Reclast the facts

Just did some rough calculations that might or might not be a surprise to you Reclast folks. A MD can buy zometa 30ml or 120mg for $1,114. Since it is the same drug....that comes to a cost of 24, 5mg doses at $46. Why would the same office purchase one dose of Reclast at $1,041? Just a thought......

Where do they come up with these idiots? A 5mL vial contains 4mg of Zometa, so to get 120mg of Zometa as you describe, one would need to purchase 24 vials of Zometa, which I believe cost between $700 -800 per vial. come on folks, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. Almost makes me want to come back to NVS, almost...

That's for a dr to decide. We are not physicians. Reclast has significant data supporting reduction in fracture data at 3 sites that the others on the market cannot claim.

It is efficacious and cost effective w med b reimbursing.

G E N E R I C A L E N D R O N A T E !!!!!!!
12 YEAR MARKET LEADER THAT WILL BE AVAILABLE GENERIC. Reclast is a good product that missed the cash train by about 10 years. Even Boniva got to ride for a few years.

How do you reimburse for Reclast, prices, codes etc? i've been getting a lot of hits on my website looking for that info from hospitals and i imagine smaller offices too but i can't see those names... can you tell me what are the codes you need to use? what is the general procedure? or if you can point me to a site where i can find it..THANK YOU!

Hey - at least Evista has proven efficacy in the bone AND breast - while Reclast is only proven in the bone. AND won't be affected by generic Fosomax.

AND - you don't have to cross your fingers and hope you don't have renal failure after you have ONE YEARS WORTH OF MEDICINE infused into your system.

This is a nursing home patients drug, not a 60-year-olds. Good luck selling!

My mother-in-law, (78 w/osteoporosis, otherwise in pretty good health) has asked me about this drug. I currently sell prenatal vitamins, so I have no idea about this.

She would like to know what the total cost would be; she does not have any supplemental insurance and would be total cash pay, which she can afford. She currenty takes Fosamax and gets sick for the entire day.

Can someone shed some light on this for me?


She should try Boniva monthly

Hey - at least Evista has proven efficacy in the bone AND breast - while Reclast is only proven in the bone. AND won't be affected by generic Fosomax.

AND - you don't have to cross your fingers and hope you don't have renal failure after you have ONE YEARS WORTH OF MEDICINE infused into your system.

This is a nursing home patients drug, not a 60-year-olds. Good luck selling!

yeah, all you got to worry about with Evista is an increased risk of dying from a stroke, if you already have documented CAD and of course non-fatal DVTs and PEs, but other than that it's an ok drug. hmm isn't CAD more common in older people?

What in the world are you people complaining about. First off, you should be proud to have reclast in your bag. If it wouldn't have come out when it did, you would probably be seeing more cuts than you are now. Now about the hurdles, Who doesn't have them? IF this job were easy then everyone would be doing it. Maybe you should pack your bags and leave. Be happy that you have a job, work hard, and maybe you will get to keep it. While i'm here, I'm extremely sorry about what has happened to the N6 reps. Never easy before the hollidays. Jeremiah 29:11. As for the rest of you, please stop complaining and start selling. I truly feel that we have the best drug in our marketplace so wouldn't the best reps be able to sell the best product? THink about it.

yeah, all you got to worry about with Evista is an increased risk of dying from a stroke, if you already have documented CAD and of course non-fatal DVTs and PEs, but other than that it's an ok drug. hmm isn't CAD more common in older people?

And ONJ isn't anything serious? What about GERD? Renal Failure? Whatever. Funny how Reclast is the last bisphosphonate to be manufactured. All the new bone agents are like Evista (SERM.) Wonder why?

One local health plan has already said it will only pay for Reclast for nursing home patients who cannot take oral medications. That basically leaves us out in the cold for our biggest regional payor.

Aspirin sensitivity is common, especially in people with asthma or sinus problems. What would happen if a patient becomes allergic to aspirin during the year? --Reclast has a warning in the PI about aspirin allergy.