Roche Carolina

That makes sense - in order to make that site financially viable, it needs to be at/near 100% capacity with the least amount of staff possible. Without Roche's financial backing - that site needs to be as lean as humanly possible and overtime kept to the absolute minimum.

Of course more cuts are coming. Do you really think Patheon needs a "Chief of Staff-Public Relations" or whatever the hell he is called? It is going to be a real struggle until Patheon grows their own business to take up the capacity.

Via LinkedIn, i'm sure the company will be fine with all of this legacy talent:

Sr. Supervisor
Sr. Manufacturing Manager
Sr. Process Manager
Sr. Automation Engineer
Sr. Administrative Assistant
Sr. Chemical Operator
Principal Manager
Sr. Program Manager
Sr. Technical Manager
Sr. QC Associate

With all of that seniority, one would think they could have figured out how to run the site at capacity or make a profit. Oh well, at least there (was) another FloHo to go to.

Via LinkedIn, i'm sure the company will be fine with all of this legacy talent:

Sr. Supervisor
Sr. Manufacturing Manager
Sr. Process Manager
Sr. Automation Engineer
Sr. Administrative Assistant
Sr. Chemical Operator
Principal Manager
Sr. Program Manager
Sr. Technical Manager
Sr. QC Associate

With all of that seniority, one would think they could have figured out how to run the site at capacity or make a profit. Oh well, at least there (was) another FloHo to go to.

You gotta be from Cali.Looks you idiots could have saved it but you didn't do anything but lie and spend alotta money on urselves.
I don't understand this. Who is/are the "you" in the above quote? Who are the idiots? Who spent money and lied? Please don't make comments without making any sense. Use sentences. Use all the letters in words. Use punctuation. Provide context. You aren't texting your "boo". You're participating in a conversation. We don't know what's going on in your head. We don't understand your shorthand. If you can't be coherent, be absent. I'm not saying this because I disagree with you; I truly don't know if I agree or not. I do abhor your grammar and communication style enough to hope we don't share a common view.

dang yall lets buy that big ole building. we make drugs, they use to make drugs its the same dangum thing

*several months later*
wheres the money going and why isnt anyone working over here!?

Makes that Thermo-Fisher bought Pantheon, they are probably looking to determine if the site is or is not going to part of their long-term business model strategy. So everything probably has been placed on hold until they figure out if they are going forward with the site as part of the Thermo-Fisher global business manufacturing strategy or if they are going to sell the site or shut it down.