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Restructuring and layoffs please use this new thread for updates

This seemed to look at employees that are costing the company money, now and in the future. … However, when start to research many were older with only a few years with company or weren’t old pension employees.

I’m 53, 2 years new to Janssen and laid off so I fit your assumption above. How about others here? And do we have any recourse?

This is my advice. You need to be a fighter and find something else. Your job is to find a job. This is happening to almost every pharma company. We are blessed to do this job everyday but this is unfortunately the downfall of this industry!

This is my advice. You need to be a fighter and find something else. Your job is to find a job. This is happening to almost every pharma company. We are blessed to do this job everyday but this is unfortunately the downfall of this industry!
this was meant for the person Who said they were from CVM and seemed very upset about being lied to and was let go.

Really sorry, but not the surprise to hear about your demise. What’s interesting is your manager is actually awarded the unrestricted unvested stock units as a retention bonus and a congratulations from the company for getting rid of deadwood like yourself.
Does anyone know what happens to unvested restricted stock units if your role eliminated as part of the reprioritization?

JnJ has had all of you drinking kool-aid for yrs...upper mgmnt makes bonus when they let ppl go...shame on the bod giving them bonuses!! Left JnJ 5 yrs ago...mgr was an ass so was rbd. Company just moves them around

How many of your subordinates have you slept with my case three customers and willing to go the extra mile subordinates/direct reports, sever go caught.
JnJ has had all of you drinking kool-aid for yrs...upper mgmnt makes bonus when they let ppl go...shame on the bod giving them bonuses!! Left JnJ 5 yrs ago...mgr was an ass so was rbd. Company just moves them around

He had only been with Sanofi since 2018. The R&D at Sanofi has been dismal under his watch. Thankfully Dupixent made a ton of money to keep idiots like Reed I'm a gig. Never anything coming to market on his watch. Sanofi's idea of transformation was massive layoffs. Reed was an empty suit.

He had only been with Sanofi since 2018. The R&D at Sanofi has been dismal under his watch. Thankfully Dupixent made a ton of money to keep idiots like Reed I'm a gig. Never anything coming to market on his watch. Sanofi's idea of transformation was massive layoffs. Reed was an empty suit.

Yep… that’s exactly what I thought. I can’t wait for prospective programs to be shut down and dead-end ones to pop up. Probably more layoffs within a year or so I’m guessing.

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