Retina Squad hijacked 2019 strategy from Crazy, Rich Asians movie


Well is anyone else appalled after NFM? We flew all the way to Vegas to hear our strategy, "play to win not to lose". We all could have rented Crazy Rich Asians for $5.99, heard it in the movie and saved the company some serious coin, not to mention, the retina sales team would have enjoyed the experience and felt a hundred times better. My initial thought was this current, "revolving door" LT can't be this desperate or arrogant to steal a movie line as our theme and think no one will realize it. They did, with absolutely no shame, yes they did. A passing line in a Summer fun movie is where our leadership identifies our sales philosophy for 2019. It is clear the level of incompetence and inexperience has reached an all-time high. This is not the explosive leadership we were hoping for. The current leadership duo of TnT is a dud and 2019 just got much scarier


If the new CEO doesn’t make huge cuts soon to bloated departments, then the demise is sooner than expected. The industry knows that Genentech has nonhirable employees infested with bad habits. In addition, the way they treat contract workers as expendable is how they treat their patients. Horrible and shameful.

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