
Please let some of the management go (especially front line)! They are the worst to work for (incompetent and unmotivating) and nothing but pork rolling within the franchise. We need CS's to maintain relationships and preserve business! WB left to save his own A$$ and CS was useless as NSD. JB was on his way out long ago and KL is a horror to work for.

Shame on you for complaining about a conference call and TH voice when there are people who are facing unemployment. I am so disgusted by what I have been hearing from CSs across the brand who are complaining about their territory changes. WOW you have to drive an extra hour (which you are being paid to do)! Be THANKFUL that you have a job when several of our colleagues and friends have been displaced.

Thank you!

I still think it's super shady the people displaced can't partake in NSM. Franchise stuff and workshops I understand, but they also worked last year! More than likely busted their hump and they can't go to anything? Not to franchise night, awards night, the concert, or the activity day. That's low if you ask me, they were here in 2015 they should be able to at least celebrate that, and say goodbye to their friends and colleagues or network. That would be the decent thing to do, but what do I know I'm just a lowly CS who's thankful to still have a job but feels awful for those let go.

I'm sure those of us displaced appreciate your support but I personally do not want to attend anything at the NSM. If you were displaced, would you want to attend celebrations even though you aren't part of the team anymore? It's another slap in the face! Not mention being away from your family and for what? We don't even have a job anymore! It's time to move on to bigger and BETTER things! Mark my words, it's going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better!

Shame on you for complaining about a conference call and TH voice when there are people who are facing unemployment. I am so disgusted by what I have been hearing from CSs across the brand who are complaining about their territory changes. WOW you have to drive an extra hour (which you are being paid to do)! Be THANKFUL that you have a job when several of our colleagues and friends have been displaced.

My bitching was about the nature of the call, the tone of the message and the crap that happened earlier this week as well as the stress that all endured since before the holidays. I am thankful for having a job, not so much for our NSD

I'm sure those of us displaced appreciate your support but I personally do not want to attend anything at the NSM. If you were displaced, would you want to attend celebrations even though you aren't part of the team anymore? It's another slap in the face! Not mention being away from your family and for what? We don't even have a job anymore! It's time to move on to bigger and BETTER things! Mark my words, it's going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better!

Maybe you're bitter and mad about what happened (I'm sure we all were shocked and a little mad at first, I know I was but I got over it) some of us understand and realize that what happened sucks but it was out of our control, we have people here that are willing to help and I for one appreciate that. I'm going to use that help to my full advantage.
Maybe you don't want to go to NSM, but I do. I want to see people, my old team, and network! This still is a great company to work for. Yes, this whole situation was not handled well I agree, but it is what it is. I'm going to do everything I can to stay here somewhere else. If you want to be negative that's your right, but don't be shocked when nobody wants to help you get a job here or elsewhere.

As for the people complaining, use your noggin because I and others displaced would probably gladly take your job! Was working here perfect? No but it's a pretty damn good gig and I want to stay here if I can. So quit your whining, it could always be worse.

One of your displaced colleagues

You show up at NSM to network with other teams who will have open spots. You show up at NSM to take advantage of the HR resources. You show up at NSM to show that you are a pro and that you will take this in stride and be a advocate, not a victim, for yourself.
Some managers are busting their asses to help their people. Some managers read off a script and have not even had the decency to return a phone call/email. Karma will bite you in the ass every time.

You show up at NSM to network with other teams who will have open spots. You show up at NSM to take advantage of the HR resources. You show up at NSM to show that you are a pro and that you will take this in stride and be a advocate, not a victim, for yourself.
Some managers are busting their asses to help their people. Some managers read off a script and have not even had the decency to return a phone call/email. Karma will bite you in the ass every time.

Although I could tell my call was read from a script, it was obvious.

As another displaced employee I, too would have loved the chance to attend NSM in its entirety. Not only do I want the opportunity to network, but I want to be there to celebrate with the brand and toast to their continued success in 2016. I am not bitter, just sad. I have spent the better part of my career in this brand and want nothing but the best for it and those of you who are still there.

I hope to see as many of you as possible during the short time that I will be there. To those on the east in the line of the storm, stay safe!!

As another displaced employee I, too would have loved the chance to attend NSM in its entirety. Not only do I want the opportunity to network, but I want to be there to celebrate with the brand and toast to their continued success in 2016. I am not bitter, just sad. I have spent the better part of my career in this brand and want nothing but the best for it and those of you who are still there.

I hope to see as many of you as possible during the short time that I will be there. To those on the east in the line of the storm, stay safe!!

My thoughts exactly! I haven't been with the team that long but I feel the same.

As another displaced employee I, too would have loved the chance to attend NSM in its entirety. Not only do I want the opportunity to network, but I want to be there to celebrate with the brand and toast to their continued success in 2016. I am not bitter, just sad. I have spent the better part of my career in this brand and want nothing but the best for it and those of you who are still there.

I hope to see as many of you as possible during the short time that I will be there. To those on the east in the line of the storm, stay safe!!

Genentech's policy is to not allow displaced reps from attending the upcoming NSM. You are now a liability with a high probability that you are disgruntled.
Please understand, this is a business decision, nothing personal. There is absolutely nothing for you to celebrate and/or to toast for future success at the NSM. You will not be a part of any future successes and there is no need for continued developement at this point. You had plenty of time to network while you were employed. Apparently you didn't take time to do so. Its over and you have been downsized. Take your lumps with dignity and move on. No hard feeling and we wish you the best of luck.