Roche Carolina

JV decided her shit didn't stink when she went along with DH, PB, and EK when DH became global chemical manufacturing head. When DH got shoved out the door in a scheme devised by Pat Yang which ultimately resulted in FC getting shoved out the door, SM provided JV with a safe landing place despite her lack of qualifications for the job. Then she jumped on the JMP bandwagon when it became clear if you were a woman qualifications didn't matter for whatever job you had. Then she "retired" and got rescued again by SM. At least she added a little value to the organization, unlike EK and Joe, who have contributed absolutely zero since they arrived at RCI. Hell EK couldn't even manage a process to make the first step of a starting material. Then he lands a job as a Secretary to another dolt who was head of BPE in Basel. WORTHLESS! And Joe, still whining about not getting the credit he deserves despite the fact he has not done one thing since arriving.

JV decided her shit didn't stink when she went along with DH, PB, and EK when DH became global chemical manufacturing head. When DH got shoved out the door in a scheme devised by Pat Yang which ultimately resulted in FC getting shoved out the door, SM provided JV with a safe landing place despite her lack of qualifications for the job. Then she jumped on the JMP bandwagon when it became clear if you were a woman qualifications didn't matter for whatever job you had. Then she "retired" and got rescued again by SM. At least she added a little value to the organization, unlike EK and Joe, who have contributed absolutely zero since they arrived at RCI. Hell EK couldn't even manage a process to make the first step of a starting material. Then he lands a job as a Secretary to another dolt who was head of BPE in Basel. WORTHLESS! And Joe, still whining about not getting the credit he deserves despite the fact he has not done one thing since arriving.

LMAO... so true in every regard especially with Veits!

lol. Can't trust Judy, can't trust the backstabbing legacy people like Muir, Jennings, Cato, Walters, Hinson, Space, Ortega, Falkner, etc., you sure as heck can't trust the Baselites, and can't trust the GNE ass wipes who came here to support JDP. Only the other RCI folks who just went underground and ignored the BS and most of the ones JDP got rid of or left are the only people you could trust.

The funny part about these people and positions is none of them are strong performers. If you plotted these on a chart of skills and performance Jennings, Cato, Ortega, and Falkner would be in the absolute bottom quartile of performance in their job categories. Ortega has always been lost, Jennings never did any work, Falkner liked to parade around while others did the actual work, Cato was a marginal Admin Assistant but completely lost with PE (amazed when she actually found the Production building - still not sure she could find the correct MPU or control room). JV was a good Admin but she has not been in that role in over 10 years. Hinson spent tons on money on his consultant friends and then said he did not have money. Space and Muir we all know what we have there. And finally that leaves the ultimate brown noser - don't even have to say the name or write the initials and still everyone knows who we are talking about!

Took a shot in the dark. I'll pick what is behind door number 3. PM has been lobbying for his job ever since he came here, and if Jami had suddenly stopped walking anywhere his nose would have been broken since it would have hit her thigh somewhere because he missed her butt. SMS. The problem is the School Foundation will not make anywhere as much money moving forward because they won't have his wife badgering everyone in attendance to "donate money for RCI dancers." Sickening. Stupid. Styling and profiling.

Took a shot in the dark. I'll pick what is behind door number 3. PM has been lobbying for his job ever since he came here, and if Jami had suddenly stopped walking anywhere his nose would have been broken since it would have hit her thigh somewhere because he missed her butt. SMS. The problem is the School Foundation will not make anywhere as much money moving forward because they won't have his wife badgering everyone in attendance to "donate money for RCI dancers." Sickening. Stupid. Styling and profiling.

Yeah, the FLT is a bunch of inept morons. They couldn't make the "B team" at a real pharma manufacturing plant. However, they did a great job throwing away the site's money for all the community events like Dancing With The Stars. At DWTS last year PM pulled out a bag of money that they saved for the end of the show to "donate" so RCI could win first place. Its confusing to tell if RCI is a manufacturing plant or a charitable organization when JDP and her cronies were in charge. JV always brags about going shoe shopping with JDP (OMG!) Thought with the new site head moron, we would get someone who understood business management to bring us back to being a manufacturing plant, but I was sorely mistaken when he turned out to be an untrustworthy corporate suit who came here to sell the site and who does't know shit from shinola. I heard PM got him a permanent Sunday morning golf tee time at Florence Country Club when he got here off the Basel boat. He knew he was coming here to close the plant and we lose our jobs, but he gets the lap of luxury by getting to play golf at a country club...probably on RCI's dime!! So much for suffering along with the rest of us...Send his ass back to Basel!

...Oh, and RCI money is what won SN her DWTS title...she thought she won DWTS because of her dancing skills (oy!) Yes, she was better than the competition, but that's like saying Tattoo was the tallest of the midgets!! - she wasn't great, but she just happened to be just good enough not to be the worst. Her hair actually looked better at the DWTS contest! LMAO! Her low level of awareness of winning the dance contest is the same way she manages the Quality Dept.

Yeah, the FLT is a bunch of inept morons. They couldn't make the "B team" at a real pharma manufacturing plant. However, they did a great job throwing away the site's money for all the community events like Dancing With The Stars. At DWTS last year PM pulled out a bag of money that they saved for the end of the show to "donate" so RCI could win first place. Its confusing to tell if RCI is a manufacturing plant or a charitable organization when JDP and her cronies were in charge. JV always brags about going shoe shopping with JDP (OMG!) Thought with the new site head moron, we would get someone who understood business management to bring us back to being a manufacturing plant, but I was sorely mistaken when he turned out to be an untrustworthy corporate suit who came here to sell the site and who does't know shit from shinola. I heard PM got him a permanent Sunday morning golf tee time at Florence Country Club when he got here off the Basel boat. He knew he was coming here to close the plant and we lose our jobs, but he gets the lap of luxury by getting to play golf at a country club...probably on RCI's dime!! So much for suffering along with the rest of us...Send his ass back to Basel!

...Oh, and RCI money is what won SN her DWTS title...she thought she won DWTS because of her dancing skills (oy!) Yes, she was better than the competition, but that's like saying Tattoo was the tallest of the midgets!! - she wasn't great, but she just happened to be just good enough not to be the worst. Her hair actually looked better at the DWTS contest! LMAO! Her low level of awareness of winning the dance contest is the same way she manages the Quality Dept.

lmao on every point amde. Just so you know, Roche bought a corporate membership to Florence Country club so JDP's husband could play there. The company got 5 membership with the package and PM used one for himself. He plays there every weekend with rare exception. What a loser... and you'd think he'd invite some of the plant people who play golf... NOT! You know, I don't know who is shorter, JDP or PM but it worked out for him because he didn't have to bend over to kiss her ass.

Yeah, the FLT is a bunch of inept morons. They couldn't make the "B team" at a real pharma manufacturing plant. However, they did a great job throwing away the site's money for all the community events like Dancing With The Stars. At DWTS last year PM pulled out a bag of money that they saved for the end of the show to "donate" so RCI could win first place. Its confusing to tell if RCI is a manufacturing plant or a charitable organization when JDP and her cronies were in charge. JV always brags about going shoe shopping with JDP (OMG!) Thought with the new site head moron, we would get someone who understood business management to bring us back to being a manufacturing plant, but I was sorely mistaken when he turned out to be an untrustworthy corporate suit who came here to sell the site and who does't know shit from shinola. I heard PM got him a permanent Sunday morning golf tee time at Florence Country Club when he got here off the Basel boat. He knew he was coming here to close the plant and we lose our jobs, but he gets the lap of luxury by getting to play golf at a country club...probably on RCI's dime!! So much for suffering along with the rest of us...Send his ass back to Basel!

...Oh, and RCI money is what won SN her DWTS title...she thought she won DWTS because of her dancing skills (oy!) Yes, she was better than the competition, but that's like saying Tattoo was the tallest of the midgets!! - she wasn't great, but she just happened to be just good enough not to be the worst. Her hair actually looked better at the DWTS contest! LMAO! Her low level of awareness of winning the dance contest is the same way she manages the Quality Dept.

Yeah, the FLT is a bunch of inept morons. They couldn't make the "B team" at a real pharma manufacturing plant. However, they did a great job throwing away the site's money for all the community events like Dancing With The Stars. At DWTS last year PM pulled out a bag of money that they saved for the end of the show to "donate" so RCI could win first place. Its confusing to tell if RCI is a manufacturing plant or a charitable organization when JDP and her cronies were in charge. JV always brags about going shoe shopping with JDP (OMG!) Thought with the new site head moron, we would get someone who understood business management to bring us back to being a manufacturing plant, but I was sorely mistaken when he turned out to be an untrustworthy corporate suit who came here to sell the site and who does't know shit from shinola. I heard PM got him a permanent Sunday morning golf tee time at Florence Country Club when he got here off the Basel boat. He knew he was coming here to close the plant and we lose our jobs, but he gets the lap of luxury by getting to play golf at a country club...probably on RCI's dime!! So much for suffering along with the rest of us...Send his ass back to Basel!

...Oh, and RCI money is what won SN her DWTS title...she thought she won DWTS because of her dancing skills (oy!) Yes, she was better than the competition, but that's like saying Tattoo was the tallest of the midgets!! - she wasn't great, but she just happened to be just good enough not to be the worst. Her hair actually looked better at the DWTS contest! LMAO! Her low level of awareness of winning the dance contest is the same way she manages the Quality Dept.

Lmao on every point made. To be clear, Roche bought a membership package to Florence Country Club when JDP came here so that her husband had a place to play. The company got 5 memberships with the package and PM used one for himself. How about that? You would think that he'd invite other site employees who play golf but nooooooo. Not him. On another note, its a good thing he and JDP are the same height so he didn't need to bend over far to kiss her ass. As much ass kissing as he did, he'd have a back injury from all the bending. lmao.

Round two coming up. Let the infighting; blaming; and throwing under the bus begin.

For those of you still certain of the great turnaround; new jobs; and better future created under Jami the koolaid line forms to the right.

Why do you hate Jami so much?

Oh yea - she lied, lied and lied to us. Then when someone pointed out her falsehoods or inaccuracies she got rid of them

...and then impugned their integrity. WOW! I don't miss that place - people yes! Leadership - He** no! Jami... why does she still have a job and how has she avoided all the lightning strikes (or her pants catching on fire)?

...and then impugned their integrity. WOW! I don't miss that place - people yes! Leadership - He** no! Jami... why does she still have a job and how has she avoided all the lightning strikes (or her pants catching on fire)?
Can't get rid of her, it would hurt Rochentech's percentage of women in management (note, nothing in the commitment says "qualified women") metric.

Can't get rid of her, it would hurt Rochentech's percentage of women in management (note, nothing in the commitment says "qualified women") metric.

No that pretty much is the prerequisite. Because if you really knew something about a topic, likely you were already promoted. This was the "push them into roles regardless of their competence" strategy. Amazing when you consider that Roche/Genentech is a $50B company and yet it can have such an ill-thought out and ultimately costly strategy. If your claim to fame is leadership potential (e.g., JDP and even a man like Hans Groeger)or you look good but have no substance behind you (e.g., Julia Behrendt), you fuck things up in a hurry as all of them did during their assignment here.

There is no doubt that the FLT and whoever they brought in, had an idea of the "end game" for the facility, they came in did what they were tasked and left. Everything and everyone is / was there only to be used.

LMAO...its exactly what a previous post stated --- JDP and the current the FLT "couldn't make the B team at any other real pharma manufacturing plant"!! However, these keystone cops will wind up getting new positions elsewhere in the network and eventually screw things up, again, at their new facilities. "Incompetence at its best!" Hey, when is the holiday party??...I need some gourmet sushi and a new big screen TV...LOL!!

No that pretty much is the prerequisite. Because if you really knew something about a topic, likely you were already promoted. This was the "push them into roles regardless of their competence" strategy. Amazing when you consider that Roche/Genentech is a $50B company and yet it can have such an ill-thought out and ultimately costly strategy. If your claim to fame is leadership potential (e.g., JDP and even a man like Hans Groeger)or you look good but have no substance behind you (e.g., Julia Behrendt), you fuck things up in a hurry as all of them did during their assignment here.
Good point about leadership potential. HG wanted us to be a boat and had the RCLT running around in Sailor hats (I always was waiting for them to line up and break out in "YMCA") and had the brilliant idea that everyone would become a Hollywood producer by making movies and imbedding them into electronic SOPs. Boy the other sites sure adopted that "best practice". JB managed to break up a marriage and become MP's third wife. JDP--can't single out one stupid thing she did while here because everything she did was pure stupid.