• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.


these are the only Genentech sales positions being posted because no one internally has applied. This should be a clear indication to steer clear of this franchise. Those who left saw the writing on the wall and took control of their future. There is no future here with this product and leadership. Novartis will own this market in 2 years and Lucentis will be the lame duck

ok Rejecteron troll, hop off our board. We are an extremely lean franchise (one of the leanest) with very promising future products in a couple years. I am sorry you left such a great place. You can’t come back, sorry. Good luck to you......

what’s the deal with the openings in the northeast??

Bad Managers but not the worst in the Franchise. I had a friend displaced in the BOLD initiative and she chose to leave, rather than work in Albany. One is vindictive and clueless. She has skated through on some hidden talent none of those who work with her have realized. The other is only a manager at franchise meetings, opportunities to hired and in front of leadership. Not the worst because he is absent most of the time but his CSs feel when year end comes around.

Bad Managers but not the worst in the Franchise. I had a friend displaced in the BOLD initiative and she chose to leave, rather than work in Albany. One is vindictive and clueless. She has skated through on some hidden talent none of those who work with her have realized. The other is only a manager at franchise meetings, opportunities to hired and in front of leadership. Not the worst because he is absent most of the time but his CSs feel when year end comes around.

What’s the over/under that the worthless ditzy DM in Boston a) wins division of year and 2) comes back from maternity leave? She’s a sad excuse for a leader in this leaderless organization

She provided zero value to the sales team or franchise IMO. She was a manager not a leader. The only reason she was promoted was she was the former pet of NE Regional manager JB, and there were no female managers in the all boy DM network and the optics looked bad.

Lucentis is dead anyways. I mean it goes biosimilar so payers will never pay for lucentis unless a deal is done with payers, but that alone will diminish revenue. Novartis soon comes to market! They will be super aggressive, pull reps from Genentech, drive sales with a rebate program, and Genentech will definitely lose share and revenue. No direction but down for this brand, and with this horrible management team there is no way they could stem the tide against all these multiple threats. Management will be a revolving door again as there is no upside to stay and no place to make a name for themselves, which we all know is the priority of Genentech management, not actual leading people and driving sales

She provided zero value to the sales team or franchise IMO. She was a manager not a leader. The only reason she was promoted was she was the former pet of NE Regional manager JB, and there were no female managers in the all boy DM network and the optics looked bad.

She is such a shallow B$&@?. “look at me, I wear designer clothes but have no semblance of being a manager “. She has had more recent turnover than any other manager yet doesn’t figure out why - she takes credit for those that were promoted (actually couldn’t wait to get out from under her).

She is such a shallow B$&@?. “look at me, I wear designer clothes but have no semblance of being a manager “. She has had more recent turnover than any other manager yet doesn’t figure out why - she takes credit for those that were promoted (actually couldn’t wait to get out from under her).

"actually couldn’t wait to get out from under her", neither can her husband!
Your summary is the general consensus of all whom have come in contact with her, except leadership. You did leave one thing out, she is HORRIBLE with customers and they do not like her! She doesn't have a clue on how ineffective and transparent she is.

"actually couldn’t wait to get out from under her", neither can her husband!
Your summary is the general consensus of all whom have come in contact with her, except leadership. You did leave one thing out, she is HORRIBLE with customers and they do not like her! She doesn't have a clue on how ineffective and transparent she is.

Should she not return, Boy Hoey has already greased the skids to take over....

He’s a good egg. Hope he gets his chance.

Depends on your definition of an egg. He checked a box barely as a CS before he got promoted. Being in a new role has gone to his head and he acts like he never carried a bag, above all that. If he does get a DM role, hopefully he adds value to the HCP interaction.....