Rare Disease/Rett Syndrome

IF you get hired (which I seriously doubt will happen) I cannot wait to meet you in training , run circles around you, and expose you for the pompous fraud you are

Typical insecure loser who talks a big game. Reps like you are easy to spot. You got no game and always running your mouth to mask your insecurities and ineptness.

IF you get hired (which I seriously doubt will happen) I cannot wait to meet you in training , run circles around you, and expose you for the pompous fraud you are
I have been assured that I will get one of the positions, if they are actually manifested. But management has not yet committed to ANY hiring. Just lip service, like my wife gives me. If we eventually meet you will be overwhelmed.

speaking of Hijacked....

anyone else noticing how MIX talent has Hijacked their LinkedIn feed... "weve changed our stripes"
every other post

does that mean someone gets a response once in a while now?


speaking of Hijacked....

anyone else noticing how MIX talent has Hijacked their LinkedIn feed... "weve changed our stripes"
every other post

does that mean someone gets a response once in a while now?

MIX monitors all posts and will respond accordingly when appropriate. We respond to only qualified talent.

Nah typical disgruntled applicant who refuses to accept the reality that they are unqualified for the position. It’s always somebody else’s fault, right?
Not true, we are seeing some fie candidates. The more expressive the better they are at achieving success in our meds. We love the expressive posts,they arnot'disgruntled', they are enthusiastic sales applicants!

They will drag the 2nd choice candidate until the end which will be the end of the month or possibly early March . They will ensure their #1 choice has agreed and accepted the offer before cutting bait with the #2 choice.