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Restasis Contract Sales Force

As the year moves along I can always count on you people to be negative and disparaging towards the Green Team. Just look at the last posts. The Green Team was hired to produce and fir their professionalism. They have filled in gaps where others could not find a way. Accept them as equals. I’ve said it a million times. Communication with the 3rd man will make you a winner. We are a team. Otherwise you should expect the problems that a small percentage of you have complained of which is unfair to the Green Team. Good Day.

As the year moves along I can always count on you people to be negative and disparaging towards the Green Team. Just look at the last posts. The Green Team was hired to produce and fir their professionalism. They have filled in gaps where others could not find a way. Accept them as equals. I’ve said it a million times. Communication with the 3rd man will make you a winner. We are a team. Otherwise you should expect the problems that a small percentage of you have complained of which is unfair to the Green Team. Good Day.

You are buffoon. Good Day.

This. Lol. Good day. No points because this person thinks that Red/Blue are a current bunch of idiots.

I have never said you people are a bunch of idiots! Never once. No points? You have made the points. Points like you are afraid to sell to our customers because the Green Team might have been in and done there job. Communication can cure this unwarranted fear. You people say you have no new information on a 20 year old product. It’s all me too the Green Team. They are eagerly transferring this information to customers that have not heard it in years or ever. They are filling a gap. The Green Team was hired for their professionalism and talent and they are rising to the top. They are doing this in many cases without the cooperation of their team who benefits from their hard work. I will leave it there. Good Day.

This. Lol. Good day. No points because this person thinks that Red/Blue are a current bunch of idiots.

I have never said you people are a bunch of idiots! Never once. No points? You have made the points. Points like you are afraid to sell to our customers because the Green Team might have been in and done there job. Communication can cure this unwarranted fear. You people say you have no new information on a 20 year old product. It’s all me too the Green Team. They are eagerly transferring this information to customers that have not heard it in years or ever. They are filling a gap. The Green Team was hired for their professionalism and talent and they are rising to the top. They are doing this in many cases without the cooperation of their team who benefits from their hard work. I will leave it there. Good Day.

Rising to the top? Nice verbiage with no awareness of the issue. You must be in management and have no clue of the actual rep’s world of carrying a bag.

Also, there is “their”. Good week.

Rising to the top? Nice verbiage with no awareness of the issue. You must be in management and have no clue of the actual rep’s world of carrying a bag.

Also, there is “their”. Good week.

You missed ”it’s all me (*new)” typo along with the their. I saw them both but as the grammar police you ar 50%. On response to my points you are 0%. Try to grow up and take responsibility. Good Day.

You missed ”it’s all me (*new)” typo along with the their. I saw them both but as the grammar police you ar 50%. On response to my points you are 0%. Try to grow up and take responsibility. Good Day.

This poster continually has zero points or validity and keeps trying to be the only one backing their claims. No touch with reality. Respectfully they need to stop with their posting shenanigans as the masses clearly disagree.

No validity? Making things worse? I have from the very beginning explained how constant communication like any successful or corporation does would solve your problems. Instead some, probably a minority, of you have decided to look down on the Green Team or alienate them which is not in your best interest professionally or personally. Use the increased share of voice to strategically win where you have not been able to break through. It is simple. Don’t shoot the messenger. It’s just common sense. Good Day.

No validity? Making things worse? I have from the very beginning explained how constant communication like any successful or corporation does would solve your problems. Instead some, probably a minority, of you have decided to look down on the Green Team or alienate them which is not in your best interest professionally or personally. Use the increased share of voice to strategically win where you have not been able to break through. It is simple. Don’t shoot the messenger. It’s just common sense. Good Day.

found out today that the good day poster is actually a Green rep. Go figure!

This disaster that is painted on here is actually not the norm in my area. Things are actually going pretty smooth. Some people just want to complain. Probably the typical people that moan about that moan about the lunch buffet at meetings. Could be worse.

It’s been nothing but a pleasure working with all the colors on my team. You cry babies need to get a grip and figure it out. Make an extra stop or 2 and do a Dunkin/Starbucks run if you need to find “purpose” haha

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