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Restructuring and layoffs please use this new thread for updates

At 5PM tonight, got invited to a 30 min. Immunology TA connect meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Budget has been tight and after Bill’s December video and recent email, who knows what’s going to happen here.

There are massive layoffs, but due to country specific rules, the impacted persons/departments are not yet informed. And then they say if you have concerns, discuss it with your manager. I'm a people manager and I'm not informed. So what am I going to say to my direct reports, when they are coming to me?
It was a bad Townhall.

There are massive layoffs, but due to country specific rules, the impacted persons/departments are not yet informed. And then they say if you have concerns, discuss it with your manager. I'm a people manager and I'm not informed. So what am I going to say to my direct reports, when they are coming to me?
It was a bad Townhall.

Reductions have been made in various parts of the org: RND, support functions and commercial. IDV, CVMRPH and Neuro commercial and RND have had the most changes from what I have seen. If your entire commercial/sales org has been gutted, the org sees limited near term sales contributions, from the internal pipeline or external possibilities. RND in those divisions better deliver and very quickly.
Oncology and Immunology have the best potential for delivering, both on the short and long term. Again, even they need to continue to actually deliver.
Since changes are occuring across the global organization, it will take some time to get a clear picture.
Every pharma company is facing a unique range of challenges, and how that plays out over the future will influence what additional changes are made at each company. Our areas include consumer spin out, exposure to litigation, actual booked sales and impact of LOE, the IRA in the US and reimbursement pressure in Europe, inflationary pressure.

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