OP Here again,
I very much appreciate the Manager who posted the 90 % information about the medicare population having a supplemental. However, Mr. Manager you better understand what you are talking about before you spout of 90 % have a supplemental.
1. Most of the supplemental only handle drugs.
2. I know Reclast is a drug.
3. Reclast is covered under Medicare Part B and not Medicare D.
4. So most supplementals will not help.
OK, you win. You are the most uneducated, uninformed poster in the history of this site.
Part B drugs are covered with a supplemental Medicare policy. They are used to pay for the 20% that medicare does not pick up, whether that 20% is from the doctor's services or Part B drugs. This is why they call these plans MEDICARE SUPPLIMENTAL/SECONDARY PLANS!! Part D plans are completely separate. They deal with the pharmacy benefit.
Medicare supplimental policies will ABSOLUTELY cover Reclast, you jack ass. This is why we hesitated putting a product with challanging reimbursement issues in the hands of reps like you.