Roche Carolina

This is the kind of person Jami is... When letting him go, she told Culbreth that it was nothing personal. What kind of leader does that?

Jami is the kind of person who had to do the right thing and had data. Enough said.

So many questions.... The site was ready to be sold and it was Swiss management that screwed up the deals. JDP had a new product in the site so why does she keep being brought into this. That was a year ago y'all! She did great things for this site and your numbers are way off. You clearly know nothing like the fact that the site was continuing to pay for previous blunders like Boulder. Your conspiracy theory snd all the personal rants are just lies. Jami's husband never played golf, he played basketball with us " low lives" as you like to call us. Yeah, we drinkin from the cool-aid. She's the best thing that ever happened for the site snd yes she's helped many who wanTed the help get jobs on the left coast. You must live a very sad life, for us in Mfg we miss her and still wish she'd come back. We like that she participated in the community and raised $ for the Schools. We gladly supported her. No one ever felt forced. That's crazy man. If she had to, she would have gotten the deal done. That's a fact!

Let it go and let the site move on.

Looks like JDP, MS, and SM are trolling the site, once again, and putting' their spin on things that life was great under JDP, and she could do no wrong. Think, morons...did you never put 2 and 2 together when JDP was offered a job in CA by David LePray and then later the site was put up for sale. It means that they knew in 2013 that they were going to sell the site and then offered a job to JDP to save her before they announced to the world that the site was for sale. We got played!! Yet, JDP played all of us with those fake crocodile tears while taking the money and runnin' saying, "We outta here! See ya later, suckers!" She's the one laughing all the way to the bank...and if you think she's great just because her hubby plays basketball with the hired help, then you're definitely deserve to be out of a job! JDP only did the community work because she had no clue how to run manufacturing plant.

This craziness is so pathetic so put so many false accusations. Michele Bolden was a great leader and Jami brought her in. I don't know the rest of them but my experiences with both of them were excellent. There is so much hate on Jami. It was David Lepre's decision to put Jami in her new role snd from what we can see she's doing great. Hate on someone else who deserves it and focus on the positive. AAIM

Michael Space, are you writing this crazy shit, again?? You know Ron is doing all the work for JDP in his role as her "strategic project leader", and she is taking the credit.

Ha MS! Just a THam minority who knows more than you will ever know. Are you calling me hired help? If so maybe you should show your face at the site. That woman was here day and night, working shifts. She knew more about Mfg than you ever will. Now leave us alone And let us get through this. Green with envy it sounds like.

Amen, Bruddah! JDP was the best. the bacon rather than just look the other way.

ployees who hung on her every word if it related to social activities. For those of you who are offended by this, then go work at another plant and then find out what its really like working full-time vs. planning the next party or community event. Lord knows there was never a shortage of them at the site! Her replacement, PA, is no better - I don't trust the guy at all. A coincidence that the new site head is also a Finance guru with no plant experience??? The only reason to bring in a Finance head to run the plant is if the site is going to be sold or shut down. Looks like things are playing out as planned under his leadership (or lack thereof). The four FLT amigos (SM, MS, JH, and PM) are lackeys that should have been fired a long time ago as they talk about people behind their backs and look out for only themselves. Great leadership, huh? SM is the worst of the lot. In any other company, they would have gotten the boot a long time ago. Looks like RCI was sold a bill of goods when these guys were hired. Unfortunately, these morons will get transferred to new roles or get a hefty severance package when all is said and done.

Steve tries

Jami is the best thing that ever happened to this Site. Inspired Leadership plus great gains in profitability, productivity and quality.
You are an idiot. Or worse, you're Jami. Either way, no one's telling lies but JDP... just like she did from her FIRST DAY ON SITE. Move on. If you're Jami, we've got you're number, if you're truly a minion, go get your nose up her butt again. You're done here.

This is the kind of person Jami is... When letting him go, she told Culbreth that it was nothing personal. What kind of leader does that?

Jami is the kind of person who had to do the right thing and had data. Enough said.
It's all one person writing this positive Jami BS. Stop it. We know she's a lying scum. We know YOU are a lying scum.

Ha MS! Just a THam minority who knows more than you will ever know. Are you calling me hired help? If so maybe you should show your face at the site. That woman was here day and night, working shifts. She knew more about Mfg than you ever will. Now leave us alone And let us get through this. Green with envy it sounds like.
Day and night? She was always off at a "funeral", a party, on vacation, "working from home", home with a migraine, etc. etc. etc. Green with envy at what? Losing your job? Oh, wait. You're Jami, so you still have a job... for now. They got rid of your beloved TM, so you shouldn't be too far behind. Roche may finally be taking out the trash.

This is the kind of person Jami is... When letting him go, she told Culbreth that it was nothing personal. What kind of leader does that?

Jami is the kind of person who had to do the right thing and had data. Enough said.
Jami never did a "right" thing in her life. She wiggled her a$$ in her tight jeans while wearing the uniform shirt THE WRONG WAY and wore high heels to "work" with the blue shirts. Yeah. That's a leader.

AMEN to the last 5 posts. Jami wouldn't know leadership if it bit her square in the ass. Never had an elevator security system because there was never a graffiti problem until she proved her ineptness in managing a site coupled with the bobblehead people who reported to her. Burp, pass the kool ade.

Ha MS! Just a THam minority who knows more than you will ever know. Are you calling me hired help? If so maybe you should show your face at the site. That woman was here day and night, working shifts. She knew more about Mfg than you ever will. Now leave us alone And let us get through this. Green with envy it sounds like.
Hired help - Showing my face EVERYDAY.
Mfg. RCI