Roche Carolina

Yeah, and the same thing with the other 4 male FLT morons, including our current illustrious site head idiot hoser...they would answer, "we tell outsiders and employees that we like change, but we really don't. What we like to do is flap our gums a lot and loudly to make others think we know a lot when we actually know a lot about nothing. We like to tell people we are important when we actually like back stabbing each other and other employees, and running folks off the site who don't agree with us...Yeah, aren't we great people leaders??" - NOT!!

I think so. Don Herriott was a good leader. Michael Pierce was not very political (other than trying to side step Frank Cox) and put the science above politics. Frank Pasquino was approachable, funny and good at his job (maybe tough on his people?). Cary Ashworth was a good guy in a very bad situation. Same thing for Michele Bolden. Hans Groeger was tough, but fair and a leader you could respect. We've had good leaders. Just not lately.

Amen to that. Would love to be a fly on the wall when someone from Patheon asks PM "so what do you do here and what value does it bring". Answer-"I play golf for free at Florence Country Club, collect a huge paycheck for doing nothing, and travel around mooching free food and drink "representing" the company. Oh yes, I also teach a short course on brown-nosing and throwing people under the bus."

LMAO! So True and the same of it is he thinks he is a contributor.

Get out of Roche/Genentech while you still have the chance and the severance is good. Roche/GNE may be the #2 pharmaceutical company in the world now- but that won't last. The product portfolio is very narrow - Avastin, Herceptin, and Rituxan make over 50% of the revenue in the company. The patents for Avastin & Herceptin expire in 2016 - Rituxan expires in 2019. Severe cuts will come to make up for the loss of that revenue as biosimilars enter the market.

Don't fool yourself about the future of SM API - SM API is a dead industry as every single big pharma (except Gilead) is outsourcing it all. GNE sites & people will be the next to be cut as there is simply no more Roche Pharma presence in the USA. GNE was immune for awhile since Palo Alto, Nutley, Boulder & Florence could be chopped - but now only GNE sites remain.

Good luck. You've been warned.

Get out of Roche/Genentech while you still have the chance and the severance is good. Roche/GNE may be the #2 pharmaceutical company in the world now- but that won't last. The product portfolio is very narrow - Avastin, Herceptin, and Rituxan make over 50% of the revenue in the company. The patents for Avastin & Herceptin expire in 2016 - Rituxan expires in 2019. Severe cuts will come to make up for the loss of that revenue as biosimilars enter the market.

Don't fool yourself about the future of SM API - SM API is a dead industry as every single big pharma (except Gilead) is outsourcing it all. GNE sites & people will be the next to be cut as there is simply no more Roche Pharma presence in the USA. GNE was immune for awhile since Palo Alto, Nutley, Boulder & Florence could be chopped - but now only GNE sites remain.

Good luck. You've been warned.

They already scaled back the severance package once so yes they can do it again to save money. Roche is not the kindly, employer friendly company it once was when it was making money hand over fist. And they realize now the number of GNE losers they are going to have to cut and how EXPENSIVE that will be!

They already scaled back the severance package once so yes they can do it again to save money. Roche is not the kindly, employer friendly company it once was when it was making money hand over fist. And they realize now the number of GNE losers they are going to have to cut and how EXPENSIVE that will be!

It is much cheaper and easier to fire people in US vs. Europe. Lot of us are leery and nervous as this the"mother of all" RIF when compared to the last very light RIF back in 2010 with out-of-this world severance package per document I found in GNE Gwiz website.

So just heard the pending sale to Pantheon has failed! If they would've tried to sell florence alone it would've sold, but all 4 sites at once...too much

not quite correct. One site has been bough and is currently being finalized. One other site has more potential and has other interested buyers. The remaining two sites only had one interested buyer and they will eventually be shut down.

RIP RCI. Roche will be able to make a few bucks selling off the scrap metal from the site and then as farmland when everything is bulldozed and razed under. Nobody wanted the place anyways.

Florence and Clearcastle are closing. Segrate will be sold to another company.

Does this mean Jami's plan of increasing costs and headcount while simultaneously reducing capacity and flexibility made the site in attractive? If we look at the number of new positions over the last four years and see how many reduced costs or increased throughput - the answer would be less than a handful. Likewise if we look at the capital investments over the last four years to see which actually improved costs or production the answer would again be not very many.

You cannot drive up costs with no offsetting increase in revenues for very long. These facts did us in when the books were reviewed by the buyers.

Does this mean Jami's plan of increasing costs and headcount while simultaneously reducing capacity and flexibility made the site in attractive? If we look at the number of new positions over the last four years and see how many reduced costs or increased throughput - the answer would be less than a handful. Likewise if we look at the capital investments over the last four years to see which actually improved costs or production the answer would again be not very many.

You cannot drive up costs with no offsetting increase in revenues for very long. These facts did us in when the books were reviewed by the buyers.

Sums it up nicely.

OK, Jami fans - tell me again what a great leader she was and how much she improved the site. We are the newest plant of the four with the most flexible design. We should have been an easy sell.

Sums it up nicely.

OK, Jami fans - tell me again what a great leader she was and how much she improved the site. We are the newest plant of the four with the most flexible design. We should have been an easy sell.

They are now licking each other's brown stains from their noses while pinging their mama in SSF crying over their job losses, begging for jobs (yeah in the midst of SSF going thru their RIF soon) and praying real hard. Kudos to those who didn't now worship Jami and kiss up to her.