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Restructuring and layoffs please use this new thread for updates


Eurofund is reporting 185-200 people from Beerse site. It must be nice to live in a place where companies are actually required to report layoff events that will impact people and communities. At Spring House site, they could layoff 499 people without reporting anything to Pa. or local government. Why is JNJ and Janssen so hush hush about the extent of their global layoffs when so many other companies announce the total impact to their organization? Is this some CREDO BS?

Katie Devine explicitly announced during a town hall that there will not be ANY further changes to CVM. Whoever said CVM will see cuts is wrong.

vaccines is no longer going to be part of the U.S. commercial company. It’s getting moved to global. Consequently all the supporting NA Pharm roles for vaccines are also being eliminated.

Last time I checked Katie Devine wasn’t in charge CVM R&D or business development...


Eurofund is reporting 185-200 people from Beerse site. It must be nice to live in a place where companies are actually required to report layoff events that will impact people and communities. At Spring House site, they could layoff 499 people without reporting anything to Pa. or local government. Why is JNJ and Janssen so hush hush about the extent of their global layoffs when so many other companies announce the total impact to their organization? Is this some CREDO BS?

There has been no internal communication about the number of positions impacted by ‘reprioritization’, and it is interesting that no WARN layoff notices have been filed for US-based changes (selected states - each state has different requirements / threshold for filing):
Lack of clear communications leads to speculation and leaks by pissed off displaced employees: https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma...overhaul-layoffs-spreading-multiple-countries

In Germany, they plan to layoff 90 people(around 8%). In addition to that, they'll cut 90 open job listings. According to German works council, Janssen will let the impacted employees know once they receive feedback from European works council around mid-March.

I was an employee during the Janssen layoffs in 2008. They generally tried to get rid of the low performers. One guy I knew had recently joined from another big pharma, but had been involved in a scandalous lawsuit at his prior company. They didn't find out until after he joined Janssen. So they used the layoffs as a way to get rid of him. They also laid off the guy's boss in an effort to make it look like it wasn't targeted. The boss ultimately found a lateral position.

So they'll do the layoffs in such a way to avoid liability and future lawsuits. It will drag on for weeks because in Europe they have to get permission from the unions. And the notice period is much longer in Europe. The US people will find out earlier.

These layoffs are different than in 2008. I was laid off from CVM 11/22 after 20+ years. Many were up for President Circle and had multiple years of above average year end reviews (I was one of them). This seemed to look at employees that are costing the company money, now and in the future. Old pension growing at 4% for those 55-62, those close to getting medical with their pension. When I spoke with global services I was told I was in the system as severance/retirement. Nothing mentioning I was laid off. So think that is how they are getting by not announcing major layoffs. When you receive the packet with the ages retained vs released it looks fair. However, when start to research many were older with only a few years with company or weren’t old pension employees.

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