Reps with Oncology Experience DO NOT INTERVIEW

You should apply for the position, It beats sitting around bumming all day at home on CP
I bet my tax dollars are supporting this lazy bum that posts ALL DAY Soooooo Sad !
Ricky is doing a fantastic job here He deserves every penny of his $18 Million/Yr salary
Who needs a degree when you are making BIG BUCKS ........GO RICKY GO

$18 Million a year !!' WOW!! All that without a degree shows the talent Rick has He's a leader and his wife is a hottie.Rick has it all Good Job Hot Wife Employees who love him what more could a guy ask for It's the opposite life of miserable disgruntled former fired employees who post here all day

I find it laughable how so many reps in oncology forget that they started somewhere. Most would have you believe they were born with special powers other reps could not possibly obtain. Access in oncology is terrible and most of you go about your day making minimal impact. Some of your posted concerns are valid, but this drug and pipeline have real potential. AbbVie is a good company with a pension. What are you really scared of?

I agree. Everyone starts somewhere and let's be honest ... In today's specialty market relationships get trumped by price, managed care access, and ease of use of the medication for the patient and especially the providers and their staff (efficacy used to mean something, but in the specially arena that we live in is overlooked by simplicity, less side effects, and price). You could have the most awesome relationship in the world with an oncologist, but if the aspects mentioned above don't meet the criteria the provider will like you fine, but won't write for your drug...period. Also, gaining email addresses, linking to providers on LinkedIn, meeting them at grand rounds and other events, and networking through the staff can get you started on a relationship. Most requests for appointments is by email and cell phone (if you eventually get their phone number). Gone are the days of "cold calling" let's be real folks .... Anyone can start a relationship if they want to!

While it is true Oncology reps "started somewhere" the point of this thread is that starting a whole new company/division with little or no oncology experience in reps or management is going to have issues. We have all learned that the "primary care" model does not work in Oncology. And no matter how good your drug is in Oncology there is a counterpoint. The typical rep coming into Oncology takes about a year and a half to adapt....some longer and some never make it (just saw one fired and another quit that came in from another specialty).

Look at how other companies coming into Oncology have started, usually requesting 5-10 years minimum Onc experience.....

While it is true Oncology reps "started somewhere" the point of this thread is that starting a whole new company/division with little or no oncology experience in reps or management is going to have issues. We have all learned that the "primary care" model does not work in Oncology. And no matter how good your drug is in Oncology there is a counterpoint. The typical rep coming into Oncology takes about a year and a half to adapt....some longer and some never make it (just saw one fired and another quit that came in from another specialty).

Look at how other companies coming into Oncology have started, usually requesting 5-10 years minimum Onc experience.....


I agree. Everyone starts somewhere and let's be honest ... In today's specialty market relationships get trumped by price, managed care access, and ease of use of the medication for the patient and especially the providers and their staff (efficacy used to mean something, but in the specially arena that we live in is overlooked by simplicity, less side effects, and price). You could have the most awesome relationship in the world with an oncologist, but if the aspects mentioned above don't meet the criteria the provider will like you fine, but won't write for your drug...period. Also, gaining email addresses, linking to providers on LinkedIn, meeting them at grand rounds and other events, and networking through the staff can get you started on a relationship. Most requests for appointments is by email and cell phone (if you eventually get their phone number). Gone are the days of "cold calling" let's be real folks .... Anyone can start a relationship if they want to!

So is this the excuse that you give your current Oncology employer as to why your numbers suck so bad? I can completely read thru your lack of performance. No wonder you're interviewing. Trust me your current employer will be happy to get your ass out. Those of us that have relationships know how to teach oncologists deal with toxicities, give the office information to mitigate out of pocket costs, and relate value of the drug to the patient when the infusion schedule not very convenient. So your lazy ass with NO relationships will never succeed. You are perfect for Abbvie. Keep crying about relationships not being important and other factors such as simplicity, side effects and price matter more.
Have a great career at Abbvie. They deserve an idiot like you who is a lack luster performer.
When in Rome, hire Romans. Idiots deserve idiots.

I know a few reps from our Big Pharma company interviewing that have hem experience.
Trust me when I say this, they are low performing and lazy. We work in PODs so its difficult to assess who gets credit for doing what. The only ppl interviewing at Abbvie for these position are the low hanging fruit.
Doesn't surprise me they would fit in perfect here.

So is this the excuse that you give your current Oncology employer as to why your numbers suck so bad? I can completely read thru your lack of performance. No wonder you're interviewing. Trust me your current employer will be happy to get your ass out. Those of us that have relationships know how to teach oncologists deal with toxicities, give the office information to mitigate out of pocket costs, and relate value of the drug to the patient when the infusion schedule not very convenient. So your lazy ass with NO relationships will never succeed. You are perfect for Abbvie. Keep crying about relationships not being important and other factors such as simplicity, side effects and price matter more.
Have a great career at Abbvie. They deserve an idiot like you who is a lack luster performer.
When in Rome, hire Romans. Idiots deserve idiots.

You're an angry little troll! Relationships are very important, but they are not EVERYTHING. if you have a great drug that's simple and is covered well ....

Let's just say that that the oncologist will know quickly that you're out of your league and show you the door....they're time is way to limited to school an oncology greenhorn and I certainly won't. Also, we don't sell off label and we won't going forward. Not having a CIA means we are staying between the lines. Abbvie will have a lot to learn about this market

See it's arrogant smug Onc reps like you who think you're cream of the crop specialty reps who sell such complicated drugs and that you are the only ones who can do it. That someone from another therapeutic area doesn't have the competencies to learn Onc or Hem.

Seriously? And your relationships? You're losing them just as fast as the primary care reps are and you know it. Your sales pieces look just like primary care viz aids. They have to. You're under pharmacode/FDA guidelines just the same as any other pharma company.

And there is nothing you can tell an Onc or Hem that they don't already know about your product. The damned things have been yacked about to death at ASCO or ASH long before they get approved and you get the green light to promote them.

Oncs are the most likely specialists to shut their doors on reps than any other specialty. So, what do you do? Cram yourselves into the tumor boards and claw over each other for a quick hello with Dr. So & So. Joke!

Yeah. I know what I'm talking about. When I got into Onc, I came over from HIV sales. Launched a chemo agent, an immunotherapy and sold a CML pill. And what did the tenured reps do? Help me out? No, they shitted on me and left me to rot. But that was OK, I did well. Won president's club and saw a bunch of those cream of the crop reps with 15+ years in the biz who mourned the good ole days of selling chemo to docs get laid off. Hah Hah!!!

I don't care what specialty I sell in as long as the pay and benefits are the same. Who cares anymore? The sales model is an abject failure. Reps still exist because companies don't have a viable alternative. And if you think you're activities actually influence an HCP to Rx your drug, get real. Look in the mirror and laugh at yourself.

Genentech reps are pussies. They don't have to sell their drugs. Oncs use them because they're good drugs. Not because Genentech "clinical specialists" are so good... Get off your high horse!

See it's arrogant smug Onc reps like you who think you're cream of the crop specialty reps who sell such complicated drugs and that you are the only ones who can do it. That someone from another therapeutic area doesn't have the competencies to learn Onc or Hem.

Seriously? And your relationships? You're losing them just as fast as the primary care reps are and you know it. Your sales pieces look just like primary care viz aids. They have to. You're under pharmacode/FDA guidelines just the same as any other pharma company.

And there is nothing you can tell an Onc or Hem that they don't already know about your product. The damned things have been yacked about to death at ASCO or ASH long before they get approved and you get the green light to promote them.

Oncs are the most likely specialists to shut their doors on reps than any other specialty. So, what do you do? Cram yourselves into the tumor boards and claw over each other for a quick hello with Dr. So & So. Joke!

Yeah. I know what I'm talking about. When I got into Onc, I came over from HIV sales. Launched a chemo agent, an immunotherapy and sold a CML pill. And what did the tenured reps do? Help me out? No, they shitted on me and left me to rot. But that was OK, I did well. Won president's club and saw a bunch of those cream of the crop reps with 15+ years in the biz who mourned the good ole days of selling chemo to docs get laid off. Hah Hah!!!

I don't care what specialty I sell in as long as the pay and benefits are the same. Who cares anymore? The sales model is an abject failure. Reps still exist because companies don't have a viable alternative. And if you think you're activities actually influence an HCP to Rx your drug, get real. Look in the mirror and laugh at yourself.

Genentech reps are pussies. They don't have to sell their drugs. Oncs use them because they're good drugs. Not because Genentech "clinical specialists" are so good... Get off your high horse!

Genentech deal knocked you off your horse, you just don't know it yet. Presidents Club ? you joking ? That was a token gesture given to many reps to boost self esteem.Sounds like you got shit on because you are a smug pompous ass.

Genentech deal knocked you off your horse, you just don't know it yet. Presidents Club ? you joking ? That was a token gesture given to many reps to boost self esteem.Sounds like you got shit on because you are a smug pompous ass.

Right, you make a lot of good sense. You really know what you're talking about. Thanks so much for the added insight. Brilliant!!!

See it's arrogant smug Onc reps like you who think you're cream of the crop specialty reps who sell such complicated drugs and that you are the only ones who can do it. That someone from another therapeutic area doesn't have the competencies to learn Onc or Hem.

Seriously? And your relationships? You're losing them just as fast as the primary care reps are and you know it. Your sales pieces look just like primary care viz aids. They have to. You're under pharmacode/FDA guidelines just the same as any other pharma company.

And there is nothing you can tell an Onc or Hem that they don't already know about your product. The damned things have been yacked about to death at ASCO or ASH long before they get approved and you get the green light to promote them.

Oncs are the most likely specialists to shut their doors on reps than any other specialty. So, what do you do? Cram yourselves into the tumor boards and claw over each other for a quick hello with Dr. So & So. Joke!

Yeah. I know what I'm talking about. When I got into Onc, I came over from HIV sales. Launched a chemo agent, an immunotherapy and sold a CML pill. And what did the tenured reps do? Help me out? No, they shitted on me and left me to rot. But that was OK, I did well. Won president's club and saw a bunch of those cream of the crop reps with 15+ years in the biz who mourned the good ole days of selling chemo to docs get laid off. Hah Hah!!!

I don't care what specialty I sell in as long as the pay and benefits are the same. Who cares anymore? The sales model is an abject failure. Reps still exist because companies don't have a viable alternative. And if you think you're activities actually influence an HCP to Rx your drug, get real. Look in the mirror and laugh at yourself.

Genentech reps are pussies. They don't have to sell their drugs. Oncs use them because they're good drugs. Not because Genentech "clinical specialists" are so good... Get off your high horse!

Let me apologize know for shitting on you in the beginning. You are obviously interviewing here at Abbvie not because it's a great opportunity but because your 1. doctors shit on you
2. The experienced rep clinically make a difference with a clinical study not the pshiny vis aids that you use. Maybe this is why you never amounted to anything. Because if you were this great rep as you self proclaimed you certainly wouldn't be on the Abbvie board or interviewing with Abbvie. See I have access. You don't. That's a huge difference. You have maybe 3 years at most Oncology experience at Novartis woo woo lol
Get back in your Oncology 7 member POD. You didn't earn that fake trip you talk about the other 6 reps in your POD carried your ass

Let me apologize know for shitting on you in the beginning. You are obviously interviewing here at Abbvie not because it's a great opportunity but because your 1. doctors shit on you
2. The experienced rep clinically make a difference with a clinical study not the pshiny vis aids that you use. Maybe this is why you never amounted to anything. Because if you were this great rep as you self proclaimed you certainly wouldn't be on the Abbvie board or interviewing with Abbvie. See I have access. You don't. That's a huge difference. You have maybe 3 years at most Oncology experience at Novartis woo woo lol
Get back in your Oncology 7 member POD. You didn't earn that fake trip you talk about the other 6 reps in your POD carried your ass

Wow, you know who we have here folks? The Amazing Kreskin! This telepathist knows who I am and where I work and what I do and what my docs think about me, etc., etc., etc. Awe, that's not nice. You said I never amounted to anything. Didn't your momma tell you not to be a meanie?

I never said I was a great rep. You have access, that's great. Good for you. And you still think docs Rx your drug because you present them with a clinical study? Oh, yeah sure. The docs thinks of you like you're a colleague. Nah, they'll listen to an MSL - maybe.

Novartis, huh? Pods, really? Oh, you got that all wrong Kreskin. You just talk'n shite and you know it. You're the pathetic one throwing insults like a little child. And adding nothing of substance to the conversation. Get out there tiger with your access and ABC. And if you're not gonna close, don't get out of the car!

Wow, you know who we have here folks? The Amazing Kreskin! This telepathist knows who I am and where I work and what I do and what my docs think about me, etc., etc., etc. Awe, that's not nice. You said I never amounted to anything. Didn't your momma tell you not to be a meanie?

I never said I was a great rep. You have access, that's great. Good for you. And you still think docs Rx your drug because you present them with a clinical study? Oh, yeah sure. The docs thinks of you like you're a colleague. Nah, they'll listen to an MSL - maybe.

Novartis, huh? Pods, really? Oh, you got that all wrong Kreskin. You just talk'n shite and you know it. You're the pathetic one throwing insults like a little child. And adding nothing of substance to the conversation. Get out there tiger with your access and ABC. And if you're not gonna close, don't get out of the car!

Novartis and BMS only 2 companies with the drug lineup you supposingly sold.
They both had PODs
Again, you're here interviewing because you're a bottom dweller at your company.
We both know that.

Novartis and BMS only 2 companies with the drug lineup you supposingly sold.
They both had PODs
Again, you're here interviewing because you're a bottom dweller at your company.
We both know that.

All I know is that you're a pathetic little wretch who likes to lob insults and degradations behind the comfort of your google box. Letting off a little steam, angry person? Is that how you treat your "customers" hot shot sales "thing". Wow, you must be the life of the party. A real stand up person. God Bless Ya! Keep up the good work educating all the folks here at CP. I'm disengaging with you because you're not worth my time. Go find someone else to lock horns with over nothing. Sad little loser.

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