Rare Disease/Rett Syndrome

It is NOT moving slow. Truth be told most apps are unqualified for rare disease ! Leadership not happy with this bottom feeding group. One PhD is exception.Looking for more apps.

I've done rare disease for the past 8 years.... it ain't that hard. Learn your disease, know your product inside and out and know your patient population..... add in HUB, patient support, blah, blah... it's been a cake walk after a small learning curve. Dont think so highly of yourself....

Mix here, again stop calling us. We will contact you if you are qualified. I’ve already blacklisted a couple of losers that bothered me to much.
First, I seriously doubt Mix is coming here and posting, but if on the slight chance they are...take the energy you are putting forth here and just send an email to those who are not in consideration. It's really not that hard..

Hey dickhead, they said third quarter or later. Do you read? There are business issues that need resolution before qualified apps get offers.
I love when someone comes on here being aggressive that has no clue. It is NOT 3rd quarter or later. The PDUFA date is in March. These positions will start in the 1st quarter. Dickhead

It is NOT moving slow. Truth be told most apps are unqualified for rare disease ! Leadership not happy with this bottom feeding group. One PhD is exception.Looking for more apps.
There is no truth in most of your statement. The only thing you are correct on is recruiting is not moving slow. Having a PhD does not make you qualified, does not allow you to bypass Mix, it truly doesn't mean crap. Get over yourself. There are plenty of qualified candidates, and final interviews are taking place next week with the 1-2 candidates left for multiple positions next week (Jan 30)

There is no truth in most of your statement. The only thing you are correct on is recruiting is not moving slow. Having a PhD does not make you qualified, does not allow you to bypass Mix, it truly doesn't mean crap. Get over yourself. There are plenty of qualified candidates, and final interviews are taking place next week with the 1-2 candidates left for multiple positions next week (Jan 30)

Final interviews are next week ?
Are you sure about that ?