Rush- Your Repbub Dear Leader- has spoken


Well-Known Member
"Rush doesn't want women to have birth control-- as those women are "sluts"

He verbally attacks a 24 year old college student for wanting birth control by calling her a slut. Is He living in the 18th century still?

This WAR on women has to stop.


This from the fatass who was caught with Viagra in his possession at airport security while he wasn't married. Just another self proclaimed 'christian' showing they are "largely" (pun intended) hypocrite a-hole pieces of trash.

"Rush doesn't want women to have birth control-- as those women are "sluts"

He verbally attacks a 24 year old college student for wanting birth control by calling her a slut. Is He living in the 18th century still?

This WAR on women has to stop.

It will stop after she sues his fat ass tomorrow.:D

Fearful Fatty was terrified that someone was going to bomb his fat ass into oblivion. Fatty was so distraught because he knew that there would not be 73 virgins waiting for him, in fact maybe the cops should be checking his latest concubine to see if she sent the mystery package.

Oh, I hope so, someone needs to shut him up-- I can't even believe anyone would listen to his hate filled garbage.

Sandra Fluke, the woman who the comedian Limbaugh verbally assaulted, was interviewed on TV tonight. She was very well spoken, very dignified and very courageous. What a contrast between this gentle law student and the obscene drug abusing man who spews racism and hatred on a daily basis.

Limbaugh is a coward. I would love to see him repeat it with Ms. Fluke in front of him. I can't wait to see if any Republican has the decency to speak out against their leader, Rush Limbaugh.

Sandra Fluke, the woman who the comedian Limbaugh verbally assaulted, was interviewed on TV tonight. She was very well spoken, very dignified and very courageous. What a contrast between this gentle law student and the obscene drug abusing man who spews racism and hatred on a daily basis.

Limbaugh is a coward. I would love to see him repeat it with Ms. Fluke in front of him. I can't wait to see if any Republican has the decency to speak out against their leader, Rush Limbaugh.

Actually, you are just a liar, as are all the other libtard commenters on this thread.

Actually, you are just a liar, as are all the other libtard commenters on this thread.

Do you or any of the other cons who have hurled out charges of 'liar' on this thread have any evidence or proof to back up your charge?? You and your ilk only prove that once again that facts are not your friend.

If you have the stones to reply, please make it in the form of evidence that supports your above claim and not one of your usual weak one liners.

Yes really. You out in quotes that Limbaugh doesn't want women to have birth control. That is a flat out lie. Since you started your OP off with a lie, the rest of your thread is irrelevent.

Now if you could kindly provide me a link of Limbaugh saying the exact words "I don't want women to have birth control", I would be happy to retract my statement that you are a liar

Sandra Fluke, the woman who the comedian Limbaugh verbally assaulted, was interviewed on TV tonight. She was very well spoken, very dignified and very courageous. What a contrast between this gentle law student and the obscene drug abusing man who spews racism and hatred on a daily basis.

Limbaugh is a coward. I would love to see him repeat it with Ms. Fluke in front of him. I can't wait to see if any Republican has the decency to speak out against their leader, Rush Limbaugh.

Funny that you watch BSNBC and Seargent Schultz.

Lean Forward

No mention of the part of his message that in return for his paying for her birth control he wants to see the videos of all the sex she is having???????

What a stupid fat fuck.

No mention of the part of his message that in return for his paying for her birth control he wants to see the videos of all the sex she is having???????

What a stupid fat fuck.

Amazing how serious you guys are all of a sudden. It is just sex. Why so uptight? She talked about he sex in public. She gave up her right to privacy. Not sure why she isn't getting her sexual accessories from Planned Parenthood.

Amazing how serious you guys are all of a sudden. It is just sex. Why so uptight? She talked about he sex in public. She gave up her right to privacy. Not sure why she isn't getting her sexual accessories from Planned Parenthood.

I am sure you would feel the same way if Ed Shultz had said the same things as the comedian Limbaugh in this situtionn.


As always libs just get a sound bite from Keith Olbermann wannabes like Ed Schultz. Here is the actual transcript:

"A Georgetown co-ed told Rep. Nancy Pelosi's hearing that the women in her law school program are having so much sex that they're going broke, so you and I should pay for their birth control. Speaking at a hearing held by Pelosi to tout Pres. Obama's mandate that virtually every health insurance plan cover the full cost of contraception and abortion-inducing products, Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke said that it's too expensive to have sex in law school without mandated insurance coverage. Apparently, four out of every ten co-eds are having so much sex that it's hard to make ends meet if they have to pay for their own contraception, Fluke's research shows."
Can you imagine if you're her parents how proud of Sandra Fluke you would be? Your daughter goes up to a congressional hearing conducted by the Botox-filled Nancy Pelosi and testifies she's having so much sex she can't afford her own birth control pills and she agrees that Obama should provide them, or the Pope. "'Forty percent of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggled financially as a result of this policy (Georgetown student insurance not covering contraception), Fluke reported. It costs a female student $3,000 to have protected sex over the course of her three-year stint in law school, according to her calculations.
"'Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school,' Fluke told the hearing. $3,000 for birth control in three years? That's a thousand dollars a year of sex -- and, she wants us to pay for it." All of this just since January 7th. Just since January 7th. You guys who are thinking you're not gonna go to college? Let me just say one thing to you: Georgetown. They're admitting before congressional committee that they're having so much sex they can't afford the birth control pills! That's all you gotta come up with. And all of this is the Republicans' fault. Sandra Fluke, one of the Butt Sisters, is being dragged out of law school by the hair. Wait 'til Rick Santorum hears about this. Wait 'til Gingrich hears about this! What do you think they'll do? They'll put a stop to this right away! They'll head over that university and they'll stop it!
They'll spy on Sandra Fluke and interrupt her in mid-coitus, and then they'll make 'em get married.
They'll make 'em get married and then make 'em have those babies and make 'em have 10,000 babies and then stay home...
Listening to The Troglodytes by The Jimmy Castor Bunch!
RUSH: What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns? No! We're not the johns. (interruption) Yeah, that's right. Pimp's not the right word. Okay, so she's not a slut. She's "round heeled." I take it back.