Roche Carolina

SC employment board has already been looking into the way Roche Carolina terminates people. They do see a "pattern" that is suspicious.

Yeah...they'd see the "pattern" is that the person fired is usually the result of a member of FLT not liking them because the person stood up to any one of them and didn't drink their kool-aid. The new site head follows in the same path as the old one...

Yeah...they'd see the "pattern" is that the person fired is usually the result of a member of FLT not liking them because the person stood up to any one of them and didn't drink their kool-aid. The new site head follows in the same path as the old one...
Of course the new site head follows in the same path as the old one, primarily because like the old site head, he has absolutely no experience or qualifications for running a manufacturing site.

Of course the new site head follows in the same path as the old one, primarily because like the old site head, he has absolutely no experience or qualifications for running a manufacturing site.

Since someone previously said that the site head has a standing golf tee time every Sunday morning at Florence Country Club, it would be hysterical if we organized a picket line at the club to greet him at the entrance on a given Sunday... :)

Of course the new site head follows in the same path as the old one, primarily because like the old site head, he has absolutely no experience or qualifications for running a manufacturing site.

Please remember he was not sent to the site to run it but to divest it. That requires a different skill set. You often find that organizations send in finance people to run a divestiture (sell or close). His strength is that he has no alliances or allegiances with anyone at the site so he can make unbiased choices and that he is able to understand and make good financial decision that are in line with the divestiture that he was brought in to facilitate. Stop believing that mother Roche has your best interest at heart. If they did they would not have reduced the severance package and they never would have sent JDP to the site.

Since someone previously said that the site head has a standing golf tee time every Sunday morning at Florence Country Club, it would be hysterical if we organized a picket line at the club to greet him at the entrance on a given Sunday... :)

I'd be up for picketing and set up shop outside the Florence Country club on a Sunday to embarrass him. Let us know when and I'm sure that we can get a bunch of us and our family members to come with!

Glad to see Jami getting the positive press she deserves on LinkedIn. Truly an inspirational leader.

Kool-Aid drinker. She made a fluff statement just like she always does. If you looked at the comments, she falls short of the mark. Its not what you say but what you do when you are an effective leader. Saying trite phrases is what poor leaders do. Working hard to understand the needs of your people and demonstrating effective behaviors to help them achieve or improve upon their areas of need separates false leaders from real leaders. I like that statement which I saw posted much better.

Kool-Aid drinker. She made a fluff statement just like she always does. If you looked at the comments, she falls short of the mark. Its not what you say but what you do when you are an effective leader. Saying trite phrases is what poor leaders do. Working hard to understand the needs of your people and demonstrating effective behaviors to help them achieve or improve upon their areas of need separates false leaders from real leaders. I like that statement which I saw posted much better.
You are just jealous because she brought in new products, built a world class OE organization and gave us a future - you wish you could be a part of this turn around.

You are just jealous because she brought in new products, built a world class OE organization and gave us a future - you wish you could be a part of this turn around.

"...a world class OE organization and gave us a future"?? Give me a break! I think JDP got on this site and wrote that last quote herself because it sounds like something she would say!! Here's the real scoop...even David LePray told us on his last visit to the site that our site OE wasn't great!! Oh...and by the way, there is no "turn around"...the site is closing!! Realize that JDP bolted and left you and us with a lump of coal while she turned that lump of coal in her ass into a diamond by kissing up to get a new job by spouting out the right buzz words that they wanted to hear. She's the only one laughing all the way to the bank. Wake up and smell the greasy bacon!!

Glad to see Jami getting the positive press she deserves on LinkedIn. Truly an inspirational leader.

Wow, you must be on drugs. What gets you inspired? Pretty, mean-hearted girls who don't know how to lead or anything about our business, but manage to schmooze (etc.) their way to the top with no talent or knowledge? You must LOVE politics.

You are just jealous because she brought in new products, built a world class OE organization and gave us a future - you wish you could be a part of this turn around.

Like the other person must have been JDP who wrote that statement cause she is the only one stupid enough to believe the crap that comes out of her own mouth. If not her, then maybe her former secretary at our site with the pumped up job title that makes her feel and believe that she is more than just a secretary. Can I get an "Amen"???

When I saw the quote on LinkedIn, I thought a more appropriate quote from her would have been something like "Leadership requires you to act just like a border collie where you walk in circles all day making sure the sheep are doing exactly what you want them to do, even if it is wrong. It is walking the walk."

Like the other person must have been JDP who wrote that statement cause she is the only one stupid enough to believe the crap that comes out of her own mouth. If not her, then maybe her former secretary at our site with the pumped up job title that makes her feel and believe that she is more than just a secretary. Can I get an "Amen"???