Reclast the facts

OP Here again,

I very much appreciate the Manager who posted the 90 % information about the medicare population having a supplemental. However, Mr. Manager you better understand what you are talking about before you spout of 90 % have a supplemental.

1. Most of the supplemental only handle drugs.
2. I know Reclast is a drug.
3. Reclast is covered under Medicare Part B and not Medicare D.
4. So most supplementals will not help.

OK, you win. You are the most uneducated, uninformed poster in the history of this site.
Part B drugs are covered with a supplemental Medicare policy. They are used to pay for the 20% that medicare does not pick up, whether that 20% is from the doctor's services or Part B drugs. This is why they call these plans MEDICARE SUPPLIMENTAL/SECONDARY PLANS!! Part D plans are completely separate. They deal with the pharmacy benefit.

Medicare supplimental policies will ABSOLUTELY cover Reclast, you jack ass. This is why we hesitated putting a product with challanging reimbursement issues in the hands of reps like you.

Reclast the facts: the second cozaar goes generic, diovan promotion will be cut in half at least if not all together. at that point reclast will have no further means of life support. this will be the case for many other products as well

Reclast the facts: the second cozaar goes generic, diovan promotion will be cut in half at least if not all together. at that point reclast will have no further means of life support. this will be the case for many other products as well

Yeah OK just like Pfizer did with Lipitor when Zocor went generic, get a brain you dope

don't tell your dentist you're taking Reclast because he'll tell you to find another dentist...have you ever seen anyone with osteonecrosis of the jaw? I had to take an AE from a MD who had a patient who developed it. You think having a broken hip sucks- try living without a jawbone. At least Forteo is just parathyroid which has NO major side effects because GOD made it. Yes it's expensive if you have a crap insurance plan but you don't have to worry about esophageal cancer, ONJ, over mineralization of your bones or a half-life of a million years. I recently had an infusion nurse at a major infusion clinic tell me that she has seen several sever AEs and tells physicians to use Forteo instead...that is without a dinner, lunch or any interactions with a rep.

You are talking about the non-vertebral data. Forteo does not have any hip fracture reduction data strong enough to be recognized by the FDA.

Google the Forteo PI bone head and you'll see a BMD increase in the femoral neck and total hip. How about I'll put my grandma on Forteo and you put yours on Reclast and after 24 months of treatment we'll push them both down a the stairs. How can you even compare the two. Seriously- Forteo BUILDS bone and all reclast does is freeze dry the bone you already have. Educate me if I'm wrong.

Google the Forteo PI bone head and you'll see a BMD increase in the femoral neck and total hip. How about I'll put my grandma on Forteo and you put yours on Reclast and after 24 months of treatment we'll push them both down a the stairs. How can you even compare the two. Seriously- Forteo BUILDS bone and all reclast does is freeze dry the bone you already have. Educate me if I'm wrong.

WOW you must be either a total loser who is posting at 2:46 AM on a Saturday night or someone who just has to vent. Sorry that selling Forteo has driven you to this but keep pushing that one shot a day that is so expensive and I'll keep pushing the once a year infusion that is covered by all insurance including medicare FIRST LINE!!
Reclast just got steriod induced osteoporosis and will get prevention by the end of the year.
As for new cases reported and only 1 patient out of 10,000 in the trials has ONJ

I'm so frustrated with the new targeting. Why do I have to keep calling on PCPs that will never prescribe. I think they know Amgen is going to own the PCP market.

Oh thats so funny...if you think Amgen is going to own the PCP market you must be smoling some funny stuff. Amgen has no experience with the PCPs they will only have 1-2 reps calling on these Drs.Now how the hell is that going to own the market.
Those DRs have no time to learn about biologics and that they will be the new drugs.
WHen they find out they have to shell out thousands , they will run the other way.
Keep dreaming

Reclast bypasses the GI tract. It is a once a year 15 minute iv. It works so well because it is 100% bioavailable where as the orals are less than 1%. Unreal, I know. Also has the best vertebral fracture reduction at 70% or all the bisphosphonates on the market. Most insurances cover it, have your doctor to a medical reimbursement investigation form for you so you can see how much it will cost you. 61% of Reclast goes to the bone and 39% excreted through the kidneys within 24 hours, this is why they check your creatnine clearance before you get it done. Once a year and done in 15 minutes. This drug is 100% compliant since you get it correctly, don't have to be standing up first thing in the morning and taking a pill with plain water and waiting a 1/2 hour. Reclast best drug out there for osteoporosis for sure!

Some friendly advice- Never direct sell to a patient!!!!! Refer them to Home Office!

I just had a reclast infusin and my blue cross insurance was billed $17,000.00+. Yeah, you read it right, more than seventeen thousand dollars for a 30 minute infusion! Blue Cross paid around $2000.00 and I am not responsible for the remainder. My health care provider must have just pulled this amount out of thin air! Rest assured, I will NEVER use reclast again. What a ripoff!

I just had a reclast infusin and my blue cross insurance was billed $17,000.00+. Yeah, you read it right, more than seventeen thousand dollars for a 30 minute infusion! Blue Cross paid around $2000.00 and I am not responsible for the remainder. My health care provider must have just pulled this amount out of thin air! Rest assured, I will NEVER use reclast again. What a ripoff!

What the heck are you upset about? you paid your copay, the infuser got reimbursed more than they should have and everyone is happy.
YOu should feel lucky that you got Reclast and won't have to go thru broken bones, rehab, PT
Reclast is absolutely the best therapy for OP on the market.
Infusion is spell with an O by the way

What the heck are you upset about? you paid your copay, the infuser got reimbursed more than they should have and everyone is happy.
YOu should feel lucky that you got Reclast and won't have to go thru broken bones, rehab, PT
Reclast is absolutely the best therapy for OP on the market.
Infusion is spell with an O by the way

Wow! I didn't realize the FDA has said the Reclast is the best therapy for OP! Oh, that's right! they haven't!
Step away from the Kool-aid Jim Jones follower.

The posting regarding a $17,000 charge for reclast infusion is more than a little bit off base.

Medicare would pay about $1,200 for the drug ans $100 for the infusion. Add a comprehensive office visit (with maybe an annual physical exam thrown in) and the total fee for the visit should not exceed $1,700. The co-payment for that would be $340. If the patient in fact was billed $17,000 then the co-pay would be $3,400 (double what a total reasonable fee might be).

I suspect that the posting is bogus. If not, then there is a very abusive practitioner out there!

There always come a time (about 2 years after launch) that a drug needs to sell itself and not be so dependent on the pharma. company pushing sales. Reclast sales are flat because phys. view it as a an alternative to the orals. Insurance companies want generic alendronate to be used first, Reclast will do okay but never be viewed as first line.