Rush- Your Repbub Dear Leader- has spoken

According to her and her testimony she is having so much sex she can't afford her birth control pills. I don't give two shots if this slut uses birth control pills I just don't want to and shouldn't have to pay for it.

But Viagra is OK.

According to her and her testimony she is having so much sex she can't afford her birth control pills. I don't give two shots if this slut uses birth control pills I just don't want to and shouldn't have to pay for it.

OK, let me use your exact words. Show us a quote (of her not Rush) saying she was 'having so much sex she couldn't pay for it'. Also, how were you going to be paying for it?
Rush's lies:
"A woman comes out of nowhere," Limbaugh said on Friday. "She's having so much sex she can't pay for it." "So the woman comes forth with this, frankly, hilarious claim that she's having so much sex, and her buddies with her, that she can't afford it," says Limbaugh.

Show us her quote saying EXACTLY that.

"And not one person says, 'Well, did you ever think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have? What's the issue? Is it the amount of sex? Or just the fact that she, like every human, is having it. If she's having it once every 6 months she needs the same amount of protection.Do you ever think maybe it's your responsibility for your own birth control, not everybody else's?'" As men we need to be concerned because of the so-called (by Republicans) negative effect of unmarried women having kids on our society.

As always libs just get a sound bite from Keith Olbermann wannabes like Ed Schultz. Here is the actual transcript:

"A Georgetown co-ed told Rep. Nancy Pelosi's hearing that the women in her law school program are having so much sex that they're going broke, so you and I should pay for their birth control. Speaking at a hearing held by Pelosi to tout Pres. Obama's mandate that virtually every health insurance plan cover the full cost of contraception and abortion-inducing products, Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke said that it's too expensive to have sex in law school without mandated insurance coverage. Apparently, four out of every ten co-eds are having so much sex that it's hard to make ends meet if they have to pay for their own contraception, Fluke's research shows."
Can you imagine if you're her parents how proud of Sandra Fluke you would be? Your daughter goes up to a congressional hearing conducted by the Botox-filled Nancy Pelosi and testifies she's having so much sex she can't afford her own birth control pills and she agrees that Obama should provide them, or the Pope. "'Forty percent of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggled financially as a result of this policy (Georgetown student insurance not covering contraception), Fluke reported. It costs a female student $3,000 to have protected sex over the course of her three-year stint in law school, according to her calculations.
"'Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school,' Fluke told the hearing. $3,000 for birth control in three years? That's a thousand dollars a year of sex -- and, she wants us to pay for it." All of this just since January 7th. Just since January 7th. You guys who are thinking you're not gonna go to college? Let me just say one thing to you: Georgetown. They're admitting before congressional committee that they're having so much sex they can't afford the birth control pills! That's all you gotta come up with. And all of this is the Republicans' fault. Sandra Fluke, one of the Butt Sisters, is being dragged out of law school by the hair. Wait 'til Rick Santorum hears about this. Wait 'til Gingrich hears about this! What do you think they'll do? They'll put a stop to this right away! They'll head over that university and they'll stop it!
They'll spy on Sandra Fluke and interrupt her in mid-coitus, and then they'll make 'em get married.
They'll make 'em get married and then make 'em have those babies and make 'em have 10,000 babies and then stay home...
Listening to The Troglodytes by The Jimmy Castor Bunch!
RUSH: What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns? No! We're not the johns. (interruption) Yeah, that's right. Pimp's not the right word. Okay, so she's not a slut. She's "round heeled." I take it back.

I agree with the logic. If you are going to pay for a woman's birth control after she demands it, you are essentially providing her a means of having sex. Thus, in a way that does make that woman a prostitute. Additionally, there are such things as condoms. I thought libruhls were all about condoms? So why not just use those? Why do we need to have the gub'ment paying for the pill?

OK, let me use your exact words. Show us a quote (of her not Rush) saying she was 'having so much sex she couldn't pay for it'. Also, how were you going to be paying for it?
Rush's lies:
"A woman comes out of nowhere," Limbaugh said on Friday. "She's having so much sex she can't pay for it." "So the woman comes forth with this, frankly, hilarious claim that she's having so much sex, and her buddies with her, that she can't afford it," says Limbaugh.

Show us her quote saying EXACTLY that.

"And not one person says, 'Well, did you ever think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have? What's the issue? Is it the amount of sex? Or just the fact that she, like every human, is having it. If she's having it once every 6 months she needs the same amount of protection.Do you ever think maybe it's your responsibility for your own birth control, not everybody else's?'" As men we need to be concerned because of the so-called (by Republicans) negative effect of unmarried women having kids on our society.

Then you buy it for the little whore. Dip into your dope money.

Funny this didnt bother you. Not one of you lobs got upset about this. Where we're all the Feminazi'z the. Now kindly STFU.

You have been PWND

She is too frigid to be a slut. Now had he said "b-tch"...far more appropriate. And before you assail this as mean-spirited, just know it's no secret that she treats her staff poorly and was not well-liked when she had her show on Fox, and there are You Tube Videos to back this up. ("type in 'laura ingraham don't come in my ear" and you will see for yourself).

Poor ILA - Its YOU who gets PWND again!

Then you buy it for the little whore. Dip into your dope money.

That's what's funny. you keep saying you don't want to pay for it. How do you think YOU are paying for it in the first place? She isn't on a public taxpayer sponsored medical program.

And a normal, healthy women in her 20s in college who has sex is a whore?

Do you live under a rock or what?

She can't sue. By injecting herself into the political arena, she became a public figure. She therefore opened herself up to public ridicule.

U mean any person who goes in front of Congress has injected themself into the "political arena"? She is not running for anything. She should not be subjected to lies like Limpballs has told on the air.

Do you or any of the other cons who have hurled out charges of 'liar' on this thread have any evidence or proof to back up your charge?? You and your ilk only prove that once again that facts are not your friend.

If you have the stones to reply, please make it in the form of evidence that supports your above claim and not one of your usual weak one liners.


You are a liar. It's plain to see, IF one is interested in the truth.

Not only are you are liar, but you are a hypocrite. Sorry, you blew any moral authority you might have had on this issue by repeatedly calling Sarah Palin, the "Tundra Tart". You think that's real funny, but you somehow think that Rush calling an unmarried woman who apparently has an incredible amount of sex and is LYING about the actual cost of birth control a "slut" is somehow beyond the pale.

Sorry, as always, you make a liar, a hypocrite and a fool of yourself.


You are a liar. It's plain to see, IF one is interested in the truth.

Not only are you are liar, but you are a hypocrite. Sorry, you blew any moral authority you might have had on this issue by repeatedly calling Sarah Palin, the "Tundra Tart". You think that's real funny, but you somehow think that Rush calling an unmarried woman who apparently has an incredible amount of sex and is LYING about the actual cost of birth control a "slut" is somehow beyond the pale.

Sorry, as always, you make a liar, a hypocrite and a fool of yourself.

Put down the bottle and step away from the computer.

Funny this didnt bother you. Not one of you lobs got upset about this. Where we're all the Feminazi'z the. Now kindly STFU.

You have been PWND

And the lib establishment wasn't circling the wagons protecting Ed Schultz either.

Now, where's Ingraham, Malkin, the GOP in congress who demands resolutions condemning speech they dont like?

Fox News and Drudge has avoided the story completely except to report several times a suspected bomb sent to his home by a fan.


And the lib establishment wasn't circling the wagons protecting Ed Schultz either.

Now, where's Ingraham, Malkin, the GOP in congress who demands resolutions condemning speech they dont like?

Fox News and Drudge has avoided the story completely except to report several times a suspected bomb sent to his home by a fan.


You really need to get an exterminator to fumigate your empty head. You really need to get rid of those crickets.

As usual, the hypocrisy is all yours. Laura Ingraham didn't go around parading her sex life in public for political purposes and whining about other people paying an absurd amount for her contraception. Rush is right, AGAIN!

Boehner sobered up enough to call Limbaugh's comments "inappropriate." Now that's about as light and delicate a verbal slap on the wrist that is possible in the English language. And even at that Boehner seemed to be forcing himself to get the words out without choking. It shows just how much the republican munchkins fear the comedian Limbaugh.

And the lib establishment wasn't circling the wagons protecting Ed Schultz either.

Now, where's Ingraham, Malkin, the GOP in congress who demands resolutions condemning speech they dont like?

Fox News and Drudge has avoided the story completely except to report several times a suspected bomb sent to his home by a fan.


Same place Nazi Pelosi was when Commadant Schultz was demeaning Laura Ingraham. Like I said, you and your ilk didn't have a problem with it then. In fact you were mum. But, now you have a problem with the word.

Of course you can dig back in the CP archives and show me all of the posts from the left wingers here condemning. Until you do STFU about it.

Liberal shitbags are trying to blow this out of proportion because they know how much trouble OWEbamatricylin is in.

But, who knows maybe Moochelle will "let" him watch some TV after he loses reelection. What a pussy. Bossed around by his old lady. No wonder world leaders don't respect the big eared douchebag. They know he can't even control his old lady.

Now crawl back into your spider hole