Rush- Your Repbub Dear Leader- has spoken

Gosh, for some reason I can't recall all of these caaaaaaring, libruhls running to Lewinsky's defense when all of these names were being thrown at her.

That's so weird!!! Why on earth would that be? Libs, help a brother out here.:rolleyes:

Gosh, for some reason I can't recall all of these caaaaaaring, libruhls running to Lewinsky's defense when all of these names were being thrown at her.

That's so weird!!! Why on earth would that be? Libs, help a brother out here.:rolleyes:

Good point. What about all the things that were said about Paula Jones? Oh yeah, the libs were saying them.

Remember Carville saying "no telling what you will get when you drag a $20 bill through a trailer park"?

It is amazing how selective libshits are. Personally I don't give two shits about their phony indignation. They don't care about Sarah Fuck. They just think they have an issue to give their big eared douchebag Dear Leader cover heading into November because they know he is losing in battleground states.

End of story