who the new rep is?.. the answer is always the same. And the doctors ask me how I was beaten out by this person. I laugh now, even though it’s sad. Talent doesn’t matter, race and gender, or transgender do.
This is reality

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