Q3 Bonus Reduction

But who would WANT to be here? If the interviewer was actually upfront about what just happened? Who would want to join a company that would do that?

My bonus just got cut by $2.5-5k (depending on how they break it down, which it’s pretty freaking ridiculous that they haven’t given us this information yet, btw! If you’re going to screw us, don’t make us wait to find out by how much!). If the interviewer told me that had happened to the reps, I really doubt I would want to work here. And if the interviewer DIDN’T disclose that, isn’t that a little bit of a bait and switch? Which is how I feel about Supernus now. 5 years in. Not how I felt even as little as six months ago.

For the RDs who are recruiting for the 8 (soon to be many more, I’m sure) openings in the field, think carefully about who you are bringing on and what you’re bringing them into. I would hate to be in your shoes.
At the POA I was at, we were told we should know our baskets “soon” so that we’d know which bonus we were working for. That. Never. Happened. Reminds me of the time they were going to keep us updated on gold card redemptions and THAT never happened either. There’s a lot of that happening at this company. A lot of talk and promises, lots of “trust me,” and nothing productive follows. It is utter bullish;t that we won’t find out how much per point we’re getting until the last minute

At the POA I was at, we were told we should know our baskets “soon” so that we’d know which bonus we were working for. That. Never. Happened. Reminds me of the time they were going to keep us updated on gold card redemptions and THAT never happened either. There’s a lot of that happening at this company. A lot of talk and promises, lots of “trust me,” and nothing productive follows. It is utter bullish;t that we won’t find out how much per point we’re getting until the last minute
Just like “Your bonus plan for q3 won’t change,” then it did. Can’t trust this company

I get it that this is the first pharma job for all of us, but we did have other sales jobs before this. Has ANYBODY ever seen a company act like this and get away with it? Withholding pay? Paying late? Lowering pay after the goal/budget/period ended? Changing who we get paid on right in the middle of a work period?? Which was probably in their favor, but god we’ll never know. They don’t share enough with us for us to know! There is no transparency.

No wonder everybody hates pharma companies. If this was in any other industry reps would be heading straight to their local labor board and filing for unpaid wages. But no, our management has the gall to insinuate that this happens all the time in this industry and that we’ve been taken care of up until now. I smell bs. The only reason it happens is because people let it. Beyond pissed. I’m missing out on a thousand too, however the exact amount I won’t know until probably the day before I’m paid. It’s not just pocket change. That money doesn’t belong to anybody else but me. I worked for it, I agreed to work for that amount in order to get it, I made those relationships, I drove those miles, I got my ass handed to me and kept after it, and I’m the only one entitled to that money

I get it that this is the first pharma job for all of us, but we did have other sales jobs before this. Has ANYBODY ever seen a company act like this and get away with it? Withholding pay? Paying late? Lowering pay after the goal/budget/period ended? Changing who we get paid on right in the middle of a work period?? Which was probably in their favor, but god we’ll never know. They don’t share enough with us for us to know! There is no transparency.

No wonder everybody hates pharma companies. If this was in any other industry reps would be heading straight to their local labor board and filing for unpaid wages. But no, our management has the gall to insinuate that this happens all the time in this industry and that we’ve been taken care of up until now. I smell bs. The only reason it happens is because people let it. Beyond pissed. I’m missing out on a thousand too, however the exact amount I won’t know until probably the day before I’m paid. It’s not just pocket change. That money doesn’t belong to anybody else but me. I worked for it, I agreed to work for that amount in order to get it, I made those relationships, I drove those miles, I got my ass handed to me and kept after it, and I’m the only one entitled to that money
correction**I’m missing out on “thousands too” as in might be 3 might be 5, but who knows!! Not saying a thousand isn’t big, but when it’s at least tripled, it’s a whole lot more to be angry over

I get it that this is the first pharma job for all of us, but we did have other sales jobs before this. Has ANYBODY ever seen a company act like this and get away with it? Withholding pay? Paying late? Lowering pay after the goal/budget/period ended? Changing who we get paid on right in the middle of a work period?? Which was probably in their favor, but god we’ll never know. They don’t share enough with us for us to know! There is no transparency.

No wonder everybody hates pharma companies. If this was in any other industry reps would be heading straight to their local labor board and filing for unpaid wages. But no, our management has the gall to insinuate that this happens all the time in this industry and that we’ve been taken care of up until now. I smell bs. The only reason it happens is because people let it. Beyond pissed. I’m missing out on a thousand too, however the exact amount I won’t know until probably the day before I’m paid. It’s not just pocket change. That money doesn’t belong to anybody else but me. I worked for it, I agreed to work for that amount in order to get it, I made those relationships, I drove those miles, I got my ass handed to me and kept after it, and I’m the only one entitled to that money
Thank you! I’m tired of anyone above a sales rep tier trying to make this sound like business as usual. Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.

I get it that this is the first pharma job for all of us, but we did have other sales jobs before this. Has ANYBODY ever seen a company act like this and get away with it? Withholding pay? Paying late? Lowering pay after the goal/budget/period ended? Changing who we get paid on right in the middle of a work period?? Which was probably in their favor, but god we’ll never know. They don’t share enough with us for us to know! There is no transparency.

No wonder everybody hates pharma companies. If this was in any other industry reps would be heading straight to their local labor board and filing for unpaid wages. But no, our management has the gall to insinuate that this happens all the time in this industry and that we’ve been taken care of up until now. I smell bs. The only reason it happens is because people let it. Beyond pissed. I’m missing out on a thousand too, however the exact amount I won’t know until probably the day before I’m paid. It’s not just pocket change. That money doesn’t belong to anybody else but me. I worked for it, I agreed to work for that amount in order to get it, I made those relationships, I drove those miles, I got my ass handed to me and kept after it, and I’m the only one entitled to that money

Just curious, really not trying to be a jerk. But curious what you think about the argument that says because the markets dropped each Rx you gained this quarter was worth more MS than it would have been in a typical quarter. So if the market hadn’t dropped you would most likely be sitting around the same level of bonus that it’s being adjusted to based on the same number of Rx’s.

Not saying I endorse this argument, just want to know your thoughts.

Just curious, really not trying to be a jerk. But curious what you think about the argument that says because the markets dropped each Rx you gained this quarter was worth more MS than it would have been in a typical quarter. So if the market hadn’t dropped you would most likely be sitting around the same level of bonus that it’s being adjusted to based on the same number of Rx’s.

Not saying I endorse this argument, just want to know your thoughts.
You do realize that with that method of thought, the generic market could go up, our rx count could go up too and be higher in count than ever before, but still represent a smaller % in the market, thus resulting in an even lower payout. Don’t fall prey to faulty thinking. The winner here would be focusing on a per script basis or a % of the revenue generated in your territory, not this market share stuff. But it’s not spelled out in our employment agreement that way. So, we reps work within the rules we’re given. We work for x amount of money per market share growth compared to the defined overall market share, etc. as defined by the company before we even begin work each quarter. And we did that. So we are entitled to that money. What you think is “fair” in lala land is inconsequential.

Think of it like agreeing to pay a contractor $20,000 for an addition to your house. He does the work, adding value and upping the resale value. After the work is completed you thank him but tell him that although you have money in the bank to pay him, you’d rather save it for whatever reason and even though he did a great job and you both signed an agreement, and you want to use him again for another addition, you’ve decided to only pay him $10,000. He’s going to sue you and put a contractor’s lien on your house.

Think of it like agreeing to pay a contractor $20,000 for an addition to your house. He does the work, adding value and upping the resale value. After the work is completed you thank him but tell him that although you have money in the bank to pay him, you’d rather save it for whatever reason and even though he did a great job and you both signed an agreement, and you want to use him again for another addition, you’ve decided to only pay him $10,000. He’s going to sue you and put a contractor’s lien on your house.

Then turning around and saying, I want you to do another addition for me. I’m going to pay you less this time, and expect the same work. Also, your budget for getting the materials is cut in half, but my expectations are not. If you stick with this project, I may purchase another house and the work I’m going to want you to do there will be very lucrative, trust me.

In explaining the lower pay to the contractor, you point out that the paperwork you both signed at the beginning had “Estimate” written at the bottom, Therefore you’ve decided to change it.

In explaining the lower pay to the contractor, you point out that the paperwork you both signed at the beginning had “Estimate” written at the bottom, Therefore you’ve decided to change it.
Haha! I love this explanation! Add to this that you tell the contractor he should be grateful that you are paying him at all, because you told your wife that the job was going to be 10k, which is why you can’t pay him any more than that. And that inflation has made your dollar worth less so doesn’t it make sense that he accept had. Cause in a different economy it would be worth that amount anyway, so he should be thankful

Just curious, really not trying to be a jerk. But curious what you think about the argument that says because the markets dropped each Rx you gained this quarter was worth more MS than it would have been in a typical quarter. So if the market hadn’t dropped you would most likely be sitting around the same level of bonus that it’s being adjusted to based on the same number of Rx’s.

Not saying I endorse this argument, just want to know your thoughts.

Just curious, what are your thoughts behind the importance of your word being trusted by your employees? You really messed up big this time!!

Just curious, really not trying to be a jerk. But curious what you think about the argument that says because the markets dropped each Rx you gained this quarter was worth more MS than it would have been in a typical quarter. So if the market hadn’t dropped you would most likely be sitting around the same level of bonus that it’s being adjusted to based on the same number of Rx’s

Not saying I endorse this argument, just want to know your thoughts.

I was fine when Taylor said they were going to adjust it for Q4. I understood. The argument for lowering the bonus payout relative to market share/script counts is valid.

But in no way is it fair to go back on what was already established. They promised us TWICE that Q3 was assured. Once when we signed the bonus plan document, and AGAIN at POA when Taylor looked us in our eyes and said “Q3 bonus is staying the same”.

So the next time Taylor looks me in the eye and says something, I know that I can’t trust a single thing he says.

And that is sad. Because it is something I never thought I would say about him or anyone at Supernus.

I was fine when Taylor said they were going to adjust it for Q4. I understood. The argument for lowering the bonus payout relative to market share/script counts is valid.

But in no way is it fair to go back on what was already established. They promised us TWICE that Q3 was assured. Once when we signed the bonus plan document, and AGAIN at POA when Taylor looked us in our eyes and said “Q3 bonus is staying the same”.

So the next time Taylor looks me in the eye and says something, I know that I can’t trust a single thing he says.

And that is sad. Because it is something I never thought I would say about him or anyone at Supernus.
Yep, you hit the nail on the head. No one is upset about q4. Maybe disappointed or bummed, but we get it. But q3 is bull. Everyone on here is rightly upset

Just curious, really not trying to be a jerk. But curious what you think about the argument that says because the markets dropped each Rx you gained this quarter was worth more MS than it would have been in a typical quarter. So if the market hadn’t dropped you would most likely be sitting around the same level of bonus that it’s being adjusted to based on the same number of Rx’s.

Not saying I endorse this argument, just want to know your thoughts.

You do realize this frantic act of desperation to seize money earned by reps is a result of your bullish projections for 2019. Stop trying to make a name for yourself setting unrealistic expectations, failing to deliver, that resorts in having to steal from your employees.

Whatever you have penned for 2020 on projections lower them right now by 10-15%!! Another thought, we don't need a Q2 POA there will be NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. Cut out the Q2 POA next year so you can honor the bonus plans you propose.

You do realize this frantic act of desperation to seize money earned by reps is a result of your bullish projections for 2019. Stop trying to make a name for yourself setting unrealistic expectations, failing to deliver, that resorts in having to steal from your employees.

Whatever you have penned for 2020 on projections lower them right now by 10-15%!! Another thought, we don't need a Q2 POA there will be NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. Cut out the Q2 POA next year so you can honor the bonus plans you propose.
Really no need for a Q1 POA either. Just have the RDs do mini 1 days with 3-4 reps each

Why is the bonus structure still based off of market share after all this?
The’ve enjoyed skimming us. Remember when many of us lost writing neuros and pcps in the name of “on label use” but still ended up with weight loss and psych offices anyway after we reported them? They’re still making money off those neuros and pcps but you’re not