Roche Carolina

Trick question - how many sick GMs did JDP get to have during the layoffs in 2011? Now she get's protected again from having to do the layoffs?

True mark of a strong leader: "make others do the really hard job of laying someone off"; "spread lies about anyone who challenges you or calls you out"; and finally "grow the staff to a completely unsustainable level and leave".

Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a derogatory term that highlights the passive herd behavior of people easily controlled by a governing power which likens them to sheep, a herd animal that is easily led about. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research in large part because the majority of others possess a similar mindset.[1] Word Spy defines it as "people who are meek, easily persuaded, and tend to follow the crowd (sheep + people)."

Nuff said.

I don't understand. If Jami and the FLT said all of these positions and functions were necessary for compliance how are we still in business if we laid these people off?

Well my friend, you said it all. They were not needed positions. We didn't have them before and we functioned according to Roche standards, although we probably did need some of them. The decline in business affects some of the need so laying off some roles is appropriate but many of them were never needed but it enabled JDP to flood the place with GNE-ites so to have the masses needed to push to culture in the direction she wanted. If you got screwed, I feel for you.

Let me tell you about JDP's assignment to RCI. Roche made the decision in 2008 that 50% of all management roles would be filled by women within a 7 year period. That caused many woman to make a quick ascension into management roles, in many cases women who heretofore had no or little management experience, and as it was for JDP, no manufacturing experience whatsoever. RCI was a development assignment for her. As said before, she lied on day one about why she came here and when she first came to FLO and she lied throughout her time here. When she told you she wanted to stay, she was lying. She never intended to be here more than 3 years and she knew it all along. As it relates to your new site head, don't be a naïve. He was sent here to oversee the divestiture/closure. He wasn't surprised by the announcement, it was the plan. He is a finance guy and he has no relationship to anyone here. You bring in those guys when you shutter a site because they can make very unencumbered decisions. Please please please stop being sheep because it will not serve you well as you start looking for a new job... bah!

Let me tell you about JDP's assignment to RCI. Roche made the decision in 2008 that 50% of all management roles would be filled by women within a 7 year period. That caused many woman to make a quick ascension into management roles, in many cases women who heretofore had no or little management experience, and as it was for JDP, no manufacturing experience whatsoever. RCI was a development assignment for her. As said before, she lied on day one about why she came here and when she first came to FLO and she lied throughout her time here. When she told you she wanted to stay, she was lying. She never intended to be here more than 3 years and she knew it all along. As it relates to your new site head, don't be a naïve. He was sent here to oversee the divestiture/closure. He wasn't surprised by the announcement, it was the plan. He is a finance guy and he has no relationship to anyone here. You bring in those guys when you shutter a site because they can make very unencumbered decisions. Please please please stop being sheep because it will not serve you well as you start looking for a new job... bah!

Amen, Bruddah! JDP was and is an idiot. She talked a great game but had no idea how to accomplish things. That is why she hires contractors and consultants to do the work and then takes credit for their work. Why do you think she brought RC and TJ to the site and then took both of them with her to work for her in her new assignment?? They're gonna do her work for her, again, and then take credit for it. The higher ups need to wake up and smell the bacon rather than just look the other way.

In my opinion, if you connect the timeline dots, the sale of the site and the queen idiot's departure were all planned last year...David LePray visits the site twice in a six month period, which is extremely unusual, especially since his last visit was 2 years prior. After his first visit last Oct. 2014, JDP shortly goes off to a new role. AN FLT member told me that JDP said that David L. offered her a position in the middle east at that time, but she turned it down so then they create a new position and move her into it...unbelievable! Then David L. comes earlier in 2015 after JDP left the site, and then the site is up for sale. I think they wanted to save their only female site head by offering her a new role and were too afraid to anger their whistleblower as it would look bad. JDP did not know how to run a mfg. plant and I agree with the pervious post about the social stuff going on at the site...she turned RCI into one of the most expensive social clubs with her gang of favorite employees who hung on her every word if it related to social activities. For those of you who are offended by this, then go work at another plant and then find out what its really like working full-time vs. planning the next party or community event. Lord knows there was never a shortage of them at the site! JDP was definitely the worst plant manager, or person pretending to be a plant manager, that I have ever seen. However, when it came time to be in the limelight, she was the first in line and the site SME for that (Dancing With the Stars, telling us about her lunching with the Governor, etc.). When did the social and community activities become more important than running the plant??? Her replacement, PA, is no better - I don't trust the guy at all. A coincidence that the new site head is also a Finance guru with no plant experience??? The only reason to bring in a Finance head to run the plant is if the site is going to be sold or shut down. Looks like things are playing out as planned under his leadership (or lack thereof). The four FLT amigos (SM, MS, JH, and PM) are lackeys that should have been fired a long time ago as they talk about people behind their backs and look out for only themselves. Great leadership, huh? SM is the worst of the lot. In any other company, they would have gotten the boot a long time ago. Looks like RCI was sold a bill of goods when these guys were hired. Unfortunately, these morons will get transferred to new roles or get a hefty severance package when all is said and done.

I couldn't agree more with the last post. Jami was all about styling and profiling and was completely clueless about how to run a manufacturing operation. She would never have taken a position in the Middle East because nobody would pick up her kids or take her clothes to the dry cleaner, two abusive things she took advantage of while she was here. SM is well liked in the GNE world so he will probably get moved to SSF. MS would sell his soul to the devil for a position in Basel. JH will coast into retirement. PM won't be offered anything because all the "do nothing other than kiss ass" positions at HQ are currently filled. With all the buffer headcount she hired, despite declining volumes, the layoff here will be massive once they sell the site. For those of you hoping Patheon purchases the site, remember they have plenty of staff in Florence already, even more in Greenville SC, and they make on average 70% of what we make so it will actually result in a much larger layoff where we are concerned.

I couldn't agree more with the last post. Jami was all about styling and profiling and was completely clueless about how to run a manufacturing operation. She would never have taken a position in the Middle East because nobody would pick up her kids or take her clothes to the dry cleaner, two abusive things she took advantage of while she was here. SM is well liked in the GNE world so he will probably get moved to SSF. MS would sell his soul to the devil for a position in Basel. JH will coast into retirement. PM won't be offered anything because all the "do nothing other than kiss ass" positions at HQ are currently filled. With all the buffer headcount she hired, despite declining volumes, the layoff here will be massive once they sell the site. For those of you hoping Patheon purchases the site, remember they have plenty of staff in Florence already, even more in Greenville SC, and they make on average 70% of what we make so it will actually result in a much larger layoff where we are concerned.

You are oh so right...not to mention that JDP also hired her kids' former nanny (Candice) as a contractor in Quality (with no experience or training to work in Quality). When that position ended, she had the moron Head of BPE (MC) hire the nanny into her dept. All this time Candace was LIVING with JDP and her family at their house!! To top it off, JDP then hires Candace to work for her in her latest job in CA and relocates Candace there. If that isn't a conflict of interest and favoritism, then tell what is?

She didn't just "hire" the nanny. She deployed her to bring back rumors, etc. She repeated everything she heard in meetings, everything she heard at the lunch table, EVERYTHING. JDP had several little birds (RCI and GNE!) flying back to her with any stories they could dig up. Those little birds better hope Karma is nicer than JDP!

She didn't just "hire" the nanny. She deployed her to bring back rumors, etc. She repeated everything she heard in meetings, everything she heard at the lunch table, EVERYTHING. JDP had several little birds (RCI and GNE!) flying back to her with any stories they could dig up. Those little birds better hope Karma is nicer than JDP!

This spying and tattling caused us to lose several good people in production. Anyone who said anything positive about the way we used to do things or anything negative about her approach was "not part of the team" and was quickly dealt with. So instead giving any input or ideas on how to do things better, people learned just to not say anything - or worse to become brown nosers and repeat how "great" her ideas were. Those were the ones that got ahead.

I couldn't agree more with the last post. Jami was all about styling and profiling and was completely clueless about how to run a manufacturing operation. She would never have taken a position in the Middle East because nobody would pick up her kids or take her clothes to the dry cleaner, two abusive things she took advantage of while she was here. SM is well liked in the GNE world so he will probably get moved to SSF. MS would sell his soul to the devil for a position in Basel. JH will coast into retirement. PM won't be offered anything because all the "do nothing other than kiss ass" positions at HQ are currently filled. With all the buffer headcount she hired, despite declining volumes, the layoff here will be massive once they sell the site. For those of you hoping Patheon purchases the site, remember they have plenty of staff in Florence already, even more in Greenville SC, and they make on average 70% of what we make so it will actually result in a much larger layoff where we are concerned.

Very true about SM. If you look on the GNE website for jobs in SSF his new job is already posted. Clearly written just for him - almost like they took his roles and experience and then wrote the job description. I guess they need to keep Space around through the layoffs.

Yes, they will keep MS around given his strength in the Empathy department, has as much empathy as a rock. That said, I looked at the job requirements the previous poster mentioned and missing is "Must be willing to cover one's own ass, throwing employees (current and former) under the bus whenever possible." Must be an oversight on HR's part.

This spying and tattling caused us to lose several good people in production. Anyone who said anything positive about the way we used to do things or anything negative about her approach was "not part of the team" and was quickly dealt with. So instead giving any input or ideas on how to do things better, people learned just to not say anything - or worse to become brown nosers and repeat how "great" her ideas were. Those were the ones that got ahead.

Isn't that a shame? Before she came here, everyone was asked for input. The team process, Kaizens, etc. involved anyone who wanted to be included and help. JDP's spying shut that down. But hey, what do you expect from someone like her who was so insecure because she didn't know anything. I lmao when one of the painters had a joint in an envelop with her office room number on it and it fell out of his paints and when it was found she thought someone was trying to set her up. REALLY bitch? Someone would be that stupid as to plan to plant a joint in her office. Hell she stopped the drug testing process for all of the GNE'ers coming to RCI because she knew many of them could pass a DT. She was and is a piece of work and the good legacy RCI folks suffered mightily because of her.

Yes, they will keep MS around given his strength in the Empathy department, has as much empathy as a rock. That said, I looked at the job requirements the previous poster mentioned and missing is "Must be willing to cover one's own ass, throwing employees (current and former) under the bus whenever possible." Must be an oversight on HR's part.

NOOOOO... Not the GNE HR people. They are all A players. LMAO. Biggest group of clowns I've met... check that, they are no more of a clown than the rest of GNE people. Regarding Muir, he pushed anyone and everyone under the bus to make himself look good and to keep a job. I could tell you a hundred stories of how he did it to people. He'd tell them one thing to their face and back stab them a minute later. His karma will be a slow, painful and agonizing death. Die friendless and penniless too. :)

NOOOOO... Not the GNE HR people. They are all A players. LMAO. Biggest group of clowns I've met... check that, they are no more of a clown than the rest of GNE people. Regarding Muir, he pushed anyone and everyone under the bus to make himself look good and to keep a job. I could tell you a hundred stories of how he did it to people. He'd tell them one thing to their face and back stab them a minute later. His karma will be a slow, painful and agonizing death. Die friendless and penniless too. :)

Yea, SM is a real piece of work and undermines everyone...even his FLT peers. I would have to agree that he doesn't care who he throws under the bus as long as he comes out the winner. He even had Jami's admin. asst. give him the scoop on what was going with JDP. I heard he was the one who talked the new site head into bringing JV back from retiring because they knew the site was going to be sold and they knew they couldn't hire a replacement if JV much for teamwork. I don't think he'll last long in SSF as there are now others who are up to the same antics as him at GNE and have done it longer at the corporate level. He'll probably shit on the wrong person who will have more friends and influence than him and then shit down his throat and put him in his place...hopefully. Maybe he'll take JV with him. Can't trust her.

Yea, SM is a real piece of work and undermines everyone...even his FLT peers. I would have to agree that he doesn't care who he throws under the bus as long as he comes out the winner. He even had Jami's admin. asst. give him the scoop on what was going with JDP. I heard he was the one who talked the new site head into bringing JV back from retiring because they knew the site was going to be sold and they knew they couldn't hire a replacement if JV much for teamwork. I don't think he'll last long in SSF as there are now others who are up to the same antics as him at GNE and have done it longer at the corporate level. He'll probably shit on the wrong person who will have more friends and influence than him and then shit down his throat and put him in his place...hopefully. Maybe he'll take JV with him. Can't trust her.

lol. Can't trust Judy, can't trust the backstabbing legacy people like Muir, Jennings, Cato, Walters, Hinson, Space, Ortega, Falkner, etc., you sure as heck can't trust the Baselites, and can't trust the GNE ass wipes who came here to support JDP. Only the other RCI folks who just went underground and ignored the BS and most of the ones JDP got rid of or left are the only people you could trust.