Roche Carolina

They backed off when they realized they had to also take the FLT as part of the deal for the site and quickly realized they didn't want to take the chance on marrying the pretty girl if they were forced to also take her weirdo family of juvenile misfits...they had a heart attack when they realized that they would have to take along SM, MS, and JH for the ride!! LOL

I can just see the look on the face of the Pantheon leaders when they realized they were being sold a bill of goods with the FLT...they did the right thing and got the hell out of dodge as fast as they could rather than taking on those pinwheels as employees.

Boy, that $50 Mio investment in ammonia chillers is really looking good now, isn't it? Why did Patheon back off?

The folks at Clarecastle are wonderful people and unlike RCI, their Leadership team focuses on what is best for the site rather than "what's in it for me". With regards to RCI, the interesting thing to come out of all this is for the first time in 20 some years, PM will actually have to find a real job and most of Florence's Leaders know him for the fraud he is.

They backed off when they realized they had to also take the FLT as part of the deal for the site and quickly realized they didn't want to take the chance on marrying the pretty girl if they were forced to also take her weirdo family of juvenile misfits...they had a heart attack when they realized that they would have to take along SM, MS, and JH for the ride!! LOL

I can just see the look on the face of the Pantheon leaders when they realized they were being sold a bill of goods with the FLT...they did the right thing and got the hell out of dodge as fast as they could rather than taking on those pinwheels as employees.

Spoke with an executive I know at a company who evaluated buying RCI and he said it was so high cost to operate that it didn't make financial sense to buy it. You couldn't make money even if you cut some of the costs out. Chillers are an out of this world cost, too many buildings to maintain and pay tax on, too many people especially in all of the roles added over the last couple of years, and many of the people are paid above the market price for their role in this region (paid California rates in the SE region). Production people are paid appropriately but basically you'd have to gut the staff, close admin and engineering, and change out the chillers. The first two are easier to do but the chillers are a big problem. Hmm, who proposed those chillers as the right way to go and who approved that decision? That decision went up above RCI management that's for sure.

They backed off when they realized they had to also take the FLT as part of the deal for the site and quickly realized they didn't want to take the chance on marrying the pretty girl if they were forced to also take her weirdo family of juvenile misfits...they had a heart attack when they realized that they would have to take along SM, MS, and JH for the ride!! LOL

I can just see the look on the face of the Pantheon leaders when they realized they were being sold a bill of goods with the FLT...they did the right thing and got the hell out of dodge as fast as they could rather than taking on those pinwheels as employees.

LMAO! That was funny but hit the mark! Y ou're probably right! Those FLT pinheads will wind up getting a nice separation package but at least the only thing they'll be in charge of is trying to find a new job, and nobody in Florence will want to hire those wackadoodles.

Spoke with an executive I know at a company who evaluated buying RCI and he said it was so high cost to operate that it didn't make financial sense to buy it. You couldn't make money even if you cut some of the costs out. Chillers are an out of this world cost, too many buildings to maintain and pay tax on, too many people especially in all of the roles added over the last couple of years, and many of the people are paid above the market price for their role in this region (paid California rates in the SE region). Production people are paid appropriately but basically you'd have to gut the staff, close admin and engineering, and change out the chillers. The first two are easier to do but the chillers are a big problem. Hmm, who proposed those chillers as the right way to go and who approved that decision? That decision went up above RCI management that's for sure.

A couple of facts on the chillers. These had been pushed by Basel for multiple years and some of the prior Leadership Team resisted. A simple cost calculation of the units showed increase cost to operate and maintain plus the $ 50 M USD would add between $ 2.5 M and 5 M annually to the Site Expenses (through depreciation). An amount the site clearly could not afford. Also ammonia was not and is not used frequently in the US for chillers so the experience base for installing and operating the units was minimal. As a compromise and stall - a small unit was installed out by the Entrance to be able to say something was done. This unit performed as expected - it could not keep up with the heat in the summer or the physical space just in the Visitor's Center. Several do-overs ensued.

Once the non-technical and non-financially aware new Site Head JDP came in, the awareness of just how bad the chillers would be from a financial and operational aspect was lost on her. Add to this, JH really wanted to do a big investment project to distract from the forged Maintenance records and the overall problems in his area. So there was no one left to point out the problems or to ask the hard questions.

For a simple comparison, $ 60 M USD bought us the 3000 gallon mpu which DOUBLED our capacity and increased our flexibility. This quickly paid for itself with Tamiflu production. The $ 50 M USD Chillers bought us lower reliability, increased operating costs and a huge annual depreciation cost. (an employee who knows what happened)

High depreciation costs, high utilities costs, high labor rate (especially for Florence), and a supply contract comprised of declining product volumes due to aggressive generic competition. Why is anyone surprised this didn't go through? The news is all over the Irish press, surprised I haven't read anything locally. Maybe PM is still "crafting" the press release.

there any several companies out there interested in florence and clarecastle but roach wont sell. why is that? i dont buy the roach line, that these are not reputable companies. why patheon or no one?

They backed off when they realized they had to also take the FLT as part of the deal for the site and quickly realized they didn't want to take the chance on marrying the pretty girl if they were forced to also take her weirdo family of juvenile misfits...they had a heart attack when they realized that they would have to take along SM, MS, and JH for the ride!! LOL

I can just see the look on the face of the Pantheon leaders when they realized they were being sold a bill of goods with the FLT...they did the right thing and got the hell out of dodge as fast as they could rather than taking on those pinwheels as employees.

I agree. Why is it that whenever someone comments about the FLT on this site, someone else immediately writes a new thread and changes the thinks that someone from the FLT is monitoring this site and writes a business topic to change the subject to deflect away from them. Isn't that right, MS and SM...and JDP??? You losers should stop writing stuff on here because you write comments on here with a lot of information that only an FLT member would know about...busted!!

A couple of facts on the chillers. These had been pushed by Basel for multiple years and some of the prior Leadership Team resisted. A simple cost calculation of the units showed increase cost to operate and maintain plus the $ 50 M USD would add between $ 2.5 M and 5 M annually to the Site Expenses (through depreciation). An amount the site clearly could not afford. Also ammonia was not and is not used frequently in the US for chillers so the experience base for installing and operating the units was minimal. As a compromise and stall - a small unit was installed out by the Entrance to be able to say something was done. This unit performed as expected - it could not keep up with the heat in the summer or the physical space just in the Visitor's Center. Several do-overs ensued.

Once the non-technical and non-financially aware new Site Head JDP came in, the awareness of just how bad the chillers would be from a financial and operational aspect was lost on her. Add to this, JH really wanted to do a big investment project to distract from the forged Maintenance records and the overall problems in his area. So there was no one left to point out the problems or to ask the hard questions.

For a simple comparison, $ 60 M USD bought us the 3000 gallon mpu which DOUBLED our capacity and increased our flexibility. This quickly paid for itself with Tamiflu production. The $ 50 M USD Chillers bought us lower reliability, increased operating costs and a huge annual depreciation cost. (an employee who knows what happened)

Obviously written by an FLT member...You are busted, Michael Space!

This craziness is so pathetic so put so many false accusations. Michele Bolden was a great leader and Jami brought her in. I don't know the rest of them but my experiences with both of them were excellent. There is so much hate on Jami. It was David Lepre's decision to put Jami in her new role snd from what we can see she's doing great. Hate on someone else who deserves it and focus on the positive. AAIM

So many questions.... The site was ready to be sold and it was Swiss management that screwed up the deals. JDP had a new product in the site so why does she keep being brought into this. That was a year ago y'all! She did great things for this site and your numbers are way off. You clearly know nothing like the fact that the site was continuing to pay for previous blunders like Boulder. Your conspiracy theory snd all the personal rants are just lies. Jami's husband never played golf, he played basketball with us " low lives" as you like to call us. Yeah, we drinkin from the cool-aid. She's the best thing that ever happened for the site snd yes she's helped many who wanTed the help get jobs on the left coast. You must live a very sad life, for us in Mfg we miss her and still wish she'd come back. We like that she participated in the community and raised $ for the Schools. We gladly supported her. No one ever felt forced. That's crazy man. If she had to, she would have gotten the deal done. That's a fact!

Let it go and let the site move on.

So many questions.... The site was ready to be sold and it was Swiss management that screwed up the deals. JDP had a new product in the site so why does she keep being brought into this. That was a year ago y'all! She did great things for this site and your numbers are way off. You clearly know nothing like the fact that the site was continuing to pay for previous blunders like Boulder. Your conspiracy theory snd all the personal rants are just lies. Jami's husband never played golf, he played basketball with us " low lives" as you like to call us. Yeah, we drinkin from the cool-aid. She's the best thing that ever happened for the site snd yes she's helped many who wanTed the help get jobs on the left coast. You must live a very sad life, for us in Mfg we miss her and still wish she'd come back. We like that she participated in the community and raised $ for the Schools. We gladly supported her. No one ever felt forced. That's crazy man. If she had to, she would have gotten the deal done. That's a fact!

Let it go and let the site move on.