Roche Carolina

I can't imagine no cars in those lots, no activity around the grounds. You guys helped cure me with Pegasys, ribavirin and Incivek, and I won't forget it. I hate it when good folks fall prey to incompetent leadership and corporate bullshit. Breaks my heart. I hope you all find good jobs and happiness. If nothing else, always know you did a lot of good for others, if not for yourselves.


Facts - while the G guys were telling you how bad you were at compliance they received a total of 3 separate 483s in SSF from September 2011 to October 2012 - plus a fourth in early 2014. Likewise the Vacaville site received 2 FDA 483s from March 2012 & September 2013. Additionally, the crown jewel fill and packaging site in Hillsboro Oregon took 483 in June 2012.

The SSF site got more 483 items in 13 months than you got in 13 years.

All this while the G QA team was telling Roche how good G was and how bad R was. R HQ was in love with G.

But some consultants got rich off of you.

G is great at Research and Discovery - weak everywhere else.

Facts - while the G guys were telling you how bad you were at compliance they received a total of 3 separate 483s in SSF from September 2011 to October 2012 - plus a fourth in early 2014. Likewise the Vacaville site received 2 FDA 483s from March 2012 & September 2013. Additionally, the crown jewel fill and packaging site in Hillsboro Oregon took 483 in June 2012.

The SSF site got more 483 items in 13 months than you got in 13 years.

All this while the G QA team was telling Roche how good G was and how bad R was. R HQ was in love with G.

But some consultants got rich off of you.

G is great at Research and Discovery - weak everywhere else.

Getting a 483 is no big deal. Everyone gets them . So what. Carolina sucks.

The attitude of "everyone gets them" seems at odds with that "Class A" crap the GNE people brag about (as they continued to pile up 483s). Ironically the two API sites closing went over 10 years each without receiving one 483 observation from the FDA. All Basel did was have a very serious contamination problem in 2007 that resulted in the site manager leaving from embarrassment. Yeah, let's keep that site. If Carolina is so bad, why did so many people flock here from the Left Coast during Jami's reign?

Getting a 483 is no big deal. Everyone gets them . So what. Carolina sucks.

FDA met with GNE QA buffoons (Pinion's minions - soon to be cleared out for good) and told them FDA is sick and tired of GNE pushing them around with much needed brake thru thrapies, and honeymoon is over. No wonder so many of the Pinion's rats are jumping boat including LV and even air head ex-head of audit EE.

Even the head honcho of biologics TM was forced out and before he got booted he was forced to fire the head of DS and DP in SSF lah-lah land and even his protege TH left. And JM got pushed out even with Samsung TT hoopla.

Yep rats fleeting sinking ship and beyond stacking chairs as FDA is playing the last tune.

LOL - you derseve the FDA wrath you bunch of SSF assholes who made us look like complete hicks.

FDA met with GNE QA buffoons (Pinion's minions - soon to be cleared out for good) and told them FDA is sick and tired of GNE pushing them around with much needed brake thru thrapies, and honeymoon is over. No wonder so many of the Pinion's rats are jumping boat including LV and even air head ex-head of audit EE.

Even the head honcho of biologics TM was forced out and before he got booted he was forced to fire the head of DS and DP in SSF lah-lah land and even his protege TH left. And JM got pushed out even with Samsung TT hoopla.

Yep rats fleeting sinking ship and beyond stacking chairs as FDA is playing the last tune.

LOL - you derseve the FDA wrath you bunch of SSF assholes who made us look like complete hicks.

OMG the last sentence above made me roll on the floor laughing. How true! They are not Class A but propagandize that they are and believe their own bullshit. Most definitely believe their own shit doesn't stink. What a joke. And to top it off, look at what the biggest Class A ass Jami did... surrounded herself with losers like Mazz and Muir and Hinson and Space. There is talent judgment for you along with her other poor judgments.

OMG the last sentence above made me roll on the floor laughing. How true! They are not Class A but propagandize that they are and believe their own bullshit. Most definitely believe their own shit doesn't stink. What a joke. And to top it off, look at what the biggest Class A ass Jami did... surrounded herself with losers like Mazz and Muir and Hinson and Space. There is talent judgment for you along with her other poor judgments.

LMAO! Ain't that the truth! Those four clowns and our current site head are like the smell of have a hard time washing off their shit ass odor from your body whenever you encounter them!

FDA met with GNE QA buffoons (Pinion's minions - soon to be cleared out for good) and told them FDA is sick and tired of GNE pushing them around with much needed brake thru thrapies, and honeymoon is over. No wonder so many of the Pinion's rats are jumping boat including LV and even air head ex-head of audit EE.

Even the head honcho of biologics TM was forced out and before he got booted he was forced to fire the head of DS and DP in SSF lah-lah land and even his protege TH left. And JM got pushed out even with Samsung TT hoopla.

Yep rats fleeting sinking ship and beyond stacking chairs as FDA is playing the last tune.

LOL - you derseve the FDA wrath you bunch of SSF assholes who made us look like complete hicks.

Yep they is at Basel is draining the swamp over at SSF alright.

I reckon there is more blood letting ahead with the triple whammy of patent expirations of the three horsemen Herceptin/Rituxan/Avastin in 2017. Get it assholes in SSF? Your glory days is over and you too will need to clamp down on the country club spending and mired in mud wrestling with the biosimilars from big and small pharmas and yeah even Samsung - the place JM our ex-beloved Quality Head helped to suck out the "knowledge" and one fucked-up asinine quality system over there and helped them pass their 1st PAI for Rituxan - in other words enable future competition with their biosimilars including Herceptin with Merck - how fuckin STUPID SSF is!

FDA met with GNE QA buffoons (Pinion's minions - soon to be cleared out for good) and told them FDA is sick and tired of GNE pushing them around with much needed brake thru thrapies, and honeymoon is over. No wonder so many of the Pinion's rats are jumping boat including LV and even air head ex-head of audit EE.

Even the head honcho of biologics TM was forced out and before he got booted he was forced to fire the head of DS and DP in SSF lah-lah land and even his protege TH left. And JM got pushed out even with Samsung TT hoopla.

Yep rats fleeting sinking ship and beyond stacking chairs as FDA is playing the last tune.

LOL - you derseve the FDA wrath you bunch of SSF assholes who made us look like complete hicks.

Yep they is at Basel is draining the swamp over at SSF alright.

I reckon there is more blood letting ahead with the triple whammy of patent expirations of the three horsemen Herceptin/Rituxan/Avastin in 2017. Get it assholes in SSF? Your glory days is over and you too will need to clamp down on the country club spending and mired in mud wrestling with the biosimilars from big and small pharmas and yeah even Samsung - the place JM our ex-beloved Quality Head helped to suck out the "knowledge" and one asinine quality system over there and helped them pass their 1st PAI for Rituxan - in other words enable future competition with their biosimilars including Herceptin with Merck - how freakin STUPID SSF is!

Genentech is so incredibly STUPID...

They helped Samsung pass their 1st PAI and gave away the know-hows and convoluted quality system in quixotic tech transfer/transplant mini SSF DS plant there and this is how the Samsung kimchi lovers are paying you right back.

Samsung Bioepis seeks Europe approval for copy of Herceptin breast cancer drug

Samsung Bioepis to begin global phase-III trials for Avastin biosimilar

I remember when we used to win Manufacturing Awards, now we vie for a Diversity Award from the SC Chamber. Don't have shit to manufacture but apparently that doesn't matter anymore.

No buy out, Roche gave Patheon the plant. Nice to know that the site will get back into the business of manufacturing and releasing product without the Police State Quality system Genentech forced down our throats.

And that is why you will always get 483s... you don't realize that it IS important. And that's why the EMEA is always down't GNE's throat. GNE doesn't care... I think that's good for customers to know.

Plus, when we said a 483 was not that important you Genies flipped out, especially that moron JDP. Just goes to show how liberals have no values and no ethics and those at GNE are really stupid.