Rare Disease/Rett Syndrome

As a DM demand my reps meet their numbers every quarter, or NO bonus. Must demand excellence ! No crap from the slugs will be tolerated. And No BS claims and no fake interviews by job seekers ! Rare Disease Reps are special an don't take your BS post fantasy !

You're the tool that gets shot by his own troops in a fox hole.....

Mix here. You bums don’t deserve a call back. We take the top two candidates and move on. No need to waste our time with a bunch of losers. Money to be made
You said you would get back to each applicant. Also made big promises of great salary and opportunity for advancement. You wasted my time and must back off on major purchases. Yes you are a POS.

You said you would get back to each applicant. Also made big promises of great salary and opportunity for advancement. You wasted my time and must back off on major purchases. Yes you are a POS.

Back off on major purchases? You don't have the rare disease experience they require. Stick to selling ms "specialty but not really special" products

Back off on major purchases? You don't have the rare disease experience they require. Stick to selling ms "specialty but not really special" products
Top candidates don't back off. Based on the promises ordered new Tesla for reward myself. Now in jepardy. As top candidate I expect mid to senior level pay as MS specialty is a rear disease sector. Ass Hole never got back with offer

LMFAO !!!!
You are so full of SH*T !!!
MS is NOT "rare"; MS is not even "uncommon" !!!
You will never get a job here with that line of BS !!!!
We all base at over $205K with bonus add ons !!!
DM here so I know the numbers !!!!
Go back to moma's basement !!!!
LFMAO !!!!
Lol....there are no "DM"s at Acadia...moron

At goal here see about 27.5k per qtr. Realistically you should do way more as everyone has been meeting the goal. Base already posted by others, about 250k at 3 year level.
this information is totally incorrect. Why do idiots do this. 1. The Nuplazid sales force at goal bonus is 52k. 2. The rare disease numbers have not been released. They are different sales forces being compensated differently

this information is totally incorrect. Why do idiots do this. 1. The Nuplazid sales force at goal bonus is 52k. 2. The rare disease numbers have not been released. They are different sales forces being compensated differently
Well Einstein, 52k per qtr is $208k a year at goal. Maybe you need a calculater !