Q3 Bonus Reduction

One day this will all be documented as a case study in the business management book called “How To Downsize Without Paying Severance”

I really hope this is the case. If the outcome of all this is we shed some fat raise the stock price and ride into adhd as planned then I’m happy with that.
The guy that keeps posting and saying these things doesn’t care that it was wrong and underhanded. He just selfishly cares what he’s going to get out of it. Some of us may suffer, but that’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make. I hate this Supernus :(

They effed this one up, big time. They should have started making adjustments much earlier in the year. Cut marketing materials by 1/2 or more. No need for new slim Jim’s and visaids every quarter when all they do is move the same doctored up data around the page.

Oh and here’s an easy one. Don’t give the RDs huge raises when we are $20M behind forecast.

They effed this one up, big time. They should have started making adjustments much earlier in the year. Cut marketing materials by 1/2 or more. No need for new slim Jim’s and visaids every quarter when all they do is move the same doctored up data around the page.

Oh and here’s an easy one. Don’t give the RDs huge raises when we are $20M behind forecast.

Also the RD retreats!! Where they fly and board RD's and their spouse's to either Denver or San Francisco where they party and play for a few days. EVERY Quarter!!

I bet if they didn't do that this year they could have paid or bonus as promised!!! No need to waste money like that in 2020.

Also the RD retreats!! Where they fly and board RD's and their spouse's to either Denver or San Francisco where they party and play for a few days. EVERY Quarter!!

I bet if they didn't do that this year they could have paid or bonus as promised!!! No need to waste money like that in 2020.
I’ve never heard of the RD raises OR the retreats. Can somebody please enlighten me? I know they have their manager’s meeting, but isn’t that just like our stupid POAs?

Also the RD retreats!! Where they fly and board RD's and their spouse's to either Denver or San Francisco where they party and play for a few days. EVERY Quarter!!

I bet if they didn't do that this year they could have paid or bonus as promised!!! No need to waste money like that in 2020.

It's sad that Supernus is more interested in having money for their meetings than money owed to your employees. Very sad!

Wow! Tough anonymous crowd. Supernus has been very good to us through the years I think we can agree on that. So before you keep bashing my company for one mild bump in the road think of what we accomplished together. Think about all the patients we have helped and how life’s better for the patient and caregiver. Think about the patients we can help tomorrow. Think about the near future of our company and our exciting pipeline. Was I upset when I first heard the news- absolutely. But as I mature individual I thought it through and got past it fairly quickly. Our management team is full of class and understanding of us all. Be thankful for what you have I sure am.

Also the RD retreats!! Where they fly and board RD's and their spouse's to either Denver or San Francisco where they party and play for a few days. EVERY Quarter!!

I bet if they didn't do that this year they could have paid or bonus as promised!!! No need to waste money like that in 2020.
Wait, they get to room with their spouses and I have to room with the drunk idiot??

They effed this one up, big time. They should have started making adjustments much earlier in the year. Cut marketing materials by 1/2 or more. No need for new slim Jim’s and visaids every quarter when all they do is move the same doctored up data around the page.

Oh and here’s an easy one. Don’t give the RDs huge raises when we are $20M behind forecast.

Nailed it! The colorado retreat was over the top for the RDs. On top of that wtf were they thinking getting us 41k cars....now i see where my money is going...

Why was OXRs bonus point lowered too? Did the cgrps shrink that basket too? All bs to steal money from reps

Don't forget that we are losing numerous scripts of TXR per week. Doctors have been converting TXR patients over to the injectables like crazy. This is why the average lifespan on a TXR script is less than 3 months!! I would say over 60% of all TXR scripts are NRX's. This is not a sustainable environment for a company to make money or reps to bonus.

They can argue the topiramate market is shrinking all they want but the impact that has is miniscule compared to the impact this direct conversion from TXR to an injectable has had on a reps ability to grow.

I’ve never heard of the RD raises OR the retreats. Can somebody please enlighten me? I know they have their manager’s meeting, but isn’t that just like our stupid POAs?

Q4 managers meeting every year they go to a nice resort and have a Monday - Wednesday meeting. They fly the managers and Spouses out the Friday before and give them a 3 day vacation on the house. The raise reference is in regards to large raise managers received earlier in the year which in my opinion was probably deserved. Obviously in hindsight they shouldn’t have done any of that this year. Biggest problem we keep going back to is the fact that supernus doesn’t need to use hindsight in these situations because they should be able to forecast better.

Don't forget that we are losing numerous scripts of TXR per week. Doctors have been converting TXR patients over to the injectables like crazy. This is why the average lifespan on a TXR script is less than 3 months!! I would say over 60% of all TXR scripts are NRX's. This is not a sustainable environment for a company to make money or reps to bonus.

They can argue the topiramate market is shrinking all they want but the impact that has is miniscule compared to the impact this direct conversion from TXR to an injectable has had on a reps ability to grow.

I agree, this is not being factored into the equation

Q4 managers meeting every year they go to a nice resort and have a Monday - Wednesday meeting. They fly the managers and Spouses out the Friday before and give them a 3 day vacation on the house. The raise reference is in regards to large raise managers received earlier in the year which in my opinion was probably deserved. Obviously in hindsight they shouldn’t have done any of that this year. Biggest problem we keep going back to is the fact that supernus doesn’t need to use hindsight in these situations because they should be able to forecast better.

So the rumors are true about RD's getting a big bump in pay. That's great I am happy for them!! Why didn't the reps get a bump in pay?

It is not fact
This is just a place to fuel rumors
Unpopular opinion, I know. They probably deserved a raise. They have the crappiest jobs here. They can’t DO anything, have to roll out mandates from corporate that they know is crap, many have been out of the field too long to have anything to offer reps and they know it, they’re stuck away from home all the time and sitting in vehicles all day trying to act relevant, and now they’re about to try to manage the most unmotivated work force in their career. I wouldn’t be surprised if they start leaving too