Roche Carolina

As one who JDP tried to ruin I agree with you 100%. In her mind if it was not invented or developed by GENE is was not correct and was wrong. Her clear attempt to destroy and bring down the Site so she could be the hero was so classless and showed a complete lack of morality.

Leaders look to continue to build on the foundations others have created to make things even better.

Liars and people with low confidence tear down the hard work and successes of others.

This is the kind of person Jami is... When letting him go, she told Culbreth that it was nothing personal but she was going to ruin him. What kind of leader does that? She had no reason to RUIN anyone but that was her strategy with everyone she wanted to make out to be the enemy or who disagreed with her tactics. There is a special place in hell for that bitch!

BIG reorg coming to GNE next week or 1st week of May.

Jamie's BF TM left GNE for start-up as he certainly must have known what's coming down. Will Jamie survive?

Yeah, TM is over at Kite Pharmaceuticals in Bay Area. Hopefully, he will hire Jami to join him as she is in need of a protector who will buy her BS. Hopefully if she goes, she'll take Rudy with her...another BSer. Glad he's gone.

A handful of legacy RCI people have gotten positions at GNE - along with relatively lucrative relocation packages. If GNE is planning a re-org, why would they be relocating people from the east coast? Genuinely curious.

Yeah, TM is over at Kite Pharmaceuticals in Bay Area. Hopefully, he will hire Jami to join him as she is in need of a protector who will buy her BS. Hopefully if she goes, she'll take Rudy with her...another BSer. Glad he's gone.

Yeah, RM was a BSer. Claimed to be a people leader but talked about others behind their back to get his way. GNE can keep him...

A handful of legacy RCI people have gotten positions at GNE - along with relatively lucrative relocation packages. If GNE is planning a re-org, why would they be relocating people from the east coast? Genuinely curious.

Roche was hands off for few years and assigned a lot of key positions to Genentech talking heads after the acquisition and brought many to Basel. Of course it didn't take Roche too long to see right thru the thin veneer of bullshits galore. Many like the joker VP of Quality JP got kicked out back to SSF with a desk job for a year before he "left".

Rumour in SSF is that lot of old timer Genentech directors and above might be sacked in next reorg which BTW is long overdue as Roche left it alone for 7 years. Roche is bringing in non-inbred folks and thus bring a few folks from RCI. TM already lost Roche head of DS and DP last year and even his protege TH left about same time as TM.

Times are changing even in SSF...

Yeah, TM is over at Kite Pharmaceuticals in Bay Area. Hopefully, he will hire Jami to join him as she is in need of a protector who will buy her BS. Hopefully if she goes, she'll take Rudy with her...another BSer. Glad he's gone.

PTR literally became a dumping ground for a lot of non-regulatory people and bloated as hell. No wonder they were the 1st to be forced into the open office environment (so they can't hide in their offices and leave lights on with door closed when not in the office).

The new head of PTR came from Basel and after about a year about to clean the house - it's about time and bring professionalism and accountability and flush the clogged toilet with RCI refugee like Jami!

Roche was hands off for few years and assigned a lot of key positions to Genentech talking heads after the acquisition and brought many to Basel. Of course it didn't take Roche too long to see right thru the thin veneer of bullshits galore. Many like the joker VP of Quality JP got kicked out back to SSF with a desk job for a year before he "left".

Rumour in SSF is that lot of old timer Genentech directors and above might be sacked in next reorg which BTW is long overdue as Roche left it alone for 7 years. Roche is bringing in non-inbred folks and thus bring a few folks from RCI. TM already lost Roche head of DS and DP last year and even his protege TH left about same time as TM.

Times are changing even in SSF...

I thought Jami said all the talent was on the West Coast and she had to bring them in to educate and raise the standards at RCI. Hmmm?

I thought Jami said all the talent was on the West Coast and she had to bring them in to educate and raise the standards at RCI. Hmmm?

If they want a list of who to get rid of, I can give them one. Then again it would be a shorter list if I gave them the names of people to keep. :) Ultimately, if they took out EVERY director and above they will dramatically improve the organization and culture.

Amen to that. Would love to be a fly on the wall when someone from Patheon asks PM "so what do you do here and what value does it bring". Answer-"I play golf for free at Florence Country Club, collect a huge paycheck for doing nothing, and travel around mooching free food and drink "representing" the company. Oh yes, I also teach a short course on brown-nosing and throwing people under the bus."