Rush- Your Repbub Dear Leader- has spoken

Another WRONG answer from the AnswerMan.

It is funny to see the cons twist in the wind as their leader Limbaugh has gotten himself into a vat of hot water over this. Instead of expressing outrage, as they would if a 'liberal' commentator had made the same comments about Ms. Fluke, the cons are deflecting and trying to label others as liars.

Just like Romney with his flip flops, gaffes and distortions, the cons have become a sad reflection of Bishop Willard.

It wasn't an answer Einstein, I posted what Rush said in full context.
Maybe you should write WRONG in color and underline and italics in order to really emphasize your stupid responses to me when you really have nothing to say?

It wasn't an answer Einstein, I posted what Rush said in full context.
Maybe you should write WRONG in color and underline and italics in order to really emphasize your stupid responses to me when you really have nothing to say?

The next time you have something to say, it will be a first. Until then, we can expect more WRONG answers and apologetic drivel from you and your ilk.

Keep up the great work - Limbaugh would be so proud of you.

Amazing how serious you guys are all of a sudden. It is just sex. Why so uptight? She talked about he sex in public. She gave up her right to privacy. Not sure why she isn't getting her sexual accessories from Planned Parenthood.

I'd say it is serious when advertisers started pulling out of the Dear Leaders' radio show this morning. Hopefully, they will all pull out and he will have to cancel his show.

As always libs just get a sound bite from Keith Olbermann wannabes like Ed Schultz. Here is the actual transcript:

"A Georgetown co-ed told Rep. Nancy Pelosi's hearing that the women in her law school program are having so much sex that they're going broke, so you and I should pay for their birth control. Speaking at a hearing held by Pelosi to tout Pres. Obama's mandate that virtually every health insurance plan cover the full cost of contraception and abortion-inducing products, Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke said that it's too expensive to have sex in law school without mandated insurance coverage. Apparently, four out of every ten co-eds are having so much sex that it's hard to make ends meet if they have to pay for their own contraception, Fluke's research shows."
Can you imagine if you're her parents how proud of Sandra Fluke you would be? Your daughter goes up to a congressional hearing conducted by the Botox-filled Nancy Pelosi and testifies she's having so much sex she can't afford her own birth control pills and she agrees that Obama should provide them, or the Pope. "'Forty percent of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggled financially as a result of this policy (Georgetown student insurance not covering contraception), Fluke reported. It costs a female student $3,000 to have protected sex over the course of her three-year stint in law school, according to her calculations.
"'Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school,' Fluke told the hearing. $3,000 for birth control in three years? That's a thousand dollars a year of sex -- and, she wants us to pay for it." All of this just since January 7th. Just since January 7th. You guys who are thinking you're not gonna go to college? Let me just say one thing to you: Georgetown. They're admitting before congressional committee that they're having so much sex they can't afford the birth control pills! That's all you gotta come up with. And all of this is the Republicans' fault. Sandra Fluke, one of the Butt Sisters, is being dragged out of law school by the hair. Wait 'til Rick Santorum hears about this. Wait 'til Gingrich hears about this! What do you think they'll do? They'll put a stop to this right away! They'll head over that university and they'll stop it!
They'll spy on Sandra Fluke and interrupt her in mid-coitus, and then they'll make 'em get married.
They'll make 'em get married and then make 'em have those babies and make 'em have 10,000 babies and then stay home...
Listening to The Troglodytes by The Jimmy Castor Bunch!
RUSH: What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns? No! We're not the johns. (interruption) Yeah, that's right. Pimp's not the right word. Okay, so she's not a slut. She's "round heeled." I take it back.

What I find most fascinating is that the "student" that appeared before a congressional committee LIED TO CONGRESS! The average retail price for a one month supply of generic birth control pills is $18.00 - $25.00. The three year cost for birth control pills is therefore $648.00 to $900.00, and is NOT $3,000. This broad could lose her right to become a lawyer by committing perjury in congressional testimony.

Amazing how serious you guys are all of a sudden. It is just sex. Why so uptight? She talked about he sex in public. She gave up her right to privacy. Not sure why she isn't getting her sexual accessories from Planned Parenthood.

She isn't objecting to people knowing she's had sex, she's objecting to publicly being called a slut.

Not only is that demeaing someone in public, it may be slander. Is every woman who has sex a slut? That's the lie.

He took it back and then insulted her again but that's the way he makes his money folks, what's new?
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What I find most fascinating is that the "student" that appeared before a congressional committee LIED TO CONGRESS! The average retail price for a one month supply of generic birth control pills is $18.00 - $25.00. The three year cost for birth control pills is therefore $648.00 to $900.00, and is NOT $3,000. This broad could lose her right to become a lawyer by committing perjury in congressional testimony.
I wonder how much she has to spend on drinks on a Friday night to get a guy drunk enough?
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A major part of his insult was when he said, she's having so much sex - blah, blah, blah. The same amout of birth control pills are required if she has sex once a year or once a day. The next was when he asked for the videos - not everyone makes videos.

The sad thing is, we're giving this sleazy, fat fuck free advertisement when we argue about it.

She isn't objecting to people knowing she's had sex, she's objecting to publicly being called a slut.

Not only is that demeaing someone in public, it may be slander. Is every woman who has sex a slut? That's the lie.

He took it back and then insulted her again but that's the way he makes his money folks, what's new?

According to her and her testimony she is having so much sex she can't afford her birth control pills. I don't give two shots if this slut uses birth control pills I just don't want to and shouldn't have to pay for it.

According to her and her testimony she is having so much sex she can't afford her birth control pills. I don't give two shots if this slut uses birth control pills I just don't want to and shouldn't have to pay for it.

So if sex costs her so much more than people who have to less of it, does it mean she is paying for it? Last time I checked it wasn't necessary to increase the dosage with volume. Perhaps she needs to start hanging with a different crowd.

According to her and her testimony she is having so much sex she can't afford her birth control pills. I don't give two shots if this slut uses birth control pills I just don't want to and shouldn't have to pay for it.

So she is a slut and you don't want to pay for her BC? Wow, proof that you are indeed a mensa.
Some of don't want to pay for foreign aid to certain mid-eastern countries, or for stupid wars of aggression, or for American imperialism, or for oil company subsidies. Or for tax exempt status for organized religion.
But that is how the system works, so quit whining.

Amazing how serious you guys are all of a sudden. It is just sex. Why so uptight? She talked about he sex in public. She gave up her right to privacy. Not sure why she isn't getting her sexual accessories from Planned Parenthood.

Oh come on ILA, everyone has sex. Acknowledging it in public to make a point doen't forfeit your right to privacy. If a man received a prostate medication on medicare, does that mean he has to show movies of his prostate in action? If someone has a bowel disorder, do they have to submit a poop movie? You're stretching it.

As far as the sex accessories? same thing, would a person with a bowel doisorder get TP from the insurance company? Hell no.

So if sex costs her so much more than people who have to less of it, does it mean she is paying for it? Last time I checked it wasn't necessary to increase the dosage with volume. Perhaps she needs to start hanging with a different crowd.

I thought the figure she mentioned was a 4 year figure.