Roche Carolina

I guess we just have very different experiences and mine has been positive. I'll gladly be a "minion" than a washed up nobody who can only say negative things about a person who helped us. Talk to Jay, he's legit and that shit was real. Your ignorance is your issue and if you are on site like the group I represent here , then tell us where to meet and ya'll talk it out?
We learned to not divide but work through our issues for our patients and we believe it. AAIS never excited and now it does. That's a fact and you can spread rumors or silence is from someone who had gone a year.

I guess I'm a "minion" like many others, what's interesting is she only did what was best fact include: getting us out of a compliance nightmare and caring about us a employees. Sorry I know because I was one of the operations who spoke up. I was there when a certain head told me to discard the white powder without anyone knowing. Don't feel based they got canned snd if you were in the room with the HA's you would know what they said. We had someone listen and fix the problems. So you can call me a black minion, yes a black one I am. One that you never saw before or cared about. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. Your hate steak is only going to eat you up.

Phil on the other hand is the worse leader that ever existed. He only listens to what Steve says and Steve's nose is so far up PA's ass it hurts dude.

I'm focused on leaving her legacy of quality products for patients and that's more than anyone ever did for us.

Black minion loud and proud #weartheblueuniform

We love to be minions. Better than backstabbing haters!
Ummm... minions are backstabbing - that's kind of the point. "We love to be minions" pretty much says it all. Be a minion. You're great at it, I'm sure. And what are we "hating" on... your ability to be loyal to someone who is malignantly narcissistic, ruined lives and doesn't care if you live or die? You are a PERFECT minion. Stick with your talent. Retorts aren't your strength.

So many questions.... The site was ready to be sold and it was Swiss management that screwed up the deals. JDP had a new product in the site so why does she keep being brought into this. That was a year ago y'all! She did great things for this site and your numbers are way off. You clearly know nothing like the fact that the site was continuing to pay for previous blunders like Boulder. Your conspiracy theory snd all the personal rants are just lies. Jami's husband never played golf, he played basketball with us " low lives" as you like to call us. Yeah, we drinkin from the cool-aid. She's the best thing that ever happened for the site snd yes she's helped many who wanTed the help get jobs on the left coast. You must live a very sad life, for us in Mfg we miss her and still wish she'd come back. We like that she participated in the community and raised $ for the Schools. We gladly supported her. No one ever felt forced. That's crazy man. If she had to, she would have gotten the deal done. That's a fact!

Let it go and let the site move on.

Thanks Rudy for writing in. Appreciate your thoughts. You are one of the idiots who benefited from JDP being here... one of the few who benefited. We can count on one hand the number of mfg people who thought she added value and the rest saw her for what she was and what she did to screw the site.

Michael Space, are you writing this crazy shit, again?? You know Ron is doing all the work for JDP in his role as her "strategic project leader", and she is taking the credit.

MB was not who JDP wanted to hire but bc she fit a particular need, she got hired. That said, the woman was of no value to the site and just like her dotted line boss JDP did little for the site.

AMEN to the last 5 posts. Jami wouldn't know leadership if it bit her square in the ass. Never had an elevator security system because there was never a graffiti problem until she proved her ineptness in managing a site coupled with the bobblehead people who reported to her. Burp, pass the kool ade.

It can't bite her square in the a$$ bc Mazzaroni's face is there sucking up. You'd have to move him out of the way first.

I guess we just have very different experiences and mine has been positive. I'll gladly be a "minion" than a washed up nobody who can only say negative things about a person who helped us. Talk to Jay, he's legit and that shit was real. Your ignorance is your issue and if you are on site like the group I represent here , then tell us where to meet and ya'll talk it out?
We learned to not divide but work through our issues for our patients and we believe it. AAIS never excited and now it does. That's a fact and you can spread rumors or silence is from someone who had gone a year.

who are you? you write in broken English so you definitely aren't from SC. Or are you JDP in disguise? And if you are so proud of her, why don't you sign your name? Oh wait, you are afraid bc everyone else here except the FLT and a few others saw JDP for what she was... a lying, self-promoting shrew.

Thanks Rudy for writing in. Appreciate your thoughts. You are one of the idiots who benefited from JDP being here... one of the few who benefited. We can count on one hand the number of mfg people who thought she added value and the rest saw her for what she was and what she did to screw the site.

LMAO!! OMG, you are so right about RM - he sucked up to JDP and always went to her when he wanted to get his way. A contest between RM and PM on whose nose was farther up JDP's big ass. RM was politician who talked about people behind their back, especially if they didn't agree with his thoughts. Another version of SM!! RM knew a lot...about nothing!! ...and liked to show off his biceps. I thought it was funny when one of his own mfg. employees pointed to another employee at a FloHo and told RM and others around, "Hey, his guns are bigger than yours", was RM embarrassed! So glad he's gone from the site. Oh wait...JDP got him a job back in CA!! I guess sucking up worked for him. I can hear the sound of the vacuum suction coming from Oceanside with all the folks that JDP brought back to CA with her.

I guess I'm a "minion" like many others, what's interesting is she only did what was best fact include: getting us out of a compliance nightmare and caring about us a employees. Sorry I know because I was one of the operations who spoke up. I was there when a certain head told me to discard the white powder without anyone knowing. Don't feel based they got canned snd if you were in the room with the HA's you would know what they said. We had someone listen and fix the problems. So you can call me a black minion, yes a black one I am. One that you never saw before or cared about. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. Your hate steak is only going to eat you up.

Phil on the other hand is the worse leader that ever existed. He only listens to what Steve says and Steve's nose is so far up PA's ass it hurts dude.

I'm focused on leaving her legacy of quality products for patients and that's more than anyone ever did for us.

Black minion loud and proud #weartheblueuniform

If you were truly in operations, you would know there was no "compliance nightmare". Focusing on her legacy? Where? I don't believe you're anyone but Jami. Sorry.

Here is my favorite Jami Leadership Moment - A quote from the FloMo

She doesn’t have a degree in science and was told when she got into the manufacturing field that she’d have to ditch the makeup and the high heels. “I didn’t even have makeup on,” she said with a smile. “My response was, ‘No, you’re just going to have to get used to it.’ I’ve had to change the mindset that I don’t have to be like you to do the job. It’s strength in heels. You can be different, and that’s OK. Women wear heels.”

Yes - Jami we get it. YOU are so Pretty you don't have to wear make up. Also, You don't have to follow the well established and enforce Safety Rules. Let's see 12 Flights of Stairs in Manufacturing and all of the internal grating in the MPUs. Heels would never allow you to evacuate in a timely fashion, they present a real risk on the grating in each of the mpus, and they provide little protection around the chemicals. The "workers" need to have on closed toe, leather with chemical and steel protection - but these rules do not apply to you! Still remember her strutting around with the heels in Production - what a mockery!

Here is my favorite Jami Leadership Moment - A quote from the FloMo

She doesn’t have a degree in science and was told when she got into the manufacturing field that she’d have to ditch the makeup and the high heels. “I didn’t even have makeup on,” she said with a smile. “My response was, ‘No, you’re just going to have to get used to it.’ I’ve had to change the mindset that I don’t have to be like you to do the job. It’s strength in heels. You can be different, and that’s OK. Women wear heels.”

Yes - Jami we get it. YOU are so Pretty you don't have to wear make up. Also, You don't have to follow the well established and enforce Safety Rules. Let's see 12 Flights of Stairs in Manufacturing and all of the internal grating in the MPUs. Heels would never allow you to evacuate in a timely fashion, they present a real risk on the grating in each of the mpus, and they provide little protection around the chemicals. The "workers" need to have on closed toe, leather with chemical and steel protection - but these rules do not apply to you! Still remember her strutting around with the heels in Production - what a mockery!

She was a deceiver. Played us all for fools!!!!

What a great point. Those who are charged with ensuring an ethical culture and that employment laws are followed all left quickly. Each successive replacement left as soon as they figured out JDP and as soon as they could find a new job. On the lie front, there is an example of it here too. Michele Bolden chose to "Retire to be with family" but went back to work immediately thereafter.

Michele here... I am not sure who posted this but did retire and if you are friends with me you would know that.

Black and proud and not Rudy. Y'all got real problems. We work here in RCI Mfg, second shift so you know who we are. If you are so proud then come talk to us face to face or better yet tell your shit to Jamie. Oh you can't, she left over a year ago and you are still talking about her. So sad bro. She did nothing but support us from the moment she got here and is not longer here. She got us our new product, no one did that for us. Michael Space is a money sucking idiot and Phil does nothing but watch hockey. Pete is up everybody's a$$. Phil promoted him for it. Yeah, she walked the floor and yeah she had heels, they were steel toed and again if anyone actually knew her you would know that. We were the ones interviewed by EMA and FDA not y'all. yep all Minions and proud to be. Oh and Rudy is still our supervisor, still in Flo town. Come see us. We have no problems talking it out. Minions #blackandproud #rci

Amen, Bruddah!

I think they wanted to save their only female site head by offering her a new role and were too afraid to anger their whistleblower as it would look bad. Her replacement, PA, is no better - I don't trust the guy at all. A coincidence that the new site head is also a Finance guru with no plant experience??? The only reason to bring in a Finance head to run the plant is if the site is going to be sold or shut down. Looks like things are playing out as planned under his leadership (or lack thereof). The four FLT amigos (SM, MS, JH, and PM) are lackeys that should have been fired a long time ago as they talk about people behind their backs and look out for only themselves. Great leadership, huh? SM is the worst of the lot. In any other company, they would have gotten the boot a long time ago. Looks like RCI was sold a bill of goods when these guys were hired. Unfortunately, these morons will get transferred to new roles or get a hefty severance package when all is said and done.

Black and proud and not Rudy. Y'all got real problems. We work here in RCI Mfg, second shift so you know who we are. If you are so proud then come talk to us face to face or better yet tell your shit to Jamie. Oh you can't, she left over a year ago and you are still talking about her. So sad bro. She did nothing but support us from the moment she got here and is not longer here. She got us our new product, no one did that for us. Michael Space is a money sucking idiot and Phil does nothing but watch hockey. Pete is up everybody's a$$. Phil promoted him for it. Yeah, she walked the floor and yeah she had heels, they were steel toed and again if anyone actually knew her you would know that. We were the ones interviewed by EMA and FDA not y'all. yep all Minions and proud to be. Oh and Rudy is still our supervisor, still in Flo town. Come see us. We have no problems talking it out. Minions #blackandproud #rci
Pathetic. I don't think you're real, but if you are, you misspelled Jami. And minion isn't a compliment. You keep talking about the new product, Jami. Not quite the whole story, is it? Oh, and steel toed heels? Did you miss the stairs in the MPU as the "real" mfg worker? Very heel friendly. Idiot